【Ashian指揮官】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.真相翻江倒海而來,即將席捲全世界 (20200516)
《2》.你的振動決定了當前覺醒的速度及難易度 (20200702)
《3》.開啟大門的鑰匙 (20200714)
《1》.關於 真相翻江倒海而來,即將席捲全世界.
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.
Jennifer: Ashian, what do you have to say about the present situation?
Ashian: My dear Jennifer, it is wonderful to be in contact with you. As you are aware, there is a great deal of work happening on ‘our side of the veil’, as preparations that have been a long time in the making are now being executed.
J: So the round up is happening.
A: It is very much happening, and it is not for much longer that this will be held in secret from all of humanity, for that is the next step.
J: What more can you add to that?
J: 你還能多說一點嗎?
A: Soon events will move extremely rapidly, and for many it will seem as though events are too rapid. The mainstream media’s bias is about to fall away, and the outpouring of truths will then tumble forth like a series of tsunamis.
A: 很快事件(複數)會非常快速地發展,對許多人來說,這會看似好像太過快速。主流媒體的偏向就要消失,源源不斷的真相會像一連串的海嘯翻滾而出
We do not wish to alarm anyone, but we do say that this will be an exceptionally intense period for all of humanity.
You, the awakened ones, will also have the additional role of balancing much of the negatively polarised energy that this second wave will release within the collective.
This second wave will be make it seem as though you are on an emotional rollercoaster – elated one minute, despairing the next. Take heart, our beloved brothers and sisters, ask us to assist you. Remember we can, remember that each one of you has a team working with you on this project.
J: Will the Reval occur then?
A: Much will begin to change, very quickly. As politicians and leaders in every field are removed from their roles, new spaces will open up and will be quickly filled by those who are worthy to hold sacred responsibilities.
A: 很多東西會開始改變,非常快速。隨著每一個領域中的正客與領袖從他們的角色中被移除,新的空間會敞開,會快速被那些配得上神聖職責的人填充
With this new wave of stewardship, across all fields, laws that seemed impossible will be swiftly enacted, to protect and honour all life, from your precious planet to the flowers and trees, from the seas and air, to the animals and humans.
Moreover, the blessed gift that is a human life will finally be honoured. You are to transition rapidly away from the slave economy that has crushed the heart of every man, woman and child. Your divine freedom will be honoured across all realms of society – from the provision of homes, energy and food, to creative and spiritual pursuits. All is about to change.
J: That sounds amazing… but!
A: Yes!
J: Lots of people are still asleep; they litter, they are unkind to others, they rape and steal… They aren’t going to ‘turn good’ overnight, are they?
A: This is a valid query and we thank you for bringing this forward. It is true that Earth is a school and there are different grades in that school. Those who are in the older grades – the awakened lightworkers – will do a lot of the ‘processing’ of negatively polarised energy that is stuck and blocking others.
You came here to make that contribution. It was among the very hardest tasks associated with this Ascension process and only the most resilient were accepted as volunteers. Indeed, it was known to be so hard, that you were each given your own personal team, as a backup, to support you and assist you in your preparation time on Gaia, and then in your full engagement in the energy harmonisation plan.
J: But will that wake them up, open up their hearts and minds?
J: 但這會喚醒他們,敞開他們的心和思想嗎?
A: Dear Jennifer, it will. Only a minority will choose to stay stuck and move to a density more aligned with Earth’s 3D robes. People are growing and expanding inside themselves in ways that are not obvious to your human eyes. This first wave has changed many, many. The second wave will change yet more.
A: 親愛的Jennifer,它會的。只有少數人會選擇保持受困,進入一個與地球3D長袍更加對齊的密度。人們在肉眼無法看見的方式中成長和擴張(從內在)。這個第一波改變了許多許多人。第二波會改變更多
J: Sorry if this is silly, but how is this all going to happen?
A: Not at all. In the first instance, everyone has the opportunity to bathe in the new energy release and cleansing tsunami of love and freedom that will wash across the world in the aftermath of these changes.
New stewards, who see themselves as genuine representatives of the people and their area of specialisation, be it medicine, transport, legislation, nutrition… they will, almost seamlessly, come into place.
Now, this will not be overnight, but given the scale of change, it will be extremely rapid.
With their arrival, the so-called rules that have bound their respective industries and services, will change rapidly. Force will dissolve, power will be derived from authentic wisdom mixed with a sense of stewardship that reflects the highest good.
New – or what to many will seem like ‘new’ – developments will rapidly be introduced to the people through your media and the funds will be put in place to build them where that is necessary and to buy them, where that is appropriate.
This transition phase is just that, a transition. It is not ‘The Event’, but it is ‘An Event’, one which is necessary to ready humanity for more rapid evolution in consciousness and closer partnership with the Galactics.
J: Does that mean that meetings are still a while away?
