【昴宿星高級議會的米拉】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.所有人都做出了選擇 (20200606)
《2》.朝向光 (20200606)
《3》.你是一個多麼強大的存在 (20200705)
《1》.關於 所有人都做出了選擇.
傳導:Inger Noren.
譯者:Nick Chan.
When it comes to the ascension of people, it is actually more people who have chosen the light and that means they have chosen it unconsciously with the closure of the world. Many people have begun to question what the governing body is doing and in this way have awakened and chosen the light and it is something that has spread throughout the world. It’s amazing to see.
The pandemic will continue for a while and it is necessary to really make people feel what they want with their lives after this pandemic. Now they really have the opportunity to change their lives and start thinking about their forgotten wishes and dreams.
Very soon there will be a change in the world for all people. The strong energies that hit Earth in this event will all know the truth about themselves. Not everyone will be overly excited. This means that many people become very confused and cannot understand what is happening.
Nothing is alike and that means that reality has changed. It is a new time and a new world and now it is very important to be grounded and take advantage of nature by spending a lot of time in nature, ie connecting to nature to get healing and healing in the form of calm and less stress .
The people who have not woken up and have no idea what has happened to Earth and the Universe will be very scared, confused and angry. Then it is important that the light workers help these people with road and counseling. Those people are guided to the people who fit them for best results. Expect a lot of people to come. There are many who want your help. Like many in the Universe. It is very much appreciated.
There comes another reality which means that everyone has the opportunity to create their own reality by just thinking about the idea of what you want. It will certainly be a much easier life for all people, no matter where you live on Earth. It is a very exciting time.
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
《2》.關於 朝向光 .
傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.
Many times in the past we have foreseen the chaos that currently exists on your planet. We feel your suffering and your anguish. We feel your despair and your fear.
We know that in your life experience in the US and many other places, you did not anticipate these events. As you know, this is the final battle between the light and the dark. You are being made increasingly aware of the evil that exists and how it wants to destroy whatever it can because it knows its time is done.
Did you ever expect the powers that have been controlling this planet to leave gracefully? Do you understand how desperate they are right now? Can you feel them clawing and fighting to keep what they have? They want to keep you in their clutches with their lies and deceit. However, whatever plans they have to remain in control, will not work. The light is on the planet and has taken charge. Whatever is occurring now is being played out as the very end game.
The way is straight towards the light. You all need a rest and are due many rewards and celebrations. Please rest your mind and your bodies. Don’t try to figure everything out because it is incomprehensible. It is deep and it is wide. It is dark and it is deceptive. It wants only for itself, its own self-interest. We assure you that behind the scenes the light ones are mightily at work. They know exactly what to do and how to make modifications when they are necessary. It is a way of flowing with the energy and you are all learning this too.
We recommend that you stay connected to your inner self and to us. We are in the skies all around you. We are your brothers and sisters. Be strong and vigilant. Be truthful and honest. Know there is a divine plan and trust the plan.
Help each other. Keep your hearts open and welcome in the light and love. Hold that light and love. Discount the fear. Stay connected to Source. Maintain your power by listening within.
Soon this drama will be over, and you will be on to new and higher things. We will be dancing with you in the stars, in the sky and on the streets.
I love you and I am with you. I am Mira.
《3》.關於 你是一個多麼強大的存在.
傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently focused full-time on the Earth Council.
Please look at where your attention is focused now on the planet. We know there are many distractions from the dark forces who would like to remain in control. We can tell you unequivocally that they are losing and have very little time left. They are desperate, angry, and fearful which are the energies they are trying to instill upon you. Their desire to control you is futile, especially for those of the light who know the truth.
We would like to make some suggestions so that you can overcome more of the hurdles that they are sending your way. Please remind yourself what a formidable being you are to be in the position you are in right now even though it is uncomfortable. Stay in your strength and your power and align yourself with the light.
Maintain your spiritual practice, your meditation, walks in nature, your sense of humor and creativity, your friendships with other like-minded ground crew and family members. Reach to the stars and look at the stars. Watch the sky and see the beauty that is around you that is being prepared for you to help you rise above your current stressful situations.
Remind yourselves that you are creating your new world of light and love, harmony and balance, joy and abundance, community and friendship. Embrace us as the Galactic's and your brothers and sisters. Get ready for the magic and the miracles that are coming your way. Stand back from the chaos and the rubble remembering that this is just an illusion. You are not victims, you are victors. You are some of the most highly evolved beings in creation. You would not be on the planet now if this were not true. Remember that control comes from fear. Do you see how afraid the dark forces are right now? Stay away from anything that makes you fearful. Make new choices of where to put your focus.
During these times give yourself the best that you can give yourself. Pay attention to the energies around you and if you are feeling discordance it is best to remove yourself. Keep your vibration up as best as you can. Know that you are stepping into your mastery. Masters don't always know the answers to whatever they were going through but they will always find the solutions. This is the process of mastery. When you are complete with your mastery you won't ever have to come back to the earth again unless you want to.
This planet is considered the blue jewel of creation and will become a vacation spot. We appreciate you for staying on the earth and for seeing this process through to completion. We are almost there so thank you! It will all be worth it!
Goodbye for now and I give you all my love, truth and blessings. I am Mira.