【揚升大師 Hilarion】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.提供身體和頭腦的舒適 (20200613)
《2》.愛是新實相中的新貨幣 (20200702)



2020年07月03日,揚升大師 Hilarion信息:
《1》.關於 提供身體和頭腦的舒適.
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.


I come on the wings of love! The pendulum is now swinging back to center point. The probability of humanity’s further confinement has been superceded by calm and rational minds. For really, at what point would it be considered to be a safe one hundred percent full guarantee of safety in taking the first step back to life as it was before the event. Waking up each morning entails taking a risk as you prepare yourself for another day. Each move you make could result in some sort of accident – but we all have the inner faith to believe it will be a happy day and for the most part for most people, it usually is! And so, it behooves the people of the world to have the faith to step forward and begin to resume their life.


There have been many changes and transformations occurring at the physical reality levels that will entail each citizen to choose between sovereignty and freedom of their person or giving in to prevailing thoughtforms that are someone else’s version of the truth. Most of you reading this or listening to this message are discerning what is really important to them and quietly taking a stand and setting their internal boundaries. You will feel it, if and when, those lines are about to be crossed. Meanwhile, Beloved Ones, seize the day! Many years from now, with quiet reflection, you will see the higher perspective of all that has transpired.


Just take one small step at a time, that is all it takes. The universe is unfolding at the right time and in your corner of the world, the right place. As this occurs, all that you need to experience, the people that you need to meet, all the new possibilities that once lay dormant within you are now opening up before you. All that has been hidden within your crystalline being is beginning to unfold the gifts and abilities that are needed at this time. It is a symbolic and literal new beginning for so many of you. It is a time to look at every experience and sense it with all your senses…Taste it, see it, touch it, smell it, hear it and know that it is. Breath this movement into your being and breath out new forms. What was is no more – it is now a new world and a new time.



The revelations that you bring with your gifts and abilities will be embraced, your deep wisdom valued. Shine your Light and the Way home for those who are seeking to remember. Those who shine their crystalline Light affect every cell of the Divine human body and automatically expand it out through their heart. This Light creates ever more Light and is awakening to all. This Light is for healing all wounds. This is the Light of understanding and of hope and it is amazing and a pure delight to experience such clarity in each moment through heightened senses. Your consciousness can expand to the farthest reaches of the universe and still focus on every facet of the present experience.


All aspects of one’s being are a part of the web of life that surrounds you. Each variation of form is breathtaking in its own way. Open your heart to that which is different and unique, for each has come from the heart of the One Source. By embracing and integrating that which resonates with your own soul uniqueness, it is woven into a universal tapestry of light and form which creates an expression of pattern and beauty. A new template has formed and is reconfiguring energy fields causing DNA, the cells and the blood to change. Your energy levels are in a state of flux and it is good to offer comfort to the body and the mind while the transformation is taking place. Drink lots of water and rest often throughout your days in order to fully integrate these powerful changes.


Until next month…


I AM Hilarion


2020年07月03日,揚升大師 Hilarion信息:
《2》.關於 愛是新實相中的新貨幣.
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.


I come on the wings of love! The planets of our solar system continue to align and converge in ways that bring in powerful forces that effect changes in the structures of societal systems which were considered a ‘normal’ way of living. These systems are being changed and adjusted each day as people discover that what worked for them before no longer does.



Many people are quickly understanding that exploitation and manipulation of other people in order to make an above average income for oneself does not have the desired outcome as previously experienced. One must begin the practice of engaging practical spirituality in meeting one’s needs and applying higher principles of conduct in order to succeed.


This is because there is a different energy permeating and at work upon the planet now. This energy works through a person aligning with Divine principles of honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, respect and value. People generally will be able to discern what is true or not more than ever before. Those who try to use old paradigm principles will simply not be seen or heard by the collective of humanity.


This trend will require each person to honestly evaluate their own soul character and change any beliefs, attitudes and practices that no longer resonate with the new energy that now permeates everything. This activity will bring healing at a deep level within each soul and as this is let go of and released, it affects the entire collective of humanity in a most beneficial way.


We ask you the Lightworkers, do not take on the thought projections of others that are out there that are not in alignment with your highest truth. We ask you to become more discerning – for as soon as you give attention to these, you are distracted from your purpose which is to maintain your Light, your love, your purity, peace and harmony in order to stabilize the planet during these chaotic times. Be aware!
我們請你,光之工作者,不要拾起並不與你最高真理對齊的其他人的思想投射。我們請求你去變得更加具有洞察力 --- 因為一旦你關注這些東西,你就從維持光、愛、純潔、平和、和諧的目標(為了在這些混亂時期穩定地球)中分心。留意!


Yes, we understand that there are many stories each day that are spreading across the social media sites. You, the Lightworkers, know by now which are of the highest truth and which are not and it is important that you not immerse yourself in these stories, for they can make it very difficult to keep your energy field and thought patterns pure and clear. Do not become discouraged by the stories that you read or hear. Seen from a higher perspective, all is working in Divine order.



We encourage you to call upon the brotherhood and sisterhood of Truth from the Temple of Truth, that we may join with you as you make your calls each day, call upon all the Ascended Master realms, include everyone that you can think of from the higher realms, all of the Archangels, the Angel realms, the Galactic brothers and sisters, the Celestial Beings of Light, the tree families, the animal, bird and insects kingdoms, and the sea kingdoms.


Call in the elementals, everyone that you can think of to join with you. For this, in truth, is the entire whole of who we are! All is as One and when you call in these other beings that remain invisible to most human eyes, as you call them in, they can then become a greater, stronger presence during the Lightwork that is being done and do their work upon this planet which they have done since the beginning.


They all desire to help, they all desire to assist during these times. Call these ones in from the deepest recesses of your heart, for the more intensely you can feel what you are requesting, the easier it becomes to manifest that reality into this planet.


The grids that are established upon the Earth and within the Earth – the crystalline grids – are responding to the higher Light that is being poured down and the Earth is lighting up from the higher perspective. Everything that you, the Lightworker, are calling for first has its reality on the higher planes, the etheric planes and then it filters into the Earth’s atmosphere, into your realities. This is how the energy works so do not give up, keep doing what you’re doing for it is having a positive influence in the realities that are being created in your new Ascended Earth reality.
地球內外建立的網格 --- 水晶網格 --- 在對傾瀉的更高之光做出反應,從更高的視角看,地球在亮起來。你,光之工作者在呼喚的一切,首先會出現在更高的平面上,以太平面,然後過濾到地球的大氣層,進入你們的現實。這是能量運作的方式,所以不要放棄,繼續做你在做的,因為這在對新的揚升的地球現實產生積極的影響


Remember that it is love that is the new currency upon this new reality that you are creating!



Until next month…


I AM Hilarion
我是 Hilarion

    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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