【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.你不再需要先決條件. (20200226)
《2》.弟弟妹妹還是愛的伴侶. (20200303)

傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月26日.

Dear Ones,

Even though you read the words and watched the films, you have yet to fully believe you are capable of creating anything. That the title of earth angel applies to you for you are little different than you have always been. So you express the correct transition words hoping that doing so will convince you as well as others that you are no longer of 3D.

Perhaps such thoughts disturb you for you want to believe. You note this indicator or that thought and pronounce yourself cured of 3D fears and actions. Yet, you believe deep within you that all is a beautiful dream that will never come to fruition for you. Even though others might experience such glories as peace and joy, you are merely an observer.

You even have difficulties believing you or anyone is capable of changing the world.

Such is similar to the beliefs of your teen years. As a teen, you likely worried about dating, classes, and interactions – believing that someone was better, smarter, prettier, or more physically talented than you. Even if you achieved some of the markers you pined for in your teen years, you were never capable of achieving them all. Years later, you probably learned that those you wished to be like in your teen years had similar doubts and fears.

So it is now. You feel you are no different than you were a few years ago. You might have some new thoughts or actions, but not enough to qualify as an earth angel. So you read the information believing such MIGHT be possible for others, but not you.

And you act accordingly. Waiting for someone to wave a magic wand in your direction. Which is no different than your teen years waiting for the cutest boy or girl to look your way. And if that cute boy or girl did not, you confirmed within yourself that you were missing some vital element.

Most of you are repeating your teens, maybe even your young adult years. Fully believing you missed the golden ring because of your image, conversation, actions, clothes, money, education, religion, and on and on. There was always something you wanted and could not create. So it is now. You believe you lack something, and if you only knew what that was, you could be the earth angel superstar we label you as.

You need nothing more to claim your earth angel status than to be.

Many of you remember extremely difficult 3D times. And as you do so, you add to your belief that even though you might score a personal victory via additional income or the right mate or job title – all could disappear in a moment. You are prepared for the worst and have a limited belief in the best.

What you have not yet accepted is that you are not of 3D. No longer do you need to hope for the best, accepting what is. You are a new being in a new world. Even though your physical being might not look that different, your inner being has evolved to meet your new world.

The only way you will change your beliefs is by creating that which gives you joy without the expected pain. Such is likely a bit in the future. Not because it has to be, but because you cannot yet believe you are different in a different world.

Do not emotionally beat yourself up, as you did in 3D, for not producing, for believing you are not an earth angel. Merely accept that your life is rapidly evolving, and those little or big thoughts of how you would prefer your life to be, have hit their mark. For your frequencies have evolved to allow that life to be.

In 3D, you needed to perform for years, maybe even decades, to create that which you pined for as a young teen. A good job, a happy family, and a stable home. Perhaps in 3D, those pieces never came together for you. Such has absolutely no bearing on your current life. Your 3D life is merely a memory of what was. You no longer require a graduation ceremony to know you are qualified. Nor do you need a specific mate to create your joy.

Yet, you continue to play by 3D rules. Believing that before you can create this, that needs to happen. Or before you find your joy, others have to find it also.
但,你繼續根據3D規則玩耍。相信在你可以創造這個之前, 那個需要發生。或者在你找到喜悅之前,其他人也必須找到它

This new world is a new game with new rules. It is about instant gratification instead of “wait and see.” And instead of everyone having the same dreams, each of you is unique.

Even though you might wish to learn more about a specific subject because it is interesting to do so, that learning is not required before creating that of which you dream.

You no longer have prerequisites, as was true in 3D. Many of those prerequisites were the result of the karma you collected in 3D life after 3D life. That ended when you exited 3D. You have a clean slate. So do not pine for the time when you can be joyful, as you did in 3D. You are fully capable and worthy of instant gratification.

Do you now understand your new circle of self-love? You act on your joys, which leads to more joy and on and on. It is not about, “I will paint my masterpiece after I have taken this course.” But instead, “Wouldn’t it be fun to explore various colors or to buy a canvas I might use someday?”

Your new life is about exploring your joy. Your 3D life was about completing karma and hoping that by doing so, you might find joy.

You are not who you were, and neither is your new earth playground. Remember the excitement of playing with blocks when you were a toddler? You learned as you explored that joy. Yet, that learning was not expressed by you, it was merely fun to play with blocks.

