【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.不再屬於3D世界的新存在 (20200604)
《2》.這是一個獨特的,個人探索的時代 (20200613)



《1》.關於 不再屬於3D世界的新存在 .
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


You are shifting so rapidly that what was is no more. Of course, you are concerned about the riots, the virus, and your seemingly never-ending life changes.


But all in all, you feel as if you have a handle on your life. Something you have not felt for some time. For you can commiserate with those enmeshed in the pain of all that is happening, but you are likely observing not participating. Even though you understand what is happening, you choose not to experience it.


So it is you are starting to relax. Not in the sense of negating your surroundings or needs, but instead feeling that others can protest, worry, or test themselves. You are not interested. For you are at a different place.


You know who you are or are beginning to be. Your new entity is no longer fully part of the 3D world.
你知道你是誰或正在成為誰。你新的實體不再是 3D 世界的一部分


The 3D world seems to be dramatically emphasized now – as if all the pain and suffering is before your eyes. Areas of suffering you have ignored or tried to ignore. At the same time, you realize that such pain and suffering is no longer your job, your business.
3D 世界看似被戲劇性地著重 --- 好似所有的痛苦和苦難都展現在了你眼前。你曾經忽視或試圖忽視的苦難領域。與此同時,你意識到這樣的痛苦和苦難不再是你的工作,業務


You forerunners are the ones with clear heads and concise ideas. Not necessarily to save the world, but instead to live your life in comfort.


How can you live your life in comfort when so many are suffering? Such is so because you are no longer participating in the pain of others.


Of course, such a stance seems to be wrong. For are you not your brother’s keeper? In 3D, you most definitely were your brother’s keeper for clearing the pain of others was instrumental in your caretaking duties.
當然,這樣的立場看似錯誤。因為你不是弟弟妹妹的看護人嗎?在 3D ,你肯定是你弟弟妹妹的看護人,因為清理他人的痛苦是你的照顧職責


Those fully enmeshed in pain and suffering want you to join them. Not because you can save them, but instead, so everyone is suffering.


That last statement is difficult for many of you to understand. But then, remember your past suffering and need to have others understand you via similar feelings. And if they did not respond in kind, you searched for someone who could or would nurture you through the pain.



Such is what is happening now. Those fully enmeshed in pain and fear want you to feel the same.


Instead, you are pulling away for you no longer play by those 3D rules, nor do you have a need to suffer. You have cleared that path. As the week goes on, you will experience more of the observer role – a new piece for you. Yes, it is happening, but it is not your problem.
而你,遠離,因為你不再遵從那些 3D 的規則,你也不需要再受苦。你已經清理乾淨那條道路。隨著時間的推移,你會體驗更多觀察者的角色 --- 一個新的碎片。是的,這正在發生,但這不是你的問題


Many of you are feeling twinges of guilt with that last statement, for you should be protecting or supporting them even if you do not feel the need. A 3D role you are slipping away from. For you have other roles, you wish to play.
你們許多人對上面的話感到有些內疚,因為你應該保護或支持他們,即使你感到不需要。這是一個你已經離開的 3D 角色。因為你希望扮演其它的角色


It is as if you once achieved greatness by performing a movie role only to turn down that same role after realizing you have nothing more to contribute or learn.


This is the week you begin distancing from all you once thought was imperative to contribute to either in person or emotionally. A role that has become boring. A feeling of “same old.”


But then, this adjustment might not be as easy as you think. For your inner-being is declaring sovereignty at the same time your outer-being is clamoring for you to do something to make everything better.


Please remember that your inner-being is now your guide. So when those twinges of shame, guilt, or fear of not doing enough announce themselves via friends or relatives, know you are starting the rebuild of your structures and the world.


At the same time, you are focussing on creating a life of joy for yourself as you practice your creation skills.


Do you not see how guilt and shame might raise it’s 3D head if you are living in comfort, and the rest of the world seems to be in flames or emotional lock-down?
你沒有看到內疚和羞愧在你生活於舒適。而剩餘的世界看似燃燒或情感封閉時,會如何抬起它 3D 的腦袋嗎?


You are a forerunner and moved through this pain arena long ago. There is no need for you to continue. Yet, others will try to force you to do so. Which is no different than was true for many of you when you initiated your transition.



