【阿斯塔指揮官】 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.更高能量的催化劑 (20200527)
《2》.擺脫幻象,進入大覺醒 (20200527)



《1》.關於 更高能量的催化劑.
傳導:Beatrice Madsen.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年05月27日.


We have the most attractive news for you on the ground level. The large reserves for contributing to repression and maintaining the lower dimensions are eliminated. This news is of the utmost importance dear crew at Gaia.


Those reservoirs with human children whose suffering due to what they are exposed to keep the basic frequency down. Their perpetrators no longer get their nutrition because it is not possible, at least not to the extent that it has happened before.


The fact that this transformer is no longer available at a lower frequency causes a catalyst effect for the higher energies. The development is accelerated and you almost say that it develops as an implosion, suddenly it is there and that is what is called “the event”.


You should know that as a surface crew you work on so many planes that you are not aware of. You work unconsciously, at night, in meditation and even more.


As the collective shadows pull away, the shadows are also activated at the individual level. When the smallest light in the big picture, the power apparatus is illuminated, shines equally brightly in your own personal quarters. The big drama activates the personal dramas that you have to work with before you can raise the frequency.



We want to convey to you that try to just “float with”. Allow what comes to you to come and embrace it without condemnation or, if possible, martyrdom. If you had the big picture you would see so clearly that it must happen for the highest development.


Remember that you are just about the most outstanding time possible to join in. Gaia is the “Center of the Universe” right now and you would just imagine how many looks and patrons watching this fanatical spectacle. We do not say that it is easy or in any way detracts from your struggle. We just want you, if possible, to lift your eyes and understand that you are in for an outstanding happening. Nothing will ever be the same and you are in the middle of the “grand event”. I love you!




《2》.關於 擺脫幻象,進入大覺醒.
傳導:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年05月27日.


be with you in various ways and various expressions. That we can bring certain messages across to you. Certain understandings. To help you to move through all that you are experiencing now.


Even though as you look out at the expressions that are presenting themselves to you now, know that there is so much more that is happening behind the scenes. All is not as it appears to be. But all is as you are creating it to be. So know that. Know that you have the creative ability, have always had it. So create the life that you want. Create the world that you want. Not tomorrow. Not next year. But right now in this moment.


That is why we tell you so many times to be in the moment. Do not have fear whatsoever. Fear will only hold you back. The negative lower expressions will only hold you down, will hold you to this three-dimensional earth illusion, here.



But you do not have to be held down any more. Now it is time to rise above the illusion. To know that there is no more illusion. The illusion is a creation that is no longer needed here. You created it purposefully so that you could have the experience, you could have the experience of duality and be able to choose between the Light and the dark. But you no longer need to have that here as an expression. For you are choosing the Light. All of you are choosing the Light.


And those that yet choose the darkness, those that will still hold onto everything that they have known, the expression that they have felt comfortable with, then they will be accommodated in whatever way is needed for them in their expression in that moment.


So as the Solar Flash hits, as The Event and the Changeover happen, all of those that are prepared within themselves to express at a higher vibration will do so. And those that are not prepared, those that are yet still sleeping: they will find themselves in a different expression from you.


And THIS IS the separation of the wheat from the chaff that was spoken in your bible, was spoken of by your Yeshua that this would be the time of separation.


You have heard it in terms of a timeline separation where one timeline will go off in one direction, and another will go in another direction. And that is true. And there is a point where those of you are choosing which timeline you want to be on. All of you that are on this call, and most, if not all, of you that resonate to these words have already made your choice. And many more that are yet still asleep will make their choice. They will make a conscious choice to either follow the light or to recede from the light. And that will be their choice.



Because it is not up to anyone else to control you. No one controls you. We certainly never would even think about controlling you. We only are here to help guide you. To help move you in a direction that is purposeful for you in the moment. That is what we are here to do, to offer our expression. To offer our knowings. To offer those things which will help you to continue to rise in your expression into higher frequency. That is what we are here for.


You are here to raise yourselves into those higher dimensional expressions. And all of you are doing exactly that.


As you look out as to what is happening in the world right now, most of you, if not all of you, realize that it is a false expression. It is false. It is not real. It is only as real as you allow it to be. So whether you wear masks or you do not wear a mask is not the issue. Whether you separate from another six feet is not, is not the issue.


The issue is what you want to create each and every moment, right now, here and now. That is what you are here to do.


And those that are ready to accept the expression that you are providing. And I say now, you are providing that expression, you are the ideal that is set up to help those who are still yet asleep, to help them awaken. You are the ones that are sent up for that. And you do so simply by showing it to others. You do not need to tell them anything. You need to show them. You need to help them learn. Just as we are helping you learn. You are us in a higher expression. That’s what you have to come to understand. We are you, and you are us. And there is really no separation except what you allow yourself to create within yourselves.



So continue now to understand that we, in our ships, in my Ashtar Command in the Pleiadian Command of the Light Forces, and the Sirian Command, and all of the various commands and councils and all that is happening now, all of this is happening to help free not only the Earth, not only Gaia, but the entire Solar System, and even yet the Galaxy! To finally bring the entire Galaxy into the Light. That is what this is all about. So what happens here now on the Earth is going to reverberate across the entire Solar System and the Galaxy itself. So you, those of you, that are creating the expression here now on the planet, you are going to reverberate this expression across the entire Galaxy!


So what you do now is important. YOU are important. Whether you sit at home and follow these expressions from your rules and your laws, or you say “No! Enough is enough!” Creator Him/Her self, Prime Creator, has uttered those exact words! “Enough is enough!” So how can you not say the same thing. How you cannot say now, “Enough is enough!”? And not rebel in the sense of creating a separation with violence of anything of this nature. We would never suggest that.


But to create a non-following, a non-following, following you own heart, but do not follow those forces of the darkness which are attempting to hold you back, to hold back your Ascension process.


They have known about the Ascension process for many thousands of years. They have done all they can to hold this Ascension back, to hold the Light back. To keep you in the darkness. To keep you asleep. Because as you awaken, it causes them to have to leave, and they know it. And they do not want to leave.


They believe this is their home. They believe that they have a right to be here and to express in the way they need to express and to control all those that will not express in the way that they want.


But they are learning now that that is not to be. That everything that is happening now is happening for a reason and cannot be stopped. