【KejRaj】譯者:Nick Chan.
《1》.重置 (20191025).
《2》.ET的存在,光子帶,遊戲改變 (20191030). 
《3》.虛假矩陣崩潰,新曙光,陰謀集團的計畫適得其反 (20200109).
《4》.銀河援助,靈性電力,揚升能量 (20200112).
《5》.最後一步,世界經濟,釋放能量 (20200119).

譯者:Nick Chan.於2019年10月25日.

Greetings! From heart to heart with great love in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

The Creator, the Cherubim, the Serafim, the Elohim, Archangelic Realms, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Confederation of Light, which includes the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, Blue Avians, Venusians, our cousins from Agartha(Inner Earth), and billions of other beings from across the galaxy and beyond, all assisting humanity and each other in these times of great change.

Why? We can give you a million reasons but we’re going give you just a few, main ones if you will.

In this moment, there is a Universal Reset in process. Creator is breathing IN, and on the OUT BREATH, creation will expand. New thoughts, new ideas, new seeds planted, a new blue print will be laid out, many new cycles will begin.

Here on Earth, what is being not just attempted for the first time in the history of the Universe, but is all ready deemed successful, physical ascension.

This is why this process has been so gradual, but surely moving forward. This is why we have the attention and the assistance of the Universe now, for we are the first ones to ever do something like this, to ascend with our physical vessels.

With this, we are not only lifting up our world, what is occurring here is affecting the entire galaxy and beyond. Yes, we are also lifting up the Universe you could say. Duality in the extremes that it has been experienced here on Earth ’til now, will not be allowed to occur again anywhere in the galaxy.

Now we are moving closer towards the center of the galaxy, our solar system and many other star systems as well.

There will come a time when there will be no humans or other species on Earth. Only angelic beings of the highest, that will do no thing but serve the Creator and the rest of the galaxy.

Earth will transform, expand, evolve in immense ways as she moves closer and closer to the galaxy center. One day our now precious mother will not only be a great sun, but she will wear “the crown to the thrown” of this soon to be the Golden Rose Galaxy. And than the highest, purest energies will descend upon her and Earth will be the “personal playground” of Creator.

From heart to heart, I AM Kejraj!

《2》.ET的存在,光子帶,遊戲改變 .
譯者:Nick Chan.於2019年10月30日.

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
問候!衷心地,我是 KejRaj(KayRy) 。這裡所表達的信息是我的觀點。因為所有的真理在你的心中等待著你。協調於內在的光

Earth and humanity truly exist now within the 5th dimension. What remains of the old is but memory of the collective. And this too now shall begin dissolving at greater speeds. This change is happening for all of humanity. Whether you are aware of it or not, even for those in deep sleep, change is happening in their world within, as well as in their outer.

The SOLar waves are now non-stop hitting the Earth, once they reach Earth's atmosphere and her body in particular, these waves spread like a tsunami, of light, in all directions. Permeating all in their path. This is one of the reasons why it is becoming more difficult for many to cope with the higher light in their daily lives.

Now, since we are anchored in the 5th dimensional reality, this means that other beings of benevolent nature, from the Galactic Community, if they so choose, can "request" to come to Earth's surface and assist with certain "tasks".

Please understand when we say this, we do not speak in terms of a soul coming in through the birthing process. But instead, one is "beamed down", or the star ship lands on a certain area of land, the entity walks out and "continues" their "mission on the ground".

Why are we telling you this now? Because it is all ready happening. And the numbers are quickly increasing.

The green light has also been given to the Star Fleets. Now the Galactic Federation of Light may enter Earth's atmosphere. Which they are all ready doing, en masse. There are millions of star ships cloaked within Earth's atmosphere. All preparations are complete. The time for open contact is up to humanity, and the collective's vibrational frequency.

For new projects, free energy technology, and world wide abundance, the delays can no longer continue. Postponements are no longer permitted. There is no more plan a, b, or c. The plan is to REMOVE all remaining obstacles at once. It is time for action. It is time to free humanity once and for all.
因為新的項目、自由能源技術、全球豐盛的延遲無法再繼續。延遲不再被允許。不會再有 A,B,C 計畫。計畫就是立刻移除所有殘留的障礙。這是行動的時間。這是一勞永逸地解放人類的時間

Humanity's light at the end of the tunnel is YOU, dear starseed, lightworker. So hold your light steadfast, as the new is revealed through YOU.
人類在隧道盡頭的光就是你( YOU ),親愛的星際種子,光之工作者。所以堅定地保持你的光,因為新事物通過你顯現

From heart to heart, I AM KejRaj!
衷心地,我是 KejRaj!