Those who attempt to return you to 3D angst will likely be some of those who tried to ignite your fears when you found your first crystal or started reading Tarot cards.
那些試圖讓你返回 3D 焦慮的人可能會試圖點燃你的恐懼,當你發現你的第一塊水晶或開始閱讀塔羅牌時。


Those who are not forerunners have not understood your interests for some time. Allow that to be.


Just as you ignored their fears for you as you delved into your new being months or years ago, the same will happen now. They will catch up to you. But, for now, they need their fears to surface before they can clear them. You have completed that role.


Your new role is to follow your inner being, which most definitely includes a new life of joy. So be it. Amen.


《2》.關於 這是一個獨特的,個人探索的時代 .
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Dear Ones,


You know what you want and need to do. Yet, there’s some hesitation for you feel as if you have isolated yourself by doing so. All that once provided you with comfort seems to be fading away – only to be replaced with emptiness.


So it is you pulled away from your 3D knowingness to a sense of not quite understanding who you are. Similar to moving to a new community. Even though you were uncomfortable enough to leave your former community, you retain some fond memories of what was. Wondering if all that was uncomfortable would have been worth the pain of remaining in that community – for you knew how and when to act.


You have practiced your 3D game plan for decades. Even though that game plan was not necessarily you, it was comfortable and expected. Others reacted similarly. So it was that everyone had a common script using the lines directed by society instead of from within.



Now that you and so many others are beginning to go off-script, you are no longer confident that your actions and reactions are right or “normal.” What if by claiming yourself, you lose your life of knowing how to act and react, your friends and family, your job? Fear factors that rise quickly in waves and then disappear.


You know what you need to do, but it feels so lonely at times despite that knowingness. So it is you question yourself and your actions.


Would it not be easier to return to the social script? Yet, when you attempt to do so, you feel even lonelier. For there is no longer the connection, you once felt so strongly.


Who are you? Are you isolating yourself for no reason? Where are your rewards in this challenging time? Where is your outer sense of rightness?


You have added dimensions and frequencies that have little to do with who you were in 3D. You are a new being attempting to fit into the old – which is not possible. For you have evolved far beyond that. You are a new being. Of course, we have stated the same over and over for months, but you never fully understand what that would mean.


You believed you would continue your life with a few shifts here and there. Perhaps finding a new group of friends or a new job. What you are discovering is that nothing that was seems right or comfortable. So you attempt to return to 3D normal and are bored or confused by your lack of interest. Yet, there is nothing to replace your 3D life. You are in an emotional limbo finding all that was once interesting, boring.


So it is you are more frightened than you have been for some time. Not because you are doing anything wrong, but because none of your former actions feel right. Your overriding concern is, “Who am I?” For you want to have a visible circle of friends, a great job, a loving family – all of which now seems outside your possibilities.



You are different in all aspects of your social, emotional, and physical being – something you did not understand a few months ago. As if new you were a fun fairy tale you could read about, but that would not touch you in any special way. Your life would go on with a few perks here and there.


Such is not the case. You are a new being with new needs and interests.


Even though many of those you hold in your heart are changing also, they are on a different path than you. So their changes will not necessarily correspond to yours. Nor would you want them to. For you will discover that anyone who wants to join you on your path will be irritating. But then, you want others to be on a similar path.


Which is little different than watching two toddlers go about their day. Both content to do what they want to do. If the two toddlers were placed together, they might be interested in the same toy or activity – or not. No one finds that strange, for they are unique individuals exploring what they wish to explore. Yet, as you aged in 3D, that uniqueness became an obstacle, a negative.


So it is you are now returning to your toddler interests. Finding this but not that interesting. And your friends and relatives are doing the same.


This is no longer a one-stop shopping earth. New venues are popping up that hold someone’s interest for a minute until they do not. Just as is required for new earth with a new direction and new humans. Allow that to be. Then, allow yourself to know that this is a time of unique, individual exploration.


This is not crowd-think or action time and will likely never be again of the earth. Each of you wishes to explore that which you prepared for throughout the eons. You have already fully explored group think and action.



It is time to shift to unique thought and action. An activity that will blend more harmoniously than group-think ever did. Just as is true for a choir of different voices. Allow yourself to follow your heart, and you will find your unique place. The place that gives you joy.


Know that you will not be alone for long. For all are tuning into those frequencies that blend in perfect harmony. Your choir is forming. Just not as rapidly as you would like. So be it. Amen.


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