【昴宿星高級議會的米拉】翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》.宇宙中最高度進化的造物 & 創造的藍寶石 (20200705)
《2》.新地球的復興 (20200807)



《1》.關於:宇宙中最高度進化的造物 & 創造的藍寶石.
傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan.


Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently focused full-time on the Earth Council.


Please look at where your attention is focused now on the planet. We know there are many distractions from the dark forces who would like to remain in control. We can tell you unequivocally that they are losing and have very little time left. They are desperate, angry, and fearful which are the energies they are trying to instill upon you. Their desire to control you is futile, especially for those of the light who know the truth.


We would like to make some suggestions so that you can overcome more of the hurdles that they are sending your way. Please remind yourself what a formidable being you are to be in the position you are in right now even though it is uncomfortable. Stay in your strength and your power and align yourself with the light.


Maintain your spiritual practice, your meditation, walks in nature, your sense of humor and creativity, your friendships with other like-minded ground crew and family members. Reach to the stars and look at the stars. Watch the sky and see the beauty that is around you that is being prepared for you to help you rise above your current stressful situations.


Remind yourselves that you are creating your new world of light and love, harmony and balance, joy and abundance, community and friendship. Embrace us as the Galactic's and your brothers and sisters. Get ready for the magic and the miracles that are coming your way. Stand back from the chaos and the rubble remembering that this is just an illusion. You are not victims, you are victors. You are some of the most highly evolved beings in creation. You would not be on the planet now if this were not true. Remember that control comes from fear. Do you see how afraid the dark forces are right now? Stay away from anything that makes you fearful. Make new choices of where to put your focus.


During these times give yourself the best that you can give yourself. Pay attention to the energies around you and if you are feeling discordance it is best to remove yourself. Keep your vibration up as best as you can. Know that you are stepping into your mastery. Masters don't always know the answers to whatever they were going through but they will always find the solutions. This is the process of mastery. When you are complete with your mastery you won't ever have to come back to the earth again unless you want to.



This planet is considered the blue jewel of creation and will become a vacation spot. We appreciate you for staying on the earth and for seeing this process through to completion. We are almost there so thank you! It will all be worth it!


Goodbye for now and I give you all my love, truth and blessings. I am Mira.


《2》.關於:新地球的復興 .
傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan.


Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.


I bring you great tidings from the Earth Council and all beings of light. We recommend you take a few deep breaths and let go of the stress and the chaos present on the planet.


We understand how you could feel saturated with all of the chaos and change right now. We ask you to loosen up your bodies, minds, hearts and souls. You have been staying in place for too long.


This is the time when you need to reach out to each other to show your caring and concern. So much is going to be revealed to you in the very near future and much is going to be asked of you. Yes, you need to shake off the fear, let go of the isolation, and open your hearts.


You are here for the great awakening. The Earth has had enough and so have you. She is ready and is moving into the fifth dimension and higher. She will no longer be patient with the dark energies. She is in need of cleansing and should be honored for her power and her glory. Like you, she needs to shake it off and that is what she is in the process of doing. This is not to instill fear but it is to show you how powerful the Earth is.


The Earth is being held steady in her place and is getting ready to be moved in your solar system, galaxy and universe. This will bring forth the necessary changes for her survival as well as yours. In fact, you will be living in the glory of the new Earth and the beauty of creation.


These are the final days of living in the old material world. You will be uplifted along with the Earth. Your consciousness is rising and this is what will allow you to be a part of the new. Please do whatever you can now to release the old that has been holding you back. This applies to old wounds, memories that no longer serve you, and anything that is lowering your vibration. You must not let it have a hold on you anymore.



Think about how it will feel to be free of the encumbrances that you’ve carried around, not just in this incarnation, but in many others. When you let it go, let it go for good and do not bring it back. None of the old memories, slights or concerns, are who you are.


You are masterful, powerful beings of light with many gifts and abilities that you are about to use in ways that you never could have imagined. Some of you will begin speaking languages that you did not know you had within. You will create beauty and art as an expression of the love in your heart. Some will play beautiful music and others will dance to it. You will be surrounded in joy, love, and play. Your lives will have new meaning. We will all be involved in the resurrection of the New Earth.


Technologies will be available to everyone without expense. They will be simple and easy to use and will improve your lives. You will heal the bodies, bring forth new teachings, and be doing the work that you were intended to do. You will live in peace, harmony, joy, and balance. The Earth will be restored to her pristine beauty. There will be abundant healing throughout the planet.


We love and admire you. You shall be set free.


I am Mira

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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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