【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.發現新的內在編碼 (20200707)
《2》.重建開始 (20200715)



《1》.關於 發現新的內在編碼.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


Please know that codifying your need to be right with symbols and words is not assisting you or others. This is a time for you to focus on joy instead of division.


Of course, ignoring division is not necessarily an easy choice for most. For we have drummed into your thought processes that all will find love and joy. So it is many of you have turned those concepts outward. Believing that until the outer world expresses love and joy, you cannot or should not. That it is wrong for you to be happy in your environment. For so many are suffering you have no right to live in joy.


Such is the result of your 3D lives and your current understanding of Universal principles. Even though we have continuously stated ‘you are one,’ that Universal concept is likely different than your current understanding. You have accepted the belief that you are as important as others, that self-love is not bad, but you remain confused about expressing or sharing your joy.
這是你 3D 生活和當前對宇宙法則理解的結果。儘管我們不斷地說“你們是一”,這個宇宙概念可能和你當前的理解不一樣。你已經接納你和他人一樣重要、自愛是好事的信念,但你依舊對表達或分享你的喜悅感到困惑


Should you not be fearful, angry, or sad, as is much of society now? And what if you do not feel joy? How can you conjure up joy? Issues that have more to do with your 3D training than your current reality.
你難道不應該和社會一樣充滿恐懼、憤怒或悲傷嗎?如果你不感到快樂?你如何想起快樂?這更多和你的 3D 訓練有關,比起你當前的現實


In truth, you are afraid to be different. To smile when others are crying or frowning. If you feel joyful, you believe you are betraying your friends, relatives, and society. How can you be joyful when others are not? So it is many of you cling to social sadness, not because you need to, but because you feel you should.



Is your life terrible or difficult? If so, how are you shifting that reality? If not, why are you sad or angry? You continue to believe that issues outside you are the culprits when in truth, you create your reality.


That ‘you create your reality’ phrase was one of your first introductions to transition concepts. So it is ‘you create your reality’ is alive and well in your life and the life of anyone who believes such is so. You do not need to worry about your outer world unless it is so unpleasant as to make you feel hopeless. For your feelings, shift your world, not others in external situations.


You are pining for yesterday when life seemed right and comfortable. Yesterday never was.


Yesterday was an earth filled with rage hidden by some platitudes and a few actions that spoke to your 3D heart. Rocks covered the unseemly pieces you refused to acknowledge, as was true for most of your society. Those rocks are now being overturned. Such does not mean the garden is no longer lovely, merely that it is time to address what is under the rock. Your society is doing so.
昨天是一個充滿憤怒的地球,被一些陳詞濫調和對你 3D 的心說話的行為隱藏。岩石覆蓋了你拒絕承認的不得體的碎片,大多數人都這樣。那些岩石正在被推翻。這並不意味著花園不再是動人的,只是是時候處理岩石之下的東西了。你們的社會正在這麼做


Your role does not include patronizing those discovering what is under the rock. Your role is to shift into joy and express that joy. For even that which is under the rock is beautiful, just different than the remainder of the garden.


Those in the second and third waves of awakening are expressing the totality of the beautiful garden, including that under the rock. Their joy in doing so is what you are beginning to sense.



Such is also true with COVID-19. Even though this virus is shifting your life dramatically, it is also allowing you to express yourself more freely. For social rules are falling one by one. You may feel lonely or restless. But at the same time, you are experiencing freedom from the outside forces that encouraged you to act, dress, and behave in specific ways. New-found freedom that is beginning to feel delicious. Acknowledge that. And acknowledge that your need to state who you are instead of who others think you should be is also delicious. Even though this virus is shifting your life in ways you do not always like, it is opening up your freedoms to be.
面對病毒也是如此。即使這個病毒戲劇性地轉變了你的生活,它也讓你去更加自由地表達自己。因為社會規則在一個接一個地倒下。你可能感到孤獨或不安。但與此同時,你在體驗來自外部力量的自由,鼓勵著你去在特定的方式中行為、穿衣和行為。新發現的自由在開始感覺起來很不錯。承認這一點。承認你展現你的所是 --- 而不是別人認為你應該是誰 --- 也是不錯的。即使這個病毒在你並不總是喜歡的方式中轉變你的生活,它開啟了你去做自己的自由


Some will argue with that last statement. Believing that society is telling you how to behave. Such is true to a certain extent. But then, you are also discovering new ways to address your new life.


This time is about finding out who you are and what you need to be free. Some relationships will not survive. Other relationships will formulate new interactions. And others will be instrumental in creating new relationships.


