【昴宿星使者‧卡拉】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.你的呼求已被傾聽並回應 (20200709)
《2》.坐下來觀看 (20200721)
《1》.關於 你的呼求已被傾聽並回應.
譯者:Nick Chan.
Greetings our dearest friends and family, I AM KaRa.
It is with such joy I greet and watch over you. For you are witnessing the deconstruction of the old. And I say deconstruction here, as I refer to it as a process and not a sudden destruction. For these are the moments you are now moving through and have been in for quite some time. This deconstruction started globally around your 2012 portal and has gradually intensified, as the energies streaming to the Earth have intensified. It is this deconstruction you are not witnessing on a global scale.
伴隨著巨大的喜悅我前來問候你和照看你。因為你在見證舊事物的瓦解。當我說瓦解,我說的是一個過程,而不是突然毀滅。因為這就是你正在經歷的,已經有段時間了。這個瓦解大約在 2012 門戶起開始在全球發生,漸漸增強,隨著流向地球的能量加強。這是你沒有在全球範圍內見證的瓦解
These are the moments you came here for dear ones; these are the moments you have been so long preparing for, that we have been helping you prepare for. For it is in these moments of seeming chaos, you must return to who you are. You must deconstruct you own beliefs to the return to your truth, to who you are in your purest form. This is what you are witnessing dearest souls.
You are now seeing you own inner work, being reflected on a global scale, and although it may not seem like it, this is something you should be in great joy about.
For it is this inner work you have all tirelessly been doing, that has finally begun to manifest on a grand scale. It is grand indeed dear ones. So, what we wish for you to all do now, is to take a step back from this global view and return the focus to your own reality, to your own inner being.
We see many of you getting caught up in the outer scene, and this is ok from time to time, to check in with the progress of the collective, but as has been said through this one before, it does not serve you to get caught up in the drama. We ask that you all please rest as much as possible, that you take time to honour your physical vessel, for the energies coming into the solar system, into your bodies and then into the earth, are to be greatly intensified. For this is what you have asked for. This is what the light workers and warriors have called upon. Even those who are unaware of what is occurring have called for this, because it is the ones who are unaware of the energies, but are well aware of the division on earth, have called for a stop to it. You have all said that is enough, we are not being divided anymore, we are tired of violence and anger, we have had enough. And I, KaRA, will tell you that enough of you have now called for the energies to be greatly amplified.
It is through amplifying these energies, that will greatly speed up the process of coming together once again. For as the energies rise, the old, low vibrational energies of fear, anger and hatred, simply cannot withstand the intensity of the light, therefore they must dissipate. You have all called for this and there have now been enough of you, collectively, to allow this. So, we will say, we being the Pleiadean Emissaries, to buckle up, as the next few months are going to bring great bursts of Light from the Great Central Sun.
Dear ones, this is why we ask that you rest as often as you can and to also detach from most media sources, bar the ones you trust within your heart, to be truthful and not fear based. For those who wish to hold you back, are well aware of the call you have put out and as you are witnessing, are doing all they can to intensify their program of fear and control.
So, we ask that you return to yourself. Return to your immediate reality and know within you heart that your call for help has been heard. We have heard you dear hearts and we are responding. We are all hearing your calls and cries for help, they echo through the galaxy and so many more are now joining in this grand effort to assist you all.
We are here dear ones, please rest in this knowing and please, trust that all is as it should be and that you are all in the exact place you need be.
I cannot stress enough, to please rest and honour your body, because you will need as much energy as you can summon, to assist in grounding these waves of energy. For it is you dear ones, who are creating this change, we are merely assisting. You are the change makers, the warriors of light, who came here knowing it was going to be a shit show but did not care. You were all determined to see this through, and that you are.
We all love and support you dearly. Please feel my words and energy as I echo into your heart, to tell you, all is well my dear one. Be at peace. Be within your heart, for your heart knows the truth. Your heart knows no fear, no anger and certainly no judgement towards others. We are here my beloveds. Return home to YOU.
As the energies grow stronger, we only grow closer and many of you are starting to see this, you are starting to see this more and more with your physical eyes. Whether it be our ships flickering in the sky or our presence brushing you by. We are here in so many ways, shapes and forms. Open to our presence and you will then know you have comfort in the ethers.
