【耶穌‧薩南達】傳導:John Smallman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.你們都是非常強大的存在 (20200705)
《2》.我向你保證,你所做的內在工作非常有用 (20200712)
《1》.關於 你們都是非常強大的存在.
傳導:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.
Much is happening as humanity prepares for the pandemic restrictions to be eased, and then hears that in certain areas new restrictions are being brought into effect . It is very confusing for you, but those who are setting the restrictions are themselves very confused because the situation is not unfolding as they had planned and intended. There is much resistance arising as people all across the world come to the realization that they are being asked to conform to rules and regulations that are ineffectual in controlling the ‘pandemic,’ while severely restricting their basic human rights. Those who would control humanity are finding that they are no longer able to do so, and this will shortly begin to be reported in the mainstream media as those media start to reclaim their own right to report the real news instead of promoting the views of those who have been controlling them.
Truly, the collective awakening of humanity is very close, and so it makes the most sense for you to prepare to celebrate rather than to worry yourselves unduly by attempting to guess what will happen next, either locally or globally. You do know that the divine plan is unfolding perfectly, the only possible way for it to do so, therefore continue to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises. When you do that you open your hearts to invite Love to enter, which It does immediately, and then It flows powerfully into your energy fields to interact most beautifully with the energy fields of any one about whom you think, even only momentarily, and of course also with anyone to whom you talk, text, Zoom, or meet in person in order to commune, uplifting and inspiring them as they feel the loving energy surrounding you and which is enveloping them in those moments of togetherness.
You are all extremely powerful beings, and the more frequently and intently you choose to be only loving the more effective you are in carrying out your particular assignment in the collective awakening process. Remember, each of you is playing an absolutely essential part that only you can play, so trust yourselves, trust your intuitive guidance – we are always with you ready to offer our assistance should you choose to call on us – and go about your daily lives knowing that you are, in every moment, precisely where you need to be in that moment. Whatever occurs or arises in the moment is a wonderful opportunity for you to move the awakening process forward, as you choose to respond to it lovingly, just as you planned before incarnating when, with love and total freedom, you chose to volunteer to be in form at this time.
To awaken, as you are all doing, is to move from fear to Love as you think, speak, and act, and you all chose to be in form as humans at this time in your spiritual evolution to do just this. You do not need to think deeply about what it is that God/Source/Divine Wisdom wants of you, because It just wants you to be here now, being yourselves. Release yourselves from any egoic masks that you may have fashioned for yourselves, as seemingly insignificant human beings, to wear in public – that is when you were not alone and used to believe that who you are had to be improved on when interacting with others – because not only do they no longer serve you, they seriously distract you from your divine work of being Love in action.
You are all here on a divine mission for which you volunteered, and Love, in her divine Wisdom, accepted your offer. There is no separation, All are One, and therefore everyone is involved and has their own personal assignment in the ongoing human awakening process, an individual assignment that no one else can do for them because, until you awaken, you are still engaging with the dream or illusion of separation. What you are all doing – COOPERATIVELY – is creating the most wonderful event that has ever happened on Planet Earth. It was brilliantly planned eons ago, at the moment when the collective choice to experience the unreal state of separation was made and put into effect, and now is the moment in which it is to come beautifully to fruition.
Remember! There are no accidents and no ‘coincidences,’ because all is divinely planned to assure total JOY for All that Is – You, and You, and You, and You . . . The free choice to experience separation was not unexpected by Source, but until it was actually put into effect it was not appropriate to design a program to bring the experiment to its completion. There is only NOW! And, in the Now, all is designed, created, and put into effect. Everything – every situation, event, opportunity, activity, interaction – occurs NOW! To repeat, there is only NOW!
Humanity is awakening NOW, and that is the divine Will and, therefore, humanity’s Will, because there is only One Will, the Divine Will, YOUR Will!
Therefore: Relax! Enjoy these last few moments when it seems that separation from Source is real, knowing, as you do, that ALL is divinely taken care of, and your return to Joy is imminent and inevitable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
《2》.關於 我向你保證,你所做的內在工作非常有用.
傳導:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.
In these times of continuing confusion and uncertainty it is absolutely essential that you take time out every single day to do your inner work. It is your inner work, no matter how private and individual it may appear to you to be, that is leading humanity forward to its inevitable and long sought awakening. Yes, you all have daily lives during which you need to deal with the issues with which you are constantly being presented while living as humans in form, but your main work is your inner work. You all have inner work that needs to be done, work that you chose to incarnate to do at this point in humanity’s most wonderful spiritual evolution, and it is vital that you do it.
