【神聖之母】傳導:Jennifer Crokaert 翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》.完美地對齊靈魂的計畫 (20200724)
《2》.時代精神的主題 (20200725)
《1》.關於 完美地對齊靈魂的計畫 .
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
翻譯:Nick Chan.
My beloved children,
Many of you are awakening to the Light Night of the Soul. You have all heard of the dark night of the soul, where you face the agony and pain of your wounds and your fears, of all that you have repressed and hidden from your conscious mind.
It is a moment when the pathway forward in life is very unclear and you feel paralysed, unsure of which direction to go in. It is a pivotal point in your evolutionary progress, entering into the dark night of the soul; as is emerging from it.
When emerging from the dark night of the soul – which is so much longer than one night! – you feel clearer, freer, lighter. You have greater confidence in who you are, how you wish to be in your world, and how you want to turn up. You have healed and released so much baggage that you travel freely and the path, however stony, is completely doable.
You must first empty a jug of dirty water, before you can fill it with pure water.
The Light Night of the Soul, is a much newer phenomenon among my children. The Light Night of the Soul is when you are awakened, frequently very suddenly and abruptly, to the magnitude of who you Are.
Skills, talents, abilities and knowingness that you have never experienced before suddenly flow through you like never before. Energy flows, you’re on a high; yet, you feel alone, isolated, out of step with those around you and who you ‘used’ to be.
This, my dear children, is the Light Night of the Soul. In the dark night of the soul, you face all the shadow that you have disowned. In the Light Night of the Soul, you face the divinity you have disowned.
Both are periods of ‘night’ symbolically, for they are about embracing what has been in the shadows, hidden, repressed or ignored.
In both experiences, you are ‘dislocated’ from those around you, and even more painfully, from who you thought you were. It can feel like a rupture in your identity, but actually, in both cases, it is an expansion into the next greatest, highest version of yourself.
So, how to navigate this new stage, this new ‘leveling up’, this new expansion?
I wish to suggest that you begin by surrendering your fears to me. It may be as simple as:
“Mum, I’m terrified. I don’t know why I have these new abilities, how I’m meant to use them, and I hate how uncomfortable they make me feel.
"Help me feel safe, help me feel the flow of love. Help me surrender my fears to you, in the knowing that you will show me how this new journey will evolve every tiny step of the way.
"I am You, and You are Me.”
We will talk more about this in the future, but for now, melt into acceptance, as and where you can, trusting that your blessed life is unfolding in absolutely perfect alignment with your soul’s plan
《2》.關於 時代精神的主題 .
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
翻譯:Nick Chan.
My beloved children, in every moment of ‘time’ on your planet, there is a zeitgeist, the spirit of the moment, the theme of that period of time.
In this time, the theme is releasing; it is the pathway to the freedom of your divine Self, and global ascension. You can see this play out on the world stage in many ways and, if you could see it, you would know that it is even playing out on the galactic stage at present, albeit in a far more graceful manner!
But right now, what I wish to address is release at the personal level. I have previously spoken of the Light Night of the Soul, when your awareness of your divine essence, and the extended abilities that brings with it, suddenly explodes into your consciousness. Release is the alchemist in this process.
So long as you remain locked in your ideas of who you are and how you are, you are living in a cage. Free yourself!
The ideas you hold about yourself were, in large part, formed by your parents, who were themselves hurt and fragmented by life; by family and peers, who were also equally hurt and fragmented; and by a media that wished to dumb you down and keep you small. None of that, but none of it, was ever remotely true.
The purpose of your life is to free yourself from the bondage of those painful distortions about who you are, and to free yourself to become the physical embodiment of your divine self.
There is no doubt, but it is a very arduous life assignment to free oneself and to ascend in physical form, while trying to pay the rent, look after family members, clean, cook, listen, heal, nourish and nurture those around you; and if you have time left over, maybe even yourself.
You can see why this was an assignment only granted to the strongest and the bravest.
Life is changing, both within and without. I say that not to be facile, but to point out that change requires release. Within this condensed, compressed ascension process that you are experiencing and manifesting, release is the alchemist that frees your Self.
Release frees you from the false, illusory cages in which you have been trapped, it frees your soul to dance in your waking consciousness, and it frees your divine Self to coexist consciously, transcendentally in your every day life.
Change can only occur – whether inside you or outside you – when you release what was. Nothing is permanent, not time, not homes, jobs, partners, nor jobs.
Every time you notice yourself thinking:
I must…
I should…
I need to…
I can’t…
I have to…
You have moved out of the flow. You have returned back to the pre-programmed cage. Release yourself from that cage, for it does not serve you; indeed, it cannot hold the magnitude of who you are, except and unless, you chose to make yourself as small as that idea, that cage.
So, in practical terms, how do you do that?
“I can choose to…”
Now you may do the same action as you were going to do when you thought ‘I must…’, but the energy is different. You have expanded beyond its grip and brought in new light.
Over time, and not a lot of time, you will discover that ‘can choose’ is like a lever to freedom. It creates space, it invites life and light, it is gentle on your precious self.
You can choose.
With all my love to you, my beloved.