【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.放輕鬆. (20200226)
《2》.深沉寧靜,掠過生命的風暴. (20200227)
《3》.你就是那根蠟燭. (20200302)

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月26日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe dear ones, you are all loved beyond anything you can possibly imagine. You are supported in the heavens in ways that are beyond belief. Your only task is to surrender to your heart in each moment, to do what you know to do, and find the joy therein. In a vibration of love, joy, or peace, you allow the universe to help you. In a vibration of fear, worry, or doubt, you block the love that is ever-present and always trying to reach you.

Consider a small thing, such as a tiny cut on your finger. There are so many cells affected – skin cells, nerve cells, blood cells, immune system cells… and the list goes on. Built into your very body, and indeed into each tiny cell is an internal guidance system. “Help! We are cut!” The skin cells alert the nerve cells. The nerve cells alert the brain. Chemical processes are initiated as well. The physical vehicle, with all its miraculous systems working in miraculous harmony, alerts immune cells and cells that help the blood clot. There are nations of cells alerted, mobilized, and coordinated simply to stop the bleeding, prevent infection, and imitate the healing process.

Now, what if the skin cells were to suddenly say, “Oh no! I’ve been cut! I don’t know how to heal! I don’t know what to do! I am all alone!” They begin to attempt to stretch across the chasm and heal themselves. The body is trying to contact them! “We’re here. There are nerves, blood, brain, chemicals, all trying to help you! There is a higher intelligence in charge! Relax. Do as guided! You are not alone!” The cells relax, listen to their guidance, trust all will be well, and the body heals. If they insisted, however, on attempting to heal all by themselves, then dear ones… you would find them in the same situation that some of you encounter at times – feeling lost, confused, alone, and unclear about what to do next.

So, when you have a life challenge of any sort, be it financial, health, relationship, career, or a gazillion other things that can arise there upon your earth, think of yourself as a tiny and yet important cell in the body of God. You have a system built into your very spirit that cries out, like a child, for help. Sometimes you pray with words. Sometimes you pray with desire. Sometimes you pray with frustration by focusing on what you do not want, but beneath that very thought is the desire for what you do. Always and forever, you send out a signal to the universe, “Help!” You can count on the fact, that the universe begins to answer.

The minute you have a desire thousands of “cells” in the body of God are mobilized. Angels are brought to help you by sending you energy to uplift you, help you, heal you, and guide you. Other human beings whose creations are harmonious with yours are given urges and instincts. A solution is formed in the mind of God for every desire, every challenge, and every problem you face. You need only “get out of the way.” By this we mean, you need only rest in the knowing that help is on the way.

When you feel fearful that you don’t know how to manage something, remind yourself God does. When you feel doubt that your dreams will come true, remind yourself, if you have a sliver of faith the universe can move mountains. When you feel sad, angry, frustrated, or confused, stop, breathe. Look around and find any one small thing to notice and be grateful for in the present moment, and in that single instant of surrendering to love you open to goodness and guidance once again.

Dear ones, you are never alone. Solutions are waiting for you to relax and allow for the guidance. Dreams are waiting to be fulfilled. You need only relax into the here and now, notice the love, feel the goodness all around you, breathe deeply, and remember that the universe is, as you say, “on it!”

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月27日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you are feeling the world’s unrest. It manifests in anxiety, crankiness, intolerance, impatience, fear, or a multitude of other feelings that can be summed up in one word –unsettled. You feel unsettled because you are sensitive and your world is unsettled.

It is a time when all of you are starting to feel, at deeper levels, that indeed you are all One. Within each and every one of you, the energies that comprise your world exist –not in your physical body, but in the part of your eternal spirit that reaches into infinity. You can either contribute your Peace and Love into the mass consciousness, or you can be drawn into its chaos.

Imagine you are a wave upon the ocean. At the surface you contend with all the waves around you, whether cooperative or destructive. If you were to sink a little deeper into the ocean you would feel the deeper currents of the other waves, some weaker, some stronger. If you were to go even deeper, you would only feel the deep peace of the ocean itself. The nearer you are to the surface, the more unsettled and affected by the other waves you would be

Likewise when you look at the surface of your world, you see and feel chaos.There is an intense clashing now between what you call the forces of light and darkness, or as we’d rather say, those in truth, and those in illusion. There are multitudes of angry souls, and as well, multitudes working to be the love and the peace in the world. On your earth, when opposing forces such as hot and cold fronts collide, storms transpire. Likewise, there are many storms upon your earth right now –shootings, political unrest, etc. You feel these storms in your bodies and minds.

However, there is good news. Just as the peaceful depth of the ocean is always there, whether or not it is a sunny day or whether there is a hurricane going on at the surface, so too, the Peace and the Presence of the Divine exists within your depth, waiting for you to sink into it, to relax in its embrace, and to come to the surface more refreshed and more able to withstand the storms of life. The more you take time to connect with Love, in any form, the more you become a contribution to the world and the more you tip the balance in the mass consciousness towards the light.

Take time in silence. Feel the love in your hearts. Breathe deeply and ask the Divine and your angels to rise up within you and fill you with this love. In this space, you become a spring, a fountain of love that pours forth into and blesses your world. In connection with the energy of Love, dear ones, you become the lights of the world. Then and only then will the storms of life pass you by, while you, like the center of the hurricanes, remain in peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.—The Angels

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月02日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have an old saying on your planet, "Starve a cold and feed a fever." We would borrow that and say instead, "Starve your fears, and feed your love!"

The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. You might say to us, "Wait a minute... I get sick when I get tired and worn down, not when I'm in fear!" We would lovingly point out that getting tired and worn down is a result of fear, vs. faith in a loving Source that would support you if you more freely supported your own well-being.

Likewise, the greed, corruption, and misuse of power on your planet feed off fear. If others can lord death or doom over you, your fear gives them power. If you stop worshiping false idols and make God your God and love your life, then these individuals cannot manipulate your minds or your lives a minute longer.

There have always been viruses on your planet. There have always been wars. There has always been corruption, misuse of power, and a variety of other human behaviors less than loving. However, there has always been love. God is still God. Light is still light. Truth is still truth. Always.

So, in the face of epidemics, untruths, and other unpleasant realities how do you find your peace? Our answer is simple. Reconnect with love, one moment at a time.

In a space of love, you become a vibrational catalyst and a force for positive change. If more people were praying for a solution to the recent viral epidemic, than fearing it, a vaccine would be found within weeks. Fear feeds a virus. Love starves it.

If more people were praying for the world's corrupt and wounded leaders, than hating them, they would transform in ways you cannot imagine and become a force of love. Fear feeds greed. Love starves it.

Dear ones, when fear threatens to infect you, possess you, or take control over you inherently loving being, stare it in the face, breathe deeply, and say to it, "Be GONE! Love is my power. God is my power. Truth is my power. I am safe in the arms of the Loving Presence that lives in all things! I am Love. I am LIGHT. I am safe. I AM."

There is no greater immunity to the worlds ills than to know that the light of the living God lives and breathes within you, and indeed IS you. Rest in that truth dear ones. Within that reality no darkness, disease, or destruction can harm you.

After all, a single candle illuminates the darkness and yet there is no darkness powerful enough to put out that light. You are that candle.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels


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