It may well seem to you that your inner work is something that only serves you, but this is most definitely not the case. When you set the intent each day to be only loving you are making a very powerful commitment to do what you came to do to assist in the awakening process. Mostly you will not receive much in the way of positive feedback, but I assure you that the inner work that you are doing is very efficacious, and that it is mightily assisting in bringing into the awareness of multitudes of people, who have not yet remembered that their life’s main purpose is spiritual, a need to deeply question the reason for their presence on Earth at this time.
You are all spiritual beings created by Source to enjoy eternal life and the infinite variety of creative possibilities that that state – eternally One with Source in an infinite and uninterruptible communion that is Love – constantly provides for each one of you for the constant Joy of All in every moment. Life, Reality, Love, Oneness is forever joyful. The choice to experience life as a physical being in form was taken collectively, and it was a very joy filled state of existence that you experienced for a short time in order to compare the limited state of form and its physical sensations with the limitless state of pure energy.
Initially it was a very enjoyable playful state, and the limitations that it imposed were not unpleasant. However, as infinite spiritual beings who were accustomed to living in the constant state of now, where all that you desired was instantly present, you became increasingly dissatisfied with those limitations, and as time passed the limitations became an ever greater impediment to your joy. Then you forgot who you truly were, because those limitations – as part of the rules of that state that you established before entering in to it – intensified and kept further narrowing your life options as humans in form.
Suddenly life in form was no longer fun, and the dissatisfactions you experienced frequently appeared to be caused by others who disagreed with you, leading to conflict and suffering. Over the eons these unhappy states intensified and you began to judge and blame one another for the states of unhappiness that so many of you were experiencing. People formed into groups, tribes, cultural associations with seemingly very different perspectives on how you should live and behave, leading to further disagreement and more conflicts, which is where you are today.
Now humanity has started to become aware that these divisive ways of living, in which judgment of others has become a major aspect, make no sense and are, in fact, quite unacceptable. Many are talking and writing about the newly acknowledged concept that all are interrelated, that there is no such thing as separation, because all are eternally interconnected. This realization is encouraging people to start honoring and respecting the differences between races, nations, cultures, skin color, etc. – differences that have for so long divided you and set you against one another in conflict – and the many other differences that have divided you, and delight in these charming multicultural diversifications that add to the wonder of life.
One of the reasons that the choice to experience life in form was entertained and engaged with was because you wanted to separate and have different life experiences, and that is what has happened. But the sense of separation became far too intense as the differences available for you to engage with multiplied, leading to confusion, misunderstanding, and fear. Then the belief that you needed to be able to defend yourselves from each other arose, leading to even further confusion and more violent conflicts.
Finally, in the last few decades, it has become apparent to increasing numbers of you that, if humanity continues on the path of conflict escalation, then mutually assured destruction is the most likely eventual outcome, an outcome that absolutely no one wants as they realize very clearly that it will be their children and grandchildren who will have to undergo this insane experience. Humanity is waking up to the vast gulf between your technological abilities and your soundness of mind – your wisdom, or rather or your lack of it. As a result enormous numbers of you have formed groups to pray for peace and to set the intent not to engage in conflict at any level, from one against one to nation against nation. These groups – each individual one of you – are having a most wonderful effect as more and more frequently reason and maturity (wisdom) are expressed in moments when latent hostility arises which, previously, might well have led to conflict.
Make a point, therefore, of focusing your attention on the good that is arising everywhere, and avoid engaging with the many dramas which your various media sources are constantly drawing to your attention. Engaging with dramas of pain, suffering, and conflict – both factual and fictional – drains your energy, reducing the power of your loving intent. This does not mean to ignore or be completely unaware of the suffering that so many are experiencing, it just means that you should not focus your attention there, judging what appears to be happening but, instead, send love and healing to all involved when your attention is drawn to people who are suffering, and then continue to go lovingly about your daily lives. When you are feeling loving and peaceful within yourselves the effect of that extends outwards from you in every direction, greatly assisting in humanity’s awakening process.
Everyone presently incarnate as a human set the intent before taking form to be only loving. However, the amnesiac state that you all enter at the moment of physical birth led to deep forgetfulness of that intent, and so it is now being remembered as vast numbers of people – people who until now had no memory of their spiritual heritage – having totally bought into the belief that life’s only meaning was, in essence, material. This belief is being rapidly discarded now by large numbers of people as the loving nudges they are all receiving from friends, families, loved ones, and their support teams in the spiritual realms grab their attention giving them hope, hope they have never previously experienced. Truly, there is great hope arising worldwide, and it is completely justified, despite the horrors and suffering that so many are undergoing.
Therefore, be hopeful, be loving, be joyful, and know that God’s magnificent plan for his beloved children is moving perfectly and rapidly towards its most wondrous completion. You are all – there are NO EXCEPTIONS – infinitely loved and cherished in every moment of your eternal existence. Celebrate the wonder that is God and that is You, knowing, as you all do at the deepest level of your being that All is One.
Your loving brother, Jesus.