關於 注入新的思想、行動和樂趣.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年8月4日.



Dear Ones,


It seems as if all are sad, mad, or depressed – perhaps including you. You are a beam of sunshine for many, yet you feel as if your beam of light is not possible or even warranted. As if you should match the mood of the populace.
看起來好像所有人都在悲傷、生氣或沮喪 --- 也許還包括你。你對許多人來說是一束陽光,但你感到好像你的光束是不合理的,或甚至沒必要的。好似你應該匹配集體的情緒


There are days you know all is right in your being and world. Only to discover that what you hoped for does not appear or that another inhumane activity has become part of your world.


It is as if you have given everything, including accepting disdain from those who never believed in new you to the loss of friends and family. You are lonely, a bit bitter, and immersed in the anger of the world.
好似你付出了一切,包括接受那些從不相信 “ 新的你 ” 的人的鄙視。你很孤單,有點苦澀,沉浸於世界的憤怒中


You are also exhausted from clearing your pain only to discover that others want you to help them to do the same. You are tired of being of the earth, for it seems as if one pain, one fear, follows another. So it is you wish to close your mind and your physical being to all. Yet, you are lonely – a combination you have likely never before experienced to this degree in this lifetime. For you know the future – you think. But your rewards seem to be moving further away, instead of being accessible now.
你也對清理自己的痛苦,卻發現別人想要你幫助他們清理,感到疲憊。你厭倦了處於地球上,因為看似痛苦、恐懼會一個接一個地到來。所以你希望將你的頭腦和物理存在向一切關閉。但,你很孤獨 --- 在你可能從未在此生體驗過的程度上。因為你知道未來 --- 你認為你知道。但你的回報看似越離越遠,而不是現在就可獲取


Perhaps you dream of a vacation, certain interactions, performing on stage, parties, or furthering your education – all of which are hampered by COVID-19. Even though you have the resources to do something, it’s often not possible for you to do so.
也許你夢想著一個度假,某個交互,在舞台上表演,聚會,或者接受更深的教育 --- 這一切都被病毒妨礙。即使你有資源去做什麼,通常你不可能去做


Your freedom to move about has been hampered. Even those who prefer to be alone are finding their freedom of movement altered. Nothing is as it was.


You have moved through your personal hell for this. Why? For what purpose?


We, of the Universes, continue to inform you that all is wonderful and progressing according to the plan you helped design. Such information matters little. For even though you may not be directly affected, your loss of 3D freedom without a reward in another arena has you questioning everything you experienced throughout this transition.
我們,宇宙存在,不斷地告知你,一切都好、都按照你幫助設計的計畫在進展。這樣的信息不被重視。因為即使你沒有直接受到影響,你 3D 自由的損失,又沒有回報,讓你質疑你在這個轉變中體驗到的一切



You will, if you have not already, become less and less emotional about 3D actions and activities. But as you do so, you are also losing your 3D sense of joy. So instead of shifting to another joy, it feels as if you have no joy.
你會,如果還沒有,對 3D 的行為和活動,變得越來越不會有情緒波動。但當你這麼做,你也失去了 3D 的喜悅感知。所以與其轉變到其它的喜悅,感覺好像你不再有喜悅


Where is your reward? It is difficult to interact freely with your friends and family. And if you do, their excitement, their concerns are not that interesting. So, where is your joy?


You are angry and likely bored. You have emptied your 3D vessel so you no longer experience 3D joy.
你很憤怒,也許無聊。你清空了你 3D 的容器,所以你不再體驗 3D 的喜悅


So it is you have started searching for your new life. Which is probably not that pleasant. For you have trained for eons to know what gives you 3D pleasure and joy. A new toy. A new community. A new job. Family interactions. Perhaps a wedding, graduation, or a party. Yet, none of those actions feel as they once did. That makes you angry. For you achieved what you set out to do when you initiated this transition – letting go of your 3D life. You just did not expect that loss to be as profound as it now feels.
所以你已經開始尋找新的生活。也許不是那麼令人愉悅。因為你被訓練了恆久,去瞭解什麼會給予你 3D 的愉悅和喜悅。一個新的玩具。一個新的社區。一份新的工作。家庭互動。也許一場婚禮,畢業典禮或聚會。但,沒有一個感覺起來和之前一樣了。這讓你憤怒。因為你實現了當你開始這個轉變時著手去做的 --- 放下你的 3D 生活。你只是沒想到損失會是如此地深刻


You thought you would gracefully shift from 3D to the joy of 5D or beyond quickly. You did not expect this void of time or space, which is compounded by COVID.
你以為,你會優雅地快速地,從 3D 轉變到 5D 以及之上的喜悅。你沒有想到由病毒造成的,這個空虛的時間或空間


So it is your vessel is ready to be filled with new thoughts and actions. Such will happen within the next few weeks. Think of your earth being as an empty water glass that once contained a sticky, smelly substance. Now that you are an empty vessel with seemingly no role, you wish to have another liquid in your container. That new liquid is being created by you minute-by-minute.


What was it about that 3D sticky, smelly substance in your container you did not like? How can you create something airy, sparkly, and fun? That is what you are contemplating or, at least, contemplating once you allow yourself to detach from your anger.
你不喜歡那個 3D 的黏黏的發臭的東西哪裡?你如何創造輕盈的、閃光的、有趣的東西?這是你正在思考的,或者,至少考慮一下,一旦你讓自己脫離你的憤怒


Have you ever been in an argument only to realize the argument is too unpleasant to continue or not worth your time? That is the phase you are in now. For you are angry but beginning to realize that anger is not who you are or wish to be. Once you do so, you will begin filling your glass with sparkly fun. Fun that is not curtailed by anything outside of you, including COVID-19. For the anger you are experiencing is not about you or for you. It is merely your need to more fully understand your newly emptied vessel.



Nothing from 3D will be part of your new vessel even though you will likely try to stuff 3D into your vessel – only to discover it continues to be sticky and smelly.
3D 的東西都不會是你新容器的一部分,即使你會試圖把 3D 的東西塞到你的容器中 --- 卻發現它依然是黏黏的發臭的


You are an empty vessel – and frightened that such is so. You feel the need to refill it as quickly as possible. But each 3D action and object you attempt to fill your vessel with feels wrong, lifeless, and boring. Which frightens you even more for that means your earth being has no meaning, no purpose.
你是一個空的容器 --- 你害怕它是空的。你感到需要儘可能快地重新填滿它。但你試圖填滿你容器的每一個 3D 行為和物品都感覺起來不對勁、沒意思、無聊。這更令你害怕,因為這意味著你的地球存在沒有意義,沒有目標


COVID is forcing you to go within. For that which is outside of you is now tainted. It is no longer as it once was even if you try to make it so.


You are a new being trying to discover yourself outside yourself. Nothing outside of you will fill you up. It is time for you to project your needs within. What is it you are missing? How can you fill that need from within?


Because this transition is a process, you might be living with others at different stages than you – which complicates your interactions even more.
因為這個轉變是一個過程,你可能會和不與你處於相同階段的人生活在一起 --- 這讓你們的交互更加複雜


What do you need? How can you create that from within? That is your mission now.


Even though it might be difficult for you to understand, this time of isolation is a blessing.


Your new joys, your new sparkles are to be generated from within. Starting with the knowledge that you wish to fill your empty vessel with sparkles and joy indicative of new you, instead of who you used to be. So be it. Amen.

    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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