So it is now. If it’s fun or interesting, do it. When that activity or thought stops being fun, move on to something that enthralls you. Just as you did as an infant or toddler. That is until you were old enough to be forced into 3D fear and karma.

You have no rules other than discovering and interacting with your joy. No prerequisites, no karma, no parents, or teachers telling you no or that you are a bad boy or girl. You are just you. Reborn into joy and negating your fear – especially the fear that you are not an earth angel or if you are not as qualified as others. Stop it!!!! Claim your joy, and all will fall into place without worries, tests, or fear. So be it. Amen.

傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月03日.

Dear Ones,

You are likely discovering that you float between anger, fear, and joy. Not because you need to, but because your being is shifting so rapidly, you do not know who you are.

That unknowingness is compounded by those surrounding you, those just awakening. For just as you are not functioning as you once did, neither are they. So you might find yourself at cross-purposes with those closest to you. Such is so because each of you is declaring the freedom to be.

Even though you do not remember your terrible teens, your parents do. You are now the more mature being observing the silliness, the emotional growing pains of those just awakening. So it is you are functioning as is most right for you, only to discover that those actions irritate the ones you love. Or their actions irritate you.

Nothing is as it once was. And nothing is as you think it should be. For the parameters that held you and others in 3D are disappearing daily.

So much irritates you.

Your directional focus is disturbed by those just awakening. Thoughts of “Leave me alone” or “How can you not understand my need for independence?” permeate your being when interacting with those frightened by their newly awakened emotions and needs.

So it is you are exhausted wondering if you need to exit the relationship – whatever that relationship is.

We suggest you allow settling time, just as we allowed for you during your erratic initial transition stages. As was true for you, those now awakening are searching for someone or something outside themselves to explain why they feel and act as they do. For their anger and fear is as disturbing to them as it is to you.

Not all those now of the earth are in the awakening stage. So you wonder why you want to continue that special relationship while other humans seem more “normal,” for they are not undergoing the erratic shifts of those close to you.

In truth, the erratic behaviors of those awakening are not much different than was true for you as a 3D teen or a newly awakened being. The key difference is they are moving through their transition phases more rapidly than did you. So their actions are more erratic and, therefore, noticeable.

Most likely, you were not as disruptive during your initial transition phases because your transition happened over years or many months. Those close to you are completing the same phases in days – a month at the most. And they are doing so because of you. Your beacon pulled them into the light, allowing them to remember who they are – gods and goddesses of the Universe.

Do you remember years ago when we informed you that even though all of you were on stage, your unique roles required different times in the spotlight? Think of those close to you as your understudy, watching your every move knowing they will soon assume a similar role.

You once looked to the Universes and humans you believed were more advanced than you. Until you no longer needed the reassurances of the Universes or other transition travelers. So it is now that those close to you know you are someone they want to be. So they watch you closely trying to emulate your moods and actions. This irritates you, for you no longer wish to have anyone following you. You wish to be an independent Universal being. And you want the same for all, including your loved one.

You find the thought that those close to you want to be like you abhorrent – either consciously or subconsciously. So as is true for most older brothers or sisters, you try to “ditch” your understudy to continue your growth.

Ah, such is not as easy as you would like. Not because your approach is wrong, but those following have not yet claimed their self-hood. Such will shift rapidly.

But know that for the next few days, you and your loved one might be at cross-purposes. Just as your younger siblings were likely irritating until they evolved into their mature being. A maturity that might have included some of your mindset, but not a carbon copy of you.

Please have the patience for those awakening within your circle of friends or family. They want to be you – until they wish to be unique. That is when you will reconnect with them stronger than ever.

Will the relationship survive? Most likely, for they love and admire you enough to be like you, to be your understudy. Such does not happen because of hate. But instead, because of love and misguided beliefs that somehow you know everything they do not.

In a few days, they will claim themselves – much to your joy and their peace of mind. For in trying to be like you, they will find themselves lost.

It is only when they find their path, their role, will they relax and return to the full partnership you two once enjoyed.

They cannot be you. You cannot be them. Your new meeting point is where they claim themselves. Just as you once did. Even though their independent awakening will happen within days, they now feel like a bothersome younger sibling. This, too shall pass – much more rapidly than your current irritation believes possible. So be it. Amen.


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