【阿斯塔指揮官】譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
《1》.整體情況 (20200607)
《2》.重建地球的知識寶庫 (20200614)
《3》.新黎明 (20200625)
《1》.關於 整體情況.
譯者:Nick Chan.
We of the Light Forces wish to remind you on planet earth, that your battle now is not between the left and the right, the Republicans and the Democrats, the people and the Deep State… you are fighting for something much more meaningful. You are fighting to re-entrench God into your world. It has been a long time since God has graced your minds, walked your streets and blessed your hearts and it is time again, for the re-introduction of God and all that is One to bless your lives again.
我們光之力量希望提醒你,你們的戰鬥現在不是在左派和右派之間,共合黨與民 主 黨之間,人民和“深層”之間 ... 你在為更加有意義的東西戰鬥。你在為神重新進入你們的世界戰鬥。從上次讓神進入你的思想、行走你的街道、祝福你的心已經過去了很久,是時候再次讓神進入、祝福你的生活
...For anyone who sees themself as having an enemy at all, you are missing the point. The enemy is within and it must be expunged from your hearts and minds, so that God may reign free in your world once more and that you take your places as the cherished divine beings that you are.
This entire scenario on your world now, being played out for you to see, to improve, to work on yourselves to change, is there for your reaction and your input. You are playing a game, a very important game, of “What do I do next? How do I improve myself and the world for the rest of humanity now?” If these are not the questions you’re asking, then you’re playing the wrong game.
Know that you are more powerful than those who run your world. They have stolen it from you. Something stolen can only be taken from one who has more, remember that.
It is as if you are at a movie theater, and the script is being created by you and all your fellow earthlings. How do you wish to influence it now?
We are with you, always.
《2》.關於 重建地球的知識寶庫 .
譯者:Nick Chan.
Your counsels are guiding you.
What do I mean by this? Alas, many of you don’t realize the significance you have in being on earth right now. Ivo has explained some of this in videos and books, and Sharon has relayed the messages, so I will add my part in this now.
You are all representing a world, or worlds, or dimension or dimensions in your work here on earth. As I said, you may not realize it. You are multi-dimensionals, and at times, so is your work.
If your most recent past life was in the Pleiades, then Pleiadian guides will be assigned to you, sometimes a twin flame, sometimes family members from that lifetime, and sometimes counsel members who wish to infuse earth again with the knowledge of that counsel, through you. The counsel members are always watching you, as you are an ambassador for their worlds, representing them upon the earth. Your life is not any less important than that.
Sometimes you may see beings you’re unfamiliar with, see shadows walking through your home, have dreams of strangers who seem alien to you…. these are often the counsel members as they school you, answer your questions, and work on your awakening.
If you have a predominance of lives in any particular area of the galaxy, such as Vega and Sirius, such as Sharon has, then you will be visited by counsel members of both these worlds. They may be of differing frequencies as well, if you have had lives of differing frequencies in their worlds.
If you have had past lives in many different constellations, or many different dimensions, then congratulations, you are playing a role of infusing the knowledge of the One through to your planet. You are a complete being with information entrusted to you by many worlds and God himself.
If you are a master, then speaking to the masters will also be possible.
If your physical body has other bloodlines than those your soul predominates with, then these counsels will be interested in you. DNA is key.
You are a receiver, you receive the energies from these constellations, their stars and from the people on these planets, and it is infused into your DNA and transferred down into the inner core of earth. Gaia is enriched by your energy transfers. This happens always, but specifically at peak times of open portals, galactic alignments and also through visitation.
Many of you have no idea of the unique role you are playing to reconstitute the earth as a knowledge bank, to restore her to the wonderful realm of perfection that she once was.
Light is being infused into your planet in so many ways, and in so doing, you raise its frequency and the frequency of the people upon it. You raise them back to their splendor as the Olympians they once were, the Atlases, the Aphrodites, the gods who walked this planet in Antiquity, the marvelous loving powerful beings that earthlings once were.
Your contribution is so appreciated, you have no idea how loved you are.
We are with you,Ashtar!
《3》.關於 新黎明 .
傳導:James McConnell.
