【天使】傳導:Ann Albers. 譯者:Nick Chan.
《1》.2020年 (20200107).
《2》.呼吸 (20200114). 
《3》.尋找,你就會找到 (20200120).

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月07日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Happy New Year! Happy Year of Getting Clear! This is a wonderful year in which to make a commitment to see yourself through the eyes of love – with perfect “2020” vision! This is a wonderful year to enter into a deeper partnership with the Divine.
In the midst of your world’s chaos you can see and be a greater love. In the face of the world’s contrasts you come to know and love your own perspectives even more clearly. Rather than looking at the world and judging others as “right" or “wrong," “good" or “bad", instead use the diversity of opinions and activities as a backdrop against which you can more clearly see and acknowledge your own heart and your own truths.
As you look in the mirrors that life presents, ask yourselves: What that I see resonates with me? What belongs in my life? Who belongs in my life? What beliefs work for me? Which ideologies resonate with me and which do not. Rather than judging yourself or others, use the diversity to help you learn, discern, and make clear decisions about who you are, who you wish to be, and how you wish to Iive and love in this world of contrasts.

Like snowflakes, no two of you are exactly alike. Like cells in the body, each of you came to earth for a different reason, desiring different experiences, and wanting to share different gifts. Some of you resonate with each other and get along easily. Some of you do not. You were not all mean to agree. Each of you is a precious perfect, and unique embodiment of Divine love.
When you know yourself as one with the infinite, you realize that your beliefs are right – for you. You realize that your desires are right – for you. You know that your opinions and preferences are right – for you. Your morals and ethics are right – for you. In this light, you also understand that everyone on the planet has their own unique beliefs, desires, preferences, and opinions that are uniquely right for the path of their soul’s growth.
It is through the diversity and the contrasts that humanity, as a collective energy, and you, as an individual within this One energy, will continue to grow and evolve.
To “live and let live,” to “love and let love,” without judgment of self or others, is one of the highest forms of spiritual freedom.

So, this year, instead of focusing on what the world or others around you are doing, make your own heart and your own joy a priority. Focus on loving yourself, so you can truly love others. Focus on valuing your own perspectives, so you can stop seeking agreement, perpetuating arguments, and allow others their own sacred point of view.
Take your own feelings and dreams seriously and get to work on manifesting them without a care in the world about what anyone else is manifesting! We encourage each and every one of you! We cheer you on! For within you lies the power and the love of the most high and in this higher understanding, with this “20/20 view of reality," that power can satisfy each and every one off your dreams in a way that suits the greatest good of all.
Look in the mirror and commit wholly to your relationship with the Divine light and love within you. Commit to self love. Commit to self-acceptance. Commit to your own dreams.
Let the political and social climate be what it is. It need not affect your joy. Let the financial world be what it is. It need not affect your God given abundance. Let others be who they are. Their opinions about you don’t mean a thing about how you feel about yourself or your life in general.
In such a state of true self love and truth, you can’t help but become a real and loving contribution upon this earth.

Let this year – the year of getting clear, the year of 2020 – bring you “20/20” vision so you can see clearly and know dear the Divinity within. Twos, after all, are the number of partnership, and we can think of no greater partnership you can form than the one with the Light, the Love, and the Divinity within you.
God Bless You! Happy New Year! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月14日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a breath and luxuriate in the sensation of the abundant air entering your lungs. Relax and release it. Take another breath, and as you do so, feel the fullness and richness of the oxygen mixing and mingling with your body. Sense the joy of the body as it takes in the air and begins to share this nourishment throughout your bloodstream, delivering the oxygen to fuel every precious cell. Relax. Release. Allow all that does not serve to simply flow away from you.

In every breath, dear ones, you take in the richness, the abundance, the energy, and the fuel, from the universe! Breathe again. Feel this wealth of air and energy filling your body. Imagine it being taken in, distributed through thousands of miles of blood vessels and capillaries. Imagine your cells gratefully receiving it. Imagine it stoking the flames of each cell in much the same way that air fans the flames of a fire. Feel the gratitude of each cell!
The only thing you did was breathe, but in that very breath, you drew the force and wealth of life into trillions of tiny beings within you! Can you imagine? This is your health! This is your wealth! This is your connection with the abundance of any and all frequencies in the entire known and unknown cosmos. Breathe....
Dear ones, you are never separate from that which you seek. You never have to seek to begin with. You breathe in the frequencies you want to see manifest in your life. You allow them to mingle with the physical oxygen and to be vibrationally delivered unto each cell, charging up each tiny vortex of spinning energy that makes up what looks like a body! In truth you are patterns of light and energy – vibrant beings pulsating in rhythm with the cosmos!

