【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.選擇自己的態度就是選擇自己的道路 (20200527)
《2》.轉變正在發生 (20200527)
《3》.穿過雨季 (20200528)
《4》.善用自己的優點 (20200529)
《5》.成為光之大師 (20200530)



2020年8月31日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《1》.關於:選擇自己的態度就是選擇自己的道路 .


You Choose


To choose one's attitude is to choose one's way.If you are unhappy with the scenes that are playing out before you,then you know it is time for some deep introspection and look at what attitudes need some adjustments and which ones need to be transformed completely into something more supportive of your intentions and your goals.It is important to get really clear and focused for what is to come your way.


Choose wisely for yourself and you will find it gets easier to make those choices.You will trust your connection to your wise self and you will trust your instincts more.Practice honing these skills and you will find the path of least resistance seems to light up,as if by magic,for you to follow,with guideposts marking the way.


The Mantra for today is:"I choose my attitude to help me manifest my intentions in the best possible light."


And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


2020年8月31日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《2》.關於:轉變正在發生 .


Change is happening


The energy is ripe for transitions and choices are best made when you are clear on your motivations and your intentions.Do not procrastinate or run away from the truth for that will only serve to create more challenges and really that is not what you want.Be clear and believe in yourself and your abilities to surmount the next mountain,for below you there will be a valley filled with richness and light.Be brave and take that leap of faith and trust in the softness of the landing.


See clearly what is before you.Ask your angels for help if you need.There are wonderful people all around you and the support is available to you.Remember to keep your life balanced with work,play,and with love.See the magic in life all around you and attract more of that into your heart.Magical opportunities await you and the best thing to do is allow for the transformation of old thoughts and feelings and release the Caterpillar from its cocoon.



The Mantra for today is: "I release and allow the transformation of my thoughts and feelings to support me and my growth.I can clearly see the best path before me!"


And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


2020年8月31日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《3》.關於:穿過雨季 .


Getting Through the rainy times


There are days when the rain falls.It is an important part of the cycle of life.Embrace those days and see them as ways of cleansing what is no longer viable and nourishing what needs to be nourished.When the rain clears, the world looks fresh and renewed.So shall it be with your perspective in life.Look forward to the rainbows that will shine with the light, letting you know that soon this too shall pass, just like any other storm that happens to come your way.


Your angel guidance is to remember that in every life a little rain will fall.Know that you can choose to dance in rain and celebrate what it is washing away and then look for the rainbows and know that better things are ahead of you.


The mantra for today is:"When it rains, I always take a look around for the rainbows!


And so it is


2020年8月31日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《4》.關於:善用自己的優點 .


Utilize your many strengths


View yourself with compassion and love, always.Anytime you find yourself thinking or feeling poorly about yourself, focus upon your many strengths instead.Use positive affirmations to lift your energy and help you keep the faith.Your strengths include your loving heart, pure intentions, talents, skills and all of the different aspects of growth that you have been working on.The more you honour and bless your strengths and assets, the stronger they become and the stronger you become.



Be flexible and know that life is filled with changes and surprises.Keep your mind and heart open to new ideas and fresh options to come your way.There is always a solution to every situation, so look at all things with eyes of love and expectation for grander things and then life force can flow freely through you and to you.


The mantra for today is:"I have many wonderful strengths and assets upon which I can draw to assist me in whatever way I need at that moment."


And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


2020年8月31日.Angel Wisdom信息;
《5》.關於:成為光之大師 .


Becoming A Light Master


You are beings filled with light and as you learn to harness and carry this light,the brighter your world becomes.Ask the angels to fill you with more light,for it contains spiritual information,understanding,peace and clarity.It helps you to expand,to see beyond what is,and brings more peace,love and wisdom within you and all around you.Let your light become clearer and stronger,bolder and brighter.You can do this when you are doing daily meditations.At the end,focus your attention on clearing your light,reinforcing it,and shining brighter and brighter.


As you radiate more light,you gain spiritual confidence and become a beacon for others who sense your light and they will ask you how you became so bright,so peaceful,and so clear about your life and your purpose and then you will know it is also time to shine your light and share your experiences with others as the Light Masters you are becoming.



Affirm: "I am a Being of Light.Each day I shine my inner light on all aspects of my life and ignite the movement I desire more rapidly."


And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


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