I AM KaRA. I Am in such joy to see the progress you are all making. I will say again, to please rest, please be in nature as much as possible and detach from the global drama. You are all where you need to be. Trust dear ones. You will see in the next few weeks what these words truly mean. I love you dear hearts.
《2》.關於 坐下來觀看.
傳導:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.
I am KaRa. As always, I appreciate these opportunities, these moments that I can be with you and share with you, my beloved brothers and sisters from the stars. For all of you, all of you that are on this call, and many of you that will read these words or listen to these words, many of you are starseeds who came from the stars.
Now in these moments that are yet coming, you are moving into deeper states of consciousness within you. Because that is what this is all about: an awakening of consciousness and moving into consciousness. For did not the one, Yeshua, say the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, is within? He never spoke of a place to go to. A place to move into, into your consciousness. That is what you are doing as you raise consciousness, as you raise your vibrations.
You are moving deeper into levels of consciousness that you have not known for quite some time. Certainly most, if not all, of the lifetimes here on this planet. But yet you came from that higher consciousness, those higher vibrations before coming into this planet to this evolution.
Many of you were masters, are masters. Many of you have been even stars and planets, and have created life all around you. For you all have that Creator spirit within you, that Creator life within you. We all do. But it is only a matter now of remembering that you have that creative spirit and ability to create. Yes, you can create life, even. But for now, you need to simply focus on creating the life within yourself for assisting all of those around you to help them create in their lives, to create and know that they are creating their own reality outside of the illusion of this third dimension.
For there are those beings which you know of as the dark ones, or the cabal, or the Illuminati, and those that overlord the Illuminati. There are those that have been so involved in holding you back, holding back the light within you, attempting to hold you in the shadows, just as they are in the shadows, pulling you down into those shadows, into that darkness. They attempt to do so in their various ways of controlling. Mass hypnosis, if you will. And in many ways they are succeeding now for a great many.
But even that great many are beginning to awaken. It may not appear so. They are beginning their awakening process. Because some are looking out and seeing those of you that will not fall into line. They are wondering, “why are you not falling into line? Why are you being selfish?” they would say. But in their wondering about it, they begin to awaken. Because they are questioning why, why would so many be so against wearing masks? Why would so many be against having a relatively safe distance between each other.
But deep within them, just as deep with you, the consciousness that awakened within you, that consciousness is awakening within them too. The remembrances are coming back to them as well. They are remembering the freedom, the desire for that freedom not only here in this country, but in all of the world.
Yes, you can look across the world and see many battles. Many people starving, many people dying of illness because they are not receiving what they need to continue to survive to live. Yes, that is happening. But it is a general awakening, a planetary awakening, that is occurring. And you must know this. You must believe this, all of you, the Lightworkers and Warriors: you must believe this. It is all happening for a reason, that there is a plan in place and in the works. And this plan is far greater than what you can even begin to imagine. It encompasses so much beyond your daily lives.
For if you look at the big picture, the large picture, you see life returning. You see light returning, here, and this planet becoming the light within the stars once again. And you, those of you, all of you are bringing that light back here, are allowing for the light to come from the many different sources that it emanates. And yet, from that very one source that is now approaching the galaxy.
How fast it comes depends on the frequency of consciousness here on the planet. Those of you overcome all of the conditions that are now appearing on the planet, but that are bringing the awakening.
It appears that everyone is becoming divided. But in order to have the awakening, the division must come. The chaos must come before the order. The breakdown must come before the breakthrough. For it is such a huge breakthrough that you are all working and preparing for.
And all of you are acclimating to these energies more and more so that when you hear something, some new truth that is now coming out, that is now being revealed, many of you are not even shocked by it, such as your discussion earlier. For you knew that it was happening, just did not know from which direction it was coming.
But the truth must be revealed. And it must come to those that are yet in the awakening process, or that are yet in their slumbering process.
So again, my friends, by brothers, my sisters: trust. Trust in the plan. Trust in yourselves to bring about this plan. And trust in all of us who are here to assist and guide you through this plan. This plan that is so immense that it would boggle your third dimensional mind to even begin to understand the fullness, the immensity, of this plan.
I am KaRa, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you find the joy in the moment, every moment that you can.
Because this is your time, now. This is your time to sit back and watch. Watch, become involved when you can. But do not become involved emotionally. Step back and watch it all unfold.