關於 愛永遠存在.
傳導:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.



As you wait expectantly for humanity’s awakening, be aware that it is imminent even though that may not appear to be the case as you read and digest the daily global news offerings of pain, suffering, and political disharmony. These are indeed interesting times, and it is all too easy to become depressed and disillusioned as those in authority continue attempting to withhold your sovereign freedom and persuade or command you to obey rules and regulations that are socially divisive and which tend to lead to conflict among you. Their desperate attempts to control you all are becoming self-defeating as more and more start to realize that the motives of those in power are almost totally self-serving, and have practically nothing to do with serving humanity’s best interests, despite their claims to the contrary. The time in which the many submit in unquestioning obedience to the few has gone on for far too long and is now reaching its inevitable endpoint.
隨著你充滿期待地等待著人類的覺醒,意識到它迫在眉睫,即使看起來不是這樣,隨著你閱讀和吸收每天關於痛苦、苦難、政治不和諧的全球新聞。現在確實是有趣的時期,你會非常容易變得沮喪和幻滅,隨著那些處於權力位置的人繼續試圖抑制你的主權自由並說服或命令你去遵從規則 --- 這些規則會造成社會的不和諧,傾向於導向衝突。他們拚命地試圖控制你們在越來越多地變得弄巧成拙,隨著越來越多的人開始意識到那些處於權力位置的人的動機完全是服務自己的,實際上和服務人類的最佳利益沒啥關係,儘管他們聲稱不是這樣。許多人不去質疑地服從少數人的時間已經持續了太久,現在正到達不可避免的結束點


When major changes – ENORMOUS changes – occur in the way that humanity perceives itself, leading to major alterations in the way that people relate to one another, chaos and confusion arise as well because people are being shaken out of their normal daily routines, intensifying the underlying sense of uncertainty that is a major and unsettling aspect of life in form. This is precisely what is happening now all across the world. Global confusion is seriously unsettling for humanity, extremely unsettling, and there are very few among you who are not feeling the uncertainty and anxiety, even fear, as you wonder: “What on Earth is going on, and what is going to happen next.”
當重大的改變 --- 巨大的改變 --- 在人類會感知到的方式中發生,會導致人們與彼此之間關係的重大改變,混亂和困惑也會升起,因為人們在擺脫正常的日常慣例,加強潛在的不確定性(形態生活一個重大和令人不安的面向)。這就是正在全球發生的事情。全球混亂對人類來說非常令人不安,只有很少的人沒有感到不確定性和焦慮,甚至恐懼,隨著你想知道:“到底怎麼了,接下來會發生什麼”



You have all grown from infancy to adulthood and quite naturally learned to live in uncertainty to a certain extent – what will the weather be like tomorrow, will I have health problems, does my partner really love me, how will the children cope with school, college, the adult world? – but the uncertainty arising now is far more intense and alarming than anything previously experienced. It seems that things cannot return to what appeared to be ‘normal’ because restrictions on your personal freedom remain in force presently, prohibiting you from meeting with others except in very small groups while maintaining ‘social distancing.’ And maybe you are realizing that you were not as free as you thought you were before the corona-virus, and the restrictions imposed because of it, arrived and changed the way you lived your daily lives.
你們從嬰兒到成人的成長過程中相當自然地學會了在某種程度的不確定性中生活 --- 明天的天氣會怎樣,我會有健康問題嗎,我的伴侶真的愛我嗎,孩子如何上學、工作? --- 但現在升起的不確定性比起之前體驗過的更加強烈和令人擔憂。看似事物無法回歸“正常”,因為對你個人自由的限制目前依舊有效,禁止你與其他人見面,除了非常小的團體,但依舊要保持“社交距離”。也許你在意識到你不是病毒發生前你認為的那樣自由,出於強加的限制,改變了你日常的生活方式


For most of your recorded history small groups of influential people – royalty, aristocracy, religious organizations, and military leaders – have developed systems of rules to control and direct the lives of the masses, in order to provide themselves with a better and more enjoyable standard of living,while forcing those masses to live lives of back-breaking servitude and poverty. Now, as more and more of you become aware of the dishonesty and lack of integrity in so many of those who hold positions of the greatest human power and authority, their ability to maintain control is collapsing as they attempt to impose even more stringent restrictions on your divinely given human freedoms in their desperate measures to maintain the status quo. Their time is over. However, during these final moments there will continue to be major disruptions in the short term in many areas, as they try to enforce their desperate measures.
根據你們大部分記載的歷史,一小部分有影響力的人 --- 皇室、貴族、宗教、軍事領袖 --- 已經發展出了規則系統來控制和引導集體的生活,以便提供給他們自己一個更好的、更加令人享受的生活標準,同時迫使集體過著累死人的勞役和貧困生活。現在,隨著越來越多的人意識到那些當權者的不誠實和缺乏誠信,他們維持控制的能力在崩塌,隨著他們試圖強加更加嚴格的限制(對你神賜的人類自由)來維持現狀。他們的時代已經結束。無論如何,在這些最後時刻,在短期內在許多地方會有巨大的破壞,隨著他們試圖加強他們絕望的措施



As you have been told so often by so many wise teachers, Love is the path, the only path that can lead you safely and successfully through the areas of human interaction in which intense disagreement divides you, areas in which it seemed that the only practical resource by which to achieve satisfactory results is through force of conflict. However, conflict only leads to further division and suffering for many, as your history demonstrates very clearly. The vast majority have now realized this, and so the will to engage in conflict is failing, and people are looking for more intelligent ways to resolve divisive issues, and are coming to the realization that what the wise ones have been telling them for a very long time is absolutely valid, namely that LOVE alone is the way forward. It does take courage, in a world where the power of force has ruled for so long, to choose to engage only lovingly with whatever arises, but those who have started to do that are finding that it most definitely does work.


Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, if you allow yourselves the time to relax there quietly, and be undisturbed by others or by your communication devices, will bring you respite from the concerns and anxieties of your daily human lives. With respite established Love can flow into your hearts demonstrating to you Its effectiveness as your anxieties and concerns become less intense. If you can maintain a regular unbroken or uninterrupted practice of going to that quiet inner space for about three weeks – every day for just 21 days – you will find that you are more at peace with yourselves, less disturbed by unexpected and troubling events or interactions, and you will find yourselves dealing far more calmly and satisfactorily with the everyday issues with which life as a human presents you.
每天進入內在,前往你的聖殿,如果你給予自己時間在那裡靜靜地休息,不受他人或通訊設備的干擾,會緩和你日常生活的擔憂和焦慮。伴隨著喘息的機會,愛可以流入你的心,展示你它的效力,隨著你的焦慮和擔憂越來越輕微。如果你能保持一個定期的不間斷的練習進入那安靜的內在空間,連續三個星期 ---21 天 --- 你會發現你會更多地與自己處於平和,更少被意想不到、令人不安的事件或交互干擾,你會發現自己更加平靜、滿足地處理日常問題



Love is the energy field of Life, of Consciousness, of Source, within which all that has been created has its eternal existence. There is nowhere and nothing else. What you are experiencing as humans in form is an unreal state of existence, an idea or concept that you collectively chose to establish purely to experience the unreal and make it appear totally real. The unreal is a state of separation from Love – even though it is impossible to be separated from Love – in which that which is in opposition to or not in alignment with Love appears to be utterly real. It is, as you are well aware, extremely convincing when you are living lives in form, but form itself is unreal, there is only energy – LOVE.
愛是生命、意識、源頭的能量場,被創造的一切永恆存在其中。沒有別的地方,別的東西。你作為人類形態正在體驗的是一個虛幻的存在狀態,一個想法或概念,你們集體選擇建立來體驗虛幻,讓它看似完全真實。虛幻是一個與愛分離的狀態 --- 即使與愛分離是不可能的 --- 不與愛對齊看似完全真實。就像你意識到的,它非常令人信服,當你生活於形態中,但形態本身就是虛幻的,只有能量 --- 愛


An enormous cognizant awareness of the infinite power of Love is arising within humanity, an awareness that It truly is the only power, and that all other power is unreal and dissolves, disintegrates, fails, when you open yourselves to allow and invite Love to enter. When people choose – everyone has free will and is making choices all the time – to engage with anger, resentment, hatred, judgment, and other unloving feelings or emotions, they are blocking Love from their hearts. It has not gone anywhere, because It is always Present, being the life force that maintains your eternal existence, and by holding onto or clinging to those feelings a person is choosing not to acknowledge let alone welcome Love into their life, into their awareness. While people engage with what is unloving Love waits patiently for as long as it takes for them to change their minds. All will change their minds and choose to remember that Love is their true and eternal nature, because that is the divine Will and, therefore, the will of every sentient being but, being free, they are free to choose when that will be.
對愛無限力量的巨大意識正在從人類之內升起,意識到愛確實是唯一的力量,所有其它的力量都是虛假的,當你敞開讓 / 邀請愛進入就會溶解、分解、失效。當人們選擇 --- 每個人都有自由意志,時刻都在做出選擇 --- 與憤怒、怨恨、仇恨、評判、其它無愛的感受或情感接洽,它們就阻擋了愛從心中浮現。它沒有前往任何地方,因為它總是存在,作為維持你永恆存在的生命力,通過緊抓那些感受,一個人就是選擇不去認識到,更不用說歡迎愛進入他們的生活、進入他們的意識。當人們與無愛的東西接洽,愛耐心地等待著人們改變主意。所有人都會改變主意,選擇憶起愛就是他們真正永恆的本質,因為這是神聖的意志,因此,每個有情眾生的意志,但,作為自由的存在,他們可以選擇什麼時候



Collectively most have chosen to remember their true nature, and that is why so much change is now occurring worldwide. For those who have chosen to awaken – and many are as yet unaware that that is a choice that only they can make for themselves and is indeed one that they have already made – awakening is very close. In these momentous times it is vital that you make sure to set the intent at least once daily to be loving, and only loving whatever arises, and by so doing you most effectively play your own essential and individual part in the wakening process.
集體大部分已經選擇憶起他們真正的本質,所以這麼多的改變正在世界範圍內發生。對於那些選擇甦醒的人 --- 許多人還未意識到這是一個只有他們可以為自己做出的選擇,而他們已經做出 --- 覺醒非常接近了。在這些重大的時期,非常重要去確保每天至少一次去設置意圖成為愛,只成為愛,無論發生什麼,這麼做你會最有效地扮演在這個覺醒進程中至關重要的個體性的角色


With so very much love, Saul.

    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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