A: Not so much, for ‘time’ will become more fluid, and meetings will become more common. What I am addressing here is the wide-spread, active Galactisation of Gaia’s population; the process whereby humans recognise and identify themselves not as Gaians, but as Galactics, taking a fully awake, collaborative partnership with us.
A: 不,因為“時間”會變得更加易變(直譯流體),見面會變得更加平常。我這裡所說的是廣泛的、活躍的蓋亞人類的Galactisation;人類認識到並定義自己不只是蓋亞人,而是銀河人,需要一個徹底的甦醒,與我們建立合作夥伴關係
J: That’s a lot of food for thought. Do you have anything further to add in closing?
J: 挺多的精神糧食。在結尾你還有什麼要說的嗎?
A: Only that each and every one of you are completely loved and accepted, exactly as you are. There is no forgiveness, only your own forgiveness of yourself.
A: 只有你們每個人完全被愛和接納,如你的所是。沒有寬恕,只有對自己的寬恕
Start there, and you will contribute greatly to creating and manifesting your Light present, the eternal now.
J: Thank you so much.
J: 非常感謝
A: it is always our pleasure and our blessings to you all.
《2》.關於 你的振動決定了當前覺醒的速度及難易度.
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.
J: Ashian, I am here to today to ask what you wish to share.
J:Ashian ,今天你希望分享些什麼
A: Beloved Jennifer, it is wonderful to share with you as always.
A: 親愛的 Jennifer ,與你分享總是美妙的
We are with you, all of you. We are now so densely patterned around your planet and solar system that if you were to see how many ships and craft there are, you would almost not see the sky!
J: Really!
J: 真的嗎
A: Surprisingly, yes. Vibrations are rising; great, universe-affecting revelations and changes are about to occur. We are all here, both to witness and to support you.
A: 是的。振動在提升;巨大的宇宙影響力的啟示和改變就要發生。我們都在這裡,見證且支持著你
J: Can you say more about these revelations and changes.
J: 你能多說說這些啟示和改變嗎
A: They go to the very heart of your power and economic structures. All you have been told is false; you have been programmed to believe the lies and not notice the truth. This is about to end. The lies are now crumbling, soon to take some crashing blows.
A: 它們會深入權力和經濟結構的核心。你被告知的一切都是虛假的;你被編程去相信謊言,不去注意到真相。這就要結束。謊言正在崩塌,很快會受到崩潰的打擊
J: Like what? Dare I ask!
J: 比如說?容我提問!
A: My dearest, you may always ask! We may not always be at liberty to divulge. When the time is ready, you will see it, know it. And more information is to follow then.
A: 親愛的,你總是可以提問!我們可能並不總是能隨意透露。當時機恰當,你會看到它,知道它。更多的信息會到來
Right now, you are in a ‘mini-lull’, a tiny moment of calm. Regroup. Recentre. Use what time you have – for we are aware that this period has brought enormous stress and strain to almost all – to nurture yourselves. We cannot say this often enough or powerfully enough.
現在,你處於“極小的靜止”,一個微小的平靜時刻。重組、重新居中。利用你擁有的時間 --- 因為我們注意到這段時期帶給了幾乎所有人巨大的壓力 --- 去滋養自己。我們無法再強調這一點了
J: We matter!
J: 我們很重要
A: You do. Each and every one of you. Your well being determines your vibration. Your vibration determines the speed and ease of the awakening process currently unfolding on Gaia.
A: 是的。你們每個人。你的福祉決定你的振動。你的振動決定蓋亞上覺醒進程的速度和輕鬆度
J: So loving and caring for ourselves isn’t… selfish?
J: 所以愛和關心自己不是 ... 自私?
A: Nooo. Not at all; my dearest hearts, each and every one of you, you are more precious to us than you can ever conceive. Your well being is our paramount focus. Not just because of the ascension process, but because you Are us. What happens to you is felt by us too.
A: 不不不。不是;親愛的,你們每個人,對我們來說你比你想像的更加珍貴。你的福祉是我們的主要焦點。不只是因為揚升進程,還因為你就是我們。發生在你身上的事情也被我們感受到了
You currently live in a shroud; a veil that prevents you from feeling the interconnection of All That Is. But how could anything exist outside ALL That Is? It is, as the reference point implies, ALL That Is.
Your well being increases your compassion and forgiveness for yourselves and others. That matters at this time because the frequencies of these emotions are what make the difference between riding a formula 1 car or a bicycle.
J: I get the picture! Self love, self care puts us in the faster, easier ride of a formula 1 car. Can you say more about self care? What should, or could, it look like?
J: 明白了!自愛,自我關懷讓我們進入更快、更輕鬆的方程式賽車。你可以更多說說自我關懷嗎?它可以或應該是什麼樣的?