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月09日.

Greetings friends!From heart to heart in this moment we speak,I am KejRaj(KayRy).The information expressed here is that of my perspective,my point of view.For all truth awaits you in your heart.Tuneinto the light within you.
朋友們,你們好!此時此刻,我們心心相印地交談著,我是 KejRaj(KayRy) 。這裡所表達的信息是我的觀點,我的觀點。因為所有的真理都在你的心裡等著你。調整進入你內在的光。

The tensions are rising world wide because the false 3D matrix is collapsing.This world is being washed over by tsunamis of light.
全球範圍內的緊張局勢正在升級,因為虛假的 3D 矩陣正在崩潰。這個世界正在被光的海嘯沖刷。

The dark energies are boiling because they are being burned by the higher light entering our world in greater and greater waves at this time.

The intensification of the higher energies is now permanent.The light will continue to increase each day until the dark is completely cleared,and the veil is entirely dissolved.

Besides changes in politics and nations'affairs,you can expect great changes in nature as well.Earth will do what is necessary to cleanse her physical vessel.And this process has already begun.

We have stated many times before,and we'll do so again.Nuclear war,or world war 3 will not be allowed to unfold.Period.

This planet is being monitored and watched over by the Galactic Federation every second of every day and night.

The recent events in the Middle East have shaken quite a few.They should not.In fact it is good news.Why?

The General of Iran was taken out because he wanted chaos in Iraq.He was warned many times,and ignored the messages.

We have also said,all obstacles that may prevent peace and forward movement,will be eliminated.

We are on full throttle towards 5D Earth.The spring equinox will be another great push towards the new reality.
我們正全速前往 5 維地球。春分將是邁向新現實的又一個巨大推動力。

All the light to You!From heart to heart,KejRaj.
所有的光照耀著你 ! 從心到心, KejRaj 。

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月12日.

Greetings friends!From heart to heart in this moment we speak,I am KejRaj.The information expressed here is that of my perspective,my point of view.For all truth awaits you in your heart.Tune into the light within you.
朋友們,你們好!在這一刻我們心心相印地說話,我是 KejRaj。這裡所表達的信息是我的觀點,我的觀點。因為所有的真理都在你的心裡等著你。調整進入你內在的光。

Today allow us to get straight to the point.The US military is being assisted by the Galactic Federation of Light in tracking and eliminating obstacles.

The ones who seek nothing but to instill fear in the masses by any means necessary.

You see a whole lot on the news how in many parts of the world,corrupt leaders are stepping down(as ordered to),and some are being imprisoned or sent to god.

In the country of America however,this seemed to be an issue.

In the little,parasitic minds of the remaining cabal entities,within America,they have this idea that one way or another they can still win.It is game over for them.It has been for quite some time.

While people focus on other parts of the world being rid of cabal puppets,they do not see what is happening in America.They do not see that cabal members are being hunted one after another.

Though the cabal is throwing everything they have to cause chaos,it just isn't working anymore.The new reality frequency does not support it.

Their hiding places have been exposed,and their clones are degenerating.

Their wealth is being confiscated.Their empire has collapsed.The END of the cabal is now.

The new light filled reality for Earth and humanity has begun.

All the light to You.From heart to heart,I am KejRaj.
所有對你的光。從心到心,我是 KejRaj。

譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年01月19日.

Greetings to You!From heart to heart in this moment we speak,I am KejRaj.The information expressed here is that of my perspective,my point of view.For all truth awaits you in your heart.Tune into the light within you.
向你問好!在這一刻我們心心相印地說話,我是 KejRaj。這裡所表達的信息是我的觀點,我的觀點。因為所有的真理都在你的心裡等著你。調整進入你內在的光。

The cabal has done everything they can to cause chaos on a global scale,they have failed.

Now they are making their final move in hopes of starting another world war.They will fail yet again,as the deck is stacked against them like never before.

The Alliance is ten steps ahead.Every move the cabal makes,the deeper they sink.

Current conflict on the physical plane is being allowed to take place for releasing dense pockets of negative energy.However,that's as far as it will go.No large escalations will be allowed.

Threats and rumors of a world war are nothing more than that.And soon even such rumors will disappear.

One thing we will mention is these alternative media sites,who are supposed to bring truth and light.They often speak of world war as being imminent,in a way promoting and infusing such ideas.This must stop.

At this time there are even more light beings in their star ships arriving in our Solar System to witness this great changeover.So our focus must be peace and only peace.

The day approaches quickly when the dark is to fall hard once and for all.And this world is permanently uplifted into the 5th dimension.

That is all for today.All the light to You!


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