【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.接納你新的存在 (20200415)
《2》.你正在創建新地球手冊 (20200429)



《1》.關於 接納你新的存在.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月15日.


Dear Ones,


This is a new day, for you no longer have a need to follow the dictates or even interests of others. The result is belligerence that surprises even you.


Your need to please others seems to have evaporated. When you return to that posture, that clinging need to be accepted, you discover a painful internal discomfort. As if a wire loop is tightening in your chest when you move outside your self-love boundaries.


Such is so for several reasons, including the need for you to travel your path instead of paths selected by others. But it is more profound than mere social acceptance. That tightening tells you – and others once they discover the same for themselves – that you are no longer the malleable being others expect.


You have declared your independence. Not only within yourself but to your outer-world.


Some people you interact with during this tumultuous time might easily accept, even applaud your independence. Others, who do not yet understand this new you, will attempt to push you into who they want you to be.


You are not willing to step gingerly through the 3D potholes of acceptance, for you no longer care. You have perhaps felt something similar before. The difference now is your lack of concern about letting others go.


Your inner-being is sending louder and more direct information to you. Before, your inner-being whispered thoughts and actions. Now it is shouting.


The time to dance between two worlds is over.



Perhaps you wish to continue some relationships despite receiving those loud messages. So you attempt to function in this or that milieu only to have physical reactions that might even frighten you. This is a new world. Yet, many pretend that such is not so.


Those of you at a reduced interaction level because of COVID-19 are discovering some you interact with are not who you believed they were. Perhaps you are discovering heart-warming qualities that negate irritating features. In a sense, falling in love with their personality and actions once again. Or that they have a hard edge that does not compute with your new heart-opening. That the two of you have diverged to such an extent, you are not compatible.


All of this forces you to process bits and pieces with new sensations. For your heart is opening in ways you could not have imagined before the imposed isolation of this pandemic and the Easter, Passover, and Ramadam seasons.


You have become you.


So it is you are experiencing a different flow of action and reaction. That which mildly disturbed you before is now almost painful. And that which you hoped to feel months ago is now your daily reaction.


You are a new being in a new world.


Others have not opened as deeply or as quickly as you. So it is that some who feel wrong now might feel different in the future. But in all likelihood, you have created a new being that is ready to initiate new relationships and actions.


This shift is similar to what was true for you once you left your earth home of origin. Perhaps you had a group of friends you outgrew – or your family of origin values.



You have become an independent soul with independent thoughts.


Your independence ensures you will build new norms and societies. Such was not possible when everyone’s values were attached to 3D. You have broken the 3D societal molds. The indicator that such is true is your extreme discomfort when you ignore your inner voice.


You are not who you were even two months ago. Granted, you will continue to evolve, as is true for 3D adults. The difference is your new thoughts and actions will rebuild society from the bottom up.


Very few of you reading this material are of the 3D leadership class. Such is so for a reason. The current leadership base was designed by you en masse to be so uncompromisingly 3D you could no longer justify following their lead. You are the mavericks of society now – but will be followed by millions within weeks. In a sense, you are the starting volley.


Many of you have experienced something similar – the thoughts and actions of the 1960s young adults. The difference is that this new spurt of inner-directed energy will not die out or end. It will grow and expand until freedom to the people is the norm.


Perhaps you believe that such was always so. But if you explore 3D history, you will discover 3D humans required a leader at the top of the pyramid. No more – as more and more of you declare your freedom from such leadership.


So it is there will be a group over here developing this. And another group over there developing that. Projects that will be team efforts. And those who want or need a leader will discover that the majority does not.



Perhaps this discourse sounds unbelievable, for you have never experienced such in 3D. Even those times when a 3D group project felt wonderful, a closer review informs you that one or two persons were responsible for leading that group.


You merely need to follow your inner voice to discover new actions and new groups. For you have completed the difficult and necessary step of removing yourself from those who wish you to be as you were in 3D.


Even though you have not been of 3D for months or even years, you felt the need, until now, to play the 3D game so you would not be lonely. The pandemic isolation many of you are experiencing has hardened your inner voice actions to who you are instead of who others want you to be. So be it. Amen.


