【造物能量】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.恭喜!你在成為自己 (20200617)
《2》.讓他人找到自己的路 (20200630)



《1》.關於 恭喜!你在成為自己.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


Slowly in your mind and rapidly in ours, your beliefs have transitioned from ego, and society shoulds to heart uniqueness. That which once seemed foreign or difficult is now part of you.


Such is not to say you have become a Pollyanna, but instead that you can sense when something is not right for you. Even if you attempt to negate that intuitive feeling, you discover physically that such actions or thoughts are not correct. Maybe your stomach aches, your eyes burn, or you feel tired.


Your physical body is now more aligned with your being than has been true in any 3D life.


You feel more and are beginning to respond accordingly.


Not that you jump off ‘the cliff’ with every decision or action, but instead that you are beginning to unite your inner-being with your physical body and actions. A long hoped for phase by most of you.


This new-found action mode is not as difficult as you once thought it would be. It merely requires your attention.


Even though your physical being has always attempted to unite with your intuition, your need to retain fear and social approval negated much of that interaction. So it was many did not listen to their inner-being until they received significant notice from their physical being.


Without shoulds or have tos, your life expands exponentially – not in terms of what is right for society, but for you. So it is each time you deny control to your 3D being, you inch closer to new you.



You no longer need verification of rightness. Even so, you will try outer-control once in a while – just as is true for any change. Your transition did not happen in a day, and so too is it true for this self-motivated phase. You will likely take two steps forward and one step back.


You will know when you have taken a step back by your physical indicators. Such is not a threat as much as a reality. Which is little different than a teen crawling instead of walking. Crawling may be appropriate in small spaces, but to fully function, that teen needs to walk or run to the activities he or she participates in. So it is for you. You can follow the 3D rules you have lived with until recently. Or you can pick yourself up and run.


So it is we are congratulating you for daring to run despite all indications from those enmeshed in 3D that you are wrong. This is new you in your new physical body. A body more attuned to your actions and thoughts than your 3D physical body ever was.


Your current physical being is much more sophisticated than your former body. A sophistication that requires beliefs and actions tied to your inner-being.


Your physicality is always the last to incorporate Universal energies. In this case, such was so to give you time to attune your inner-being to new you. For if your new physical being had been complete before now, you likely could not have remained of the earth in this lifetime. The need for you to follow 3D guidelines, as was once true, would have incurred illnesses that would eventually have destroyed your physical being. As if part of your being were yelling a loud yes and the other, an emphatic no. Such a combination would have devastated your being both mentally and physically.


Now you are in tune. Your physical being has become sensitive to the point of almost instant reaction when you are not following your inner voice from watery eyes to an upset stomach, a headache, toothache, a sore toe, and on and on. Minor ailments that cause your attention to return to you instead of what you were concerned about or acting upon that which was wrong for you.



When such happens, you merely need to stop your thought or action and request information from your inner-self about a different direction. If you believe such a concept is silly, you will not with time. Before your world can become one – which it will in short order – you must accept that you are one. That your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental beings are all moving in one direction.


You have negated most, if not all, of your fears. You understand this new world from an observer instead of a participant viewpoint. And you are beginning to receive clarification of your road ahead.


Many of you clamor that our last statement is not what you sense or feel. We beg to differ. Even though you might not believe you have changed, try following someone’s guidelines, and negating your own. Just as is true for a toddler, your new being has slipped into your new life without a great deal of fanfare. A toddler progresses daily without expecting or receiving accolades. It just is. So it is for you now. You are a new being with new skills, not the least of which is your body is an immediate indicator of your rightness of action as pronounced by your inner voice.


Perhaps a better example would be that infants are expected to know when it is time to smile or turn-over. Activities that cannot be taught – they are innate. So it is for you now. Like an infant, you are discovering you want or need something over there, so your physical being accommodates accordingly. If you decide not to comply, your physical being also accommodates accordingly.


You are complying with yourself on almost automatic pilot. Which until now, you often denied yourself access to. So it is we congratulate you on becoming you despite your initial fears and social naysayers.


What does your inner-being tell you? That is your map, your direction, and your new life. So be it. Amen.



《2》.關於 讓他人找到自己的路 .
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


You are angry, sad, and mad. Why does your life have any restrictions? Are you not a new being with new freedoms? It likely seems as if you were released from prison only to be placed on house arrest.


For indeed, your 3D life was a prison of sorts. In 3D, you were not allowed to be fully you. So you often questioned your actions or thoughts. Not because they were wrong. But because social norms forced you into boxes of right behavior. Even though you wanted to master that behavior to please others, you discovered that doing so ofter created feelings of discontent.


Even now, you wonder if you are right because most of those surrounding you are not at the same place as you. As if you are turning this way, and others are not. You question yourself, as you likely have your entire life. You are even wondering if you are again guilty of the wrong actions. For should your life now not be one of sunshine instead of the hazy gray of “do this, but not that?”


And those in the second and third waves of awakening are crying out for you to clarify their pain, their clearings. For you, forerunners, are the only ones with the dark night of the soul experience that now permeates every segment of their lives. All are running amuck. Even your skies are filled with elements from other parts of the world. Causing you to wonder about the sun you so desperately need now.



For you can no longer exist in the grayness that has been the earth for the eons of your earth lives. What you probably do not yet comprehend is you are now part of a different earth than is true for other human beings. Your new world is filled with sunshine, while those awakening remain in the grayness of 3D earth. They cannot comprehend or experience what you are beginning to experience. It is almost as if they are color blind, so your reds and greens appear brown to them.


Those now awakening have a spark of light they cannot yet see. They feel as if you have left them in the dark. And they believe they need you to rescue them. While in truth, those awakening merely need to shine their light brighter – when they are ready to do so.


Those in the second and third waves have not yet discovered their power, their energy. You, on the other hand, are fully enmeshed in your light – unless you stop to brighten theirs. So it is paramount that you move in the direction joyful for you. For you can stop or slow down, but such will not make one iota of difference to anyone but you.


Those following are not blind – they merely have to open their eyes. It is not your role or business to pry their eyes open. Do they wish to live in fear? That is their choice. You have made yours.


Your decision to move forward has catapulted you to a new place that has little to do with the angst of those following. Allow them to move through their fears. Which even though not a new concept, is definitely essential in the next few days.



Secrets that have been held within the earth’s social network are going to be exposed in ways you cannot yet imagine. You will want to declare the wrongness, the meanness, the unloving bits of information as something all should address. Only to discover that some care, but most do not. For those following are more enmeshed in their personal clearings than global issues at the moment. Such will change in days or weeks as those following more fully awaken.


The pieces being uncovered are not that important to those following, for they are focussed on their inner work. Their social injustice antennae will come to the forefront in a few weeks. But for now, do not expect that your anger, your horror of what is exposed will touch those following as deeply as it does you.


Your role and only role is to act upon your joy. The rest will take care of itself. This Universal plan has been percolating for eons. So it is you prepared for this time, as did those following. And despite your beliefs to the contrary, so did those fully enmeshed in 3D. Not one human now of the earth is of the earth by accident. All preordained their roles so that all would create the tapestry that is this new earth.


No one is of the earth by accident in this amazing time. So it is all are performing their roles perfectly, including you. But your need now is to believe that such is so. Let go of caretaking the earth or loved ones. Know they are as wise as you for indeed, their preparations for this moment were no less rigorous than yours. Rest.



Allow others to find their way when they are ready. Ignore your sometimes overwhelming need to nudge others along or to curtail their actions. You are only all-powerful in your life. As they are in theirs. Allow them to discover that power. Your interference will do the opposite. So be it. Amen.

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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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