Breathe... you are spinning the vortices you call the particles which make up what you call your cells! Release! You are cleansing old frequencies from the vortices which you call the particles which make up what you call your cells!
Can you imagine? You are flesh and blood but beyond that illusion, you are energy and in the breath you take in the rich, abundant, wealth of God's goodness and grace! Breathe... Relax... You are in a state of grace now, a state of flow.
Dear ones, it is truly that simple. Decide what you want to experience. Imagine it. Breathe it in. Breathe in the frequencies of health. Breathe in the frequencies of love. Using your simple intent, breathe in the frequencies of unconditional love, well-being, joy, grace, ease. Feel it. Remember it. Connect often to what you seek to experience through simple intention and breath.
If you did nothing else to change your life, the very act of breathing consciously and with intention would begin to gently, powerfully, and kindly change your life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月20日.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Take a breath. Pause. For a moment, just look around and witness the goodness all around you. Notice areas of stillness and peace. Notice the sky above. Notice the ground below. Notice the comforts in your life – your clothing, your home, your bed, and the food that you eat. Think about the kind people on this earth. Think about the people working to create a better life and a better world. Think about the flowers that blossom for you joy and the birds that sing to remind you to give thanks for life and its glorious cycles. If you are willing to see, then everywhere you look you can find evidence of love.
You can live in peace in the midst of the world's chaos. You can enjoy abundance in a world that fears and focuses on lack. You can allow your heart to well up with the joy of life while others look for reasons to be miserable.

In this world of contrasts, why not choose to place your attention on what is good, beautiful, true, and inspiring... to you? Why not look at the good in human hearts, rather than searching for their flaws? Why not look at the areas in which you feel abundant, rather than focusing on the areas in which you feel lack? Why not notice the good things about your own body, rather than focusing on its so-called, perceived flaws?
Dear ones, "Seek and ye shall find," means quite literally that what you choose to focus upon you will continue to find. Seek reasons to feel lacking and you will find more lack. Seek reasons to feel abundant and you will experience more abundance. Seek reasons to feel upset at the world's politics and you will go down that path and find ever increasing reasons to be upset. Alternately you can seek reasons to feel inspired by the good deeds of humanity and therefore see more of those. Focus on the goodness and beauty within yourself and you will draw more of that to the surface as well.
Life is a buffet. You will like some of its offerings and others you will find utterly repulsive. Nonetheless all offerings of life give you the contrast you require to further define your individual point of view. Life's offerings show you more clearly who you are and who you are not. They "buffet of life" gives you an opportunity to continue along the path you are on, or to create a kinder reality. All of life's offerings are given to you as "classrooms" in which you can choose to learn and grow.

There was never meant to be "one right way " More than ever before, it is time to embrace this truth – live and let live. Those in natural disasters have chosen, at a deep soul level, to learn from such experiences. Those in utter peace in the "house on the hill" have chosen to learn from those experiences. Within every given situation the souls involved have chosen, at deep levels, the so-called "walls of their classrooms" here upon the earth in which they will grow in the areas they wish to evolve. While some classrooms might seem harsh and difficult and others more exalted, they are, nonetheless, at a deep level, choices of all souls involved.
Suppose before you came into this life you wanted to learn what is of real value in this life. You might choose to be very rich and discover that what you truly value isn't stuff but rather the people in your life. Alternately you might choose to be very poor, and discover that you find precious joy in love and community. Although the exterior "classrooms" look very different, the growth is very similar. You can never judge one life to be "right" or "wrong" unless you know, deep down, what the soul is striving to achieve.

What matters then, is not what the world around you is doing, but rather what you are doing. Let others make their own choices. Grant yourself the right to make choices in alignment with your own truth, your own joy, and your own hopes and dreams. In allowing yourself the freedom to be who you want to be, and to live as you choose to live, and focus upon that which you seek, you will learn what you came to learn here upon this earth. In that reality, it is easy to grant others the very same freedom. In that reality, you find true, deep, and everlasting peace.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

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