《2》.關於 你正在創建新地球手冊.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月29日.


Dear Ones,


Today is another day of celebration. Not a celebration you might have expected in your former 3D life, but a celebration of now.


Those who wish to exit during this time of chaos are doing so. And those of you participating in the creation of your new world have initiated it.


Of course, you cannot yet see or sense that such is so. You can likely only perceive that you are adjusting to the new normal. As a result, you have new thoughts and actions. You are abandoning your life as it was in 3D and pondering life beyond COVID-19.



Perhaps such a shift does not seem that important, for you have accepted your new reality. The reality we are celebrating today. But then, until you reached this plateau, you were not capable of creating beyond 3D.


Granted, you had dreams that may have been fulfilled. But those dreams were limited to your 3D knowledge. You are now opening to new horizons.


That is not to say that the loss of a loved one is not painful. Or your fears related to the virus are wrong. But that your creativity is shifting in ways, you could not envision before this halt to your 3D life.


For years, prophecies have indicated that the world would stop and then return to activity in a new direction. Such is what is happening now. The difference between your thoughts and your new reality is that you expected a flash of light or a few hours of cleansing before the world shifted.


Such a rapid world shift was never possible because of your physical bodies. Your physical bodies were designed for 3D earth. Even though you shifted physically in so many ways since initiating your transition, your physical beings are not sturdy enough for an instant shift.


You en masse had many options on how to change the direction of the earth. The general consensus was that a pandemic would better meet the needs of the earth inhabitants than war or a physical earth disaster like an earthquake. For war is part of the 3D past. And an earth disaster would be over in a matter of days with hopes that the world inhabitants would focus on the area of destruction. That kind of human bonding might have been true, but such an event would not necessarily expose the missteps of world leaders.


Even though many leaders have openly displayed their 3D power-hunger, they did so gradually enough that you accepted their power plays as just another unpleasant activity. This virus is forcing their hand in ways you of the light cannot ignore. So it is you are beginning to plan for a time when power to the people is the action of the day.



Those you know and love exiting earth during this time have done so to help this transition in other frequencies – for their interests are no longer of the earth. They are tired. Not of you, but of the energy required to create a new world. So it is that those loved ones who exit will likely be part of your personal council – or of the overall new earth council.


Your loved ones have shifted their role from earth to another plane. They have not left you, they merely switched dimensions and frequencies. Just as you do when you change your television channel.


So it is some of you will decide that direct contact with those no longer of the earth is an exciting interaction. Others will find other interests.


This is a time of preparation for your new life. It is similar to your earth birth. For you are somewhat dazed by the adjustments required of your new life. At first, you were likely angry – as are many infants in their early days of earth life. Until you accepted that this peace and yes, often quiet, you have not experienced for years is more to your liking than you thought possible.


Some of you remain in a frantic stage, but that will change as you adjust to your new life. For you will discover that which seemed impossible in your blended 3D/5D and beyond life.


Those of you responsible for children are likely discovering new interactions, even joys. And those of you working from home or self-quarantined, are finding some of the same. Think of how many adjustments a newborn has to make. Then realize you are doing something similar.


You are a newborn beyond 3D.



Just as a newborn discovers new ways to communicate, move, and interact, so are you. The difference is you do not have a 3D infant playbook. You are creating the new 5D and beyond playbook. Which might seem overwhelming as you exit 3D.


You will soon create that which is beyond your wildest 3D dreams. For you can play with this action until you no longer wish to. Then you can shift to that or that. You are an infant in this new world without needs beyond fulfilling your interests and dreams.


Does that mean everyone will be isolated? No, merely that you will initiate this process as does a 3D infant following their guidebook of needs and interests.


Your interests will be beyond what others of the 3D earth explored or created. You are a new model for a new age. So it is you will create anything and everything new. You are starting the new earth manual, which will be edited through time until peace and love reign on the earth – much of which will be displayed in your lifetime.


Think of creating the alphabet as well as the first few books. Future generations will create the printing press to disseminate what you and others have created. A printing press that will communicate without words. For this is the new earth. So be it. Amen.


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