You are no longer bound by the dress, food, verbal, or action codes of 3D. So it is you are discovering your new inner codes. A joy you might not understand or relish until later.
你不再被著裝、食物、語言或 3D 的行動準則束縛。所以你在發現你新的內在編碼。一個你可能不明白或享受的喜悅


At the same time, you are discovering new interests and directions. Key among them is not caretaking those uncovering what is under the rock. You do not need to review fear and pain for you have already done so. What is joyful in your life? Nature, activities, conversations, laughter, renewing relationships, new beliefs and actions, and on and on.



You are becoming a new person. This in itself is joyful. You do not yet understand the powerful position you are in. Instead, you are a bit like a teenager who wants to be popular but cannot get the popular kids to acknowledge you.


What you will soon discover, if you have not already, is that the popular kids are not who you are, nor who you wish to be. You are a new being with new directions – most importantly, new joys. Not how terrible society is, but how wonderful your new freedoms are.
你很快會發現,如果還沒有,受歡迎的孩子不是你的所是,也不是你希望成為的人。你是一個新的存在,伴隨著新的方向 --- 最重要的,新的喜悅。不是社會有多可怕,而是你新的自由有多奇妙


Who are you? And how are you expressing the new being you are becoming? That is your joy and your power. So be it. Amen.


《2》.關於 重建開始.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


As of today, what was is no more.


Perhaps you fret about issues that do not seem to have solutions – COVID-19, politics, finances, isms, etc. Today is the shift point.



Even though you have likely felt some of the shifts now creating your new earth, you were fearful that the destruction you experienced just by being of the earth would never end. That the worry and chaos would last forever despite messages from the Universes to the contrary.


Such is to be expected given that your experience in this and past earth lives have trained you to expect the worst – even in the best of times. And this destruction phase has not been the best of times. In truth, fear and anger reigned. Brother against brother. Mother against her child. With few displays of love or joy.


So it is you are pleasantly surprised to sense or note new earth indicators here and there. Perhaps it is a golden sunset—a kind word from a co-worker. Or maybe a reward you have long hoped for but thought impossible. You are beginning to sense a world of crystal glasses half full instead of half empty.


Your hope is that this state of bliss – compared to your seemingly ongoing 3D despair – is not a fluke, but instead a never-ending life of joy for you and all who wish to experience it.


Such is your new reality. Those small perks of joy and bliss will expand. For you have crossed yet another Rubicon. Your past Rubicon crossings have been more inner-directed. It is time to expand that knowingness, that joy to the outer world. And so you have just by being you.


Of course, you will note destruction for a bit for in a rebuild, the final product appears unfinished until the interior walls are complete and the yard is more than a muddy trail. So it is that the earth’s destruction is complete, and the rebuild is just beginning to display possibilities.



Such will not necessarily be observable tomorrow, for many continue to mourn the destruction phase. But you will know within your being that all is in an upward direction for globally the bottom-most of fear has been completed.


Many will ask how that last statement can be true with COVID-19 raging, isms blatantly displayed, and political tap dances evident daily. Ah, that is the wonder and joy of your new inner-world. You will just know such is so despite indications to the contrary.


In your new world, new thoughts, and rebuilds do not require decades but instead mere moments of insight.


Your power, and for those following, is instant creation.


So it is that this day is about you finally accepting your ability. Much as Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ merely needed to click her heels together to return home. The Wizard of OZ, as is true for other fairy tales, was an indicator of your creation potentials once you dared believe in yourself. Now you do.


Perhaps you believe you are powerful but wonder about the creation skills of others. Such is the fear you are letting go of today. Finally, allowing yourself to know what you are capable of and trusting that others will discover or uncover the same.


You are a powerful creator being of the Universes. Now it is time for you to realize that you are not alone. That you are no longer living in a world of fear. Rise up. Knowing that others will follow. Not in fear, but in the joy that it is time to create a new world of peace and love. And so you shall.



Step one in creating that world is remembering your power to create. Step two is acknowledging the same in others.


Allow yourself to click your heels together to create what you want. Knowing deep within you that you are not alone on the earth or in the Universes. That it is time for you to fully display what you entered earth in this lifetime to create. And to do so without concerns that you are odd or alone. For others soon will or have crossed the very some Rubicon to creating an earth of peace and joy.


Allow yourself to be fully you without concerns about punishment or isolation. You are now you in your full glory. The earth structures have been destroyed. You are not alone as you have been in other earth lives. Nor will you add to the destruction or pain.


Today is the day that the earth rebuild begins. A day you have waited for eons – as have all of those of the earth. Let the joy of design and rebuild begin. So be it. Amen

    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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