I am Ashtar.I come at this point in your evolutionary process,in your awakening process.
For this is that grand awakening.This is what you all came here for.These are thosetimes,those moments just prior to the Great Awakening.You are in it now.And you are moving through it rapidly.Because everything is exactly as it needs to be in these moments,even though everything appears around you to be in chaos.
There will be order coming from this chaos.Because you are moving through this process,and what is occurring is a separation.Yes,you must become united.But first,in order to do so,there must be that separation.A separation of the wheat from the chaff.
That is what is occurring.Some are calling it a timeline shift.That is also correct.Because those of you that are on the timeline that is in creation now,the creative process that you are in,you are creating the timeline that you want to be on.You are creating the timeline of the new higher vibrations and frequencies,moving into the higher dimensions.
And yes,you will be leaving behind those that are not ready for this.But fear not:those that are not ready,those that choose to not be ready,they will be accommodated just as they need to be.And no one,and I repeat:no one shall be lost.Even though they are temporarily lost to you,even if they may be family members.They will be back with you again.
For you,yourselves,have left many,many times your families,your loved ones,in many different systems,many planets.You have done this many times before.You have said good-bye,whether it was through a dying process or just simply leaving to move to continue on your journey.
You have left them before,always to return once again,to connect once again to your brothers and sisters,to your family members,to your loved ones.For they are all a part of our soul family—always will be,always have been.You will be back with them.Even those that have left you in this lifetime in the dying process:you will be reunited with them once again.And those that still yet may leave in that process,you will reunite with them again.
You are destined,my friends,you are destined to complete this journey that you came for.You made many promises long ago and,as you know,you volunteered to be here.But those times are coming to an end.This volunteering is coming to an end.You are close to reaching that finish line.We know you have heard this before.And in your third-dimensional illusionary understanding,you wonder,"When is it going to be?When is it going to be?'"But our answer to you is you are in it right now.
You are at the cusp of the new awakening,the New Dawn that is coming.It is already approaching now.And if you look out and look beyond the chaos,you will see the blue skies.You will see the white fluffy clouds.You will see the flowers in the fields blooming.You will see and feel the water,consciousness within the water.You will know beauty,even within the seeming ugliness.
But the seeming ugliness is necessary for more and more people to awaken.That is what you are waiting for.Many of you could have ascended back in your 2012.Many of you were destined to do so.But you know that you all chose at a deeper level,within you at the Higher Self level,you chose to wait so that more and more of your brothers and sisters here could ascend with you.
That is what you came here for many,many lifetimes ago,to prepare the way for this Ascension process.To be those Way-Showers.To show the way.To prepare the way.
And along the way,the systems that are in place need to be changed.They need to be busted wide open.And that one you have as the president now,President Trump,is that System Buster.He has been put in place for this.He volunteered for this.He is the one that is leading you through this transition.
All of you must give him all of the strength that you can muster to provide for him the Light.Send him Light.He is in need of a great amount of Light now.For those of the dark forces will do everything that they can to hold him off,to hold those forces of the Light off.
But as you know,and as you have heard many times,and have begun to fully realize,the Light has already won,and what has started cannot be stopped.It can be postponed,and has been many times.But it cannot be fully stopped.You,those of you,the Light-Workers and Warriors are the ones that are paving the way forward.So continue to assist in any way that you can,any opportunity that arises to help others awaken.
Even if you may receive those attacks you speak of,those mental and emotional attacks,you can ward that off.You can protect yourselves.You have the tools:the Violet Flame,the Shield of Light,Archangel[Michael's]Blue Sword of Truth,the use of crystals.Whatever it is,whatever tool that works for you,you have it to use to shield yourself from negativity,to shield yourself from the dark forces attacking you.And in return,for reaching out to helping others,you will help more and more to awaken to who they are,just as you were helped by those of us to awaken to who you are.For you are all of us becoming.You are the ones that are going to take our places.You are the ONES.You are the ONE.
I am Ashtar.And I leave you now in peace and love,as we continue to watch from above to assist whenever we find it possible.And you have many,many that are assisting and helping you.You are not alone,my friends,never have been,never will be.We are all in this together.Remember that.We are all in this together.