A: We laugh with your self correction! There are no shoulds, there are only opportunities for different vibrational pathways.
A: 我們對你的自我糾正感到很好笑!沒有什麼應該不應該,只有通往不同振動道路的機會
Self care is anything that makes you feel more centred in your heart, any practice or hobby that leaves you feeling peaceful, content, and energised… There are no shoulds, for each one of you are unique and exquisite beyond measure, so that which replenishes you will also be unique.
自我關懷就是會讓你感到更加居中於心的東西,任何讓你感覺平和、滿足與精力充沛的練習或愛好 ... 沒有應該,因為你們每個人都是獨特的、精緻的,所以你的燃料也是獨特的
J: You were going to say more about compassion and forgiveness…
J: 你將要更多地述說同情心和寬恕 ...
Yes, these two emotions are powerful when directed inwards, because almost all of you are maintaining blockages due to the unconscious holding back of forgiveness towards yourselves, for things you have done, said or thought, which – now you are wiser – you would have chosen differently.
Free yourselves first. Forgive yourselves first. Let it be ok that who you were then, is not who you are now. It shows how far you have traveled on your journey, and the journey of each soul is sacred to All That Is.
J: Goodness, that feels very powerful coming through me. I hope those who read this channel can experience the enormous wave of acceptance, compassion and forgiveness you are flooding through me as I write.
J: 天哪,這感覺起來非常強大地在貫穿我。我希望那些閱讀這則信息的人可以體驗到巨大的接納、同情心和寬恕流經他
A: It is not just for you; it is for everyone. There are no corners to All That Is, no pockets, nooks or crannies where the unconditional love of All That Is refuses to flow; you may refuse to accept it and that is your free will, it is honoured by all of us.
A: 不只是為你;而是為每個人。沒有一個角落、口袋、縫隙是一切萬有無條件之愛拒絕流向的;你可能拒絕接納它,那是你的自由意志,它被我們所有人榮耀
However, for All That Is, there is no holding back. There is only the flow of love. You, each one of you, may stop the flow by blocking forgiveness, but pure love is always there, waiting for you to allow it flow through you. You are the love and the light. We are all the love and the light.
We leave you with the guarantee of our deepest compassion for you, you who read these words. Right where you are. Right now. On this in-breath. You are perfection exactly as you are now. Exactly as you have lived every second of your life to this point.
Feel the depth of our unconditional love for you, you are worthy of it. Every. Single. One. Of. You.
J: That was very powerful, thank you Ashian.
J: 這非常強大,謝謝你, Ashian
A: It is always our pleasure to share and expand the love of All That Is
A: 來分享和擴張一切萬有的愛總是我們的榮幸
《3》.關於 開啟大門的鑰匙.
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.
The joyful new world, the bounteous new world that you are sense, that you feel in your deepest knowing, is the longing that drives you forward. It is what gives you the courage to continue, the patience to forgive, and the compassion to heal old rifts and ruins.
This knowing that beats in your heart, with every heartbeat, is the knowing of your sacred, divine immortal Self. It is the divine that Is You, of you, created by you. It is all you. Soon, you shall know this not as a nudge, as a hope, or a belief, but as a life changing, soul-embodying expression of your Truth.
You are getting closer, and though you may see time as a line, and ‘release’ as distant, I wish to invite you to expand your hearts outrageously, to speak your words generously, courageously, and to let the love that flows through your veins, infuse every aspect of your interactions with others.
Love, and only love, the myriad forms of love – compassion, peace, understanding, forgiveness, joy, laughter, humour, listening, patience – is the key that opens the door; the door to your heart, the door to your soul, the door to your Ascension, the door to planetary Ascension.
愛,只有愛,各種形式的愛 --- 同情心、平和、理解、寬恕、喜悅、歡笑、幽默、清理、耐心 --- 是開啟大門的鑰匙;通往你心的大門,通往你靈魂的大門,通往你揚升的大門,通往行星揚升的大門
When you are brought down, seek laughter, seek compassion, whether from yourself or from another, and then let the love re-emerge, stronger and more radiant than before.
Every knock, every low, shines and polishes your divine radiance even more. It lifts your light higher, shines it brighter.
Yes, you have moments when you feel down, but that will soon end; that is a symptom of 3D life and the malevolent programming that has undermined your divine sacred nature for millennia. It is all very soon to end.
是的,有時候你會感到失落,但這很快會結束;這是 3D 生活的一個症狀和暗地裡破壞你神聖本質數千年的惡意編程。這一切很快會結束
You are on the cusp, just leaning over, nearly at the point where you fly, where you soar into the greatest expression of your Self, a Self you never even dreamt was possible.
My beloved brothers and sisters, keep dreaming, keep resting when you need to, and above all else, keep loving.
You are here to soar, and soar you will.
With very much love,Ashian.
伴隨著大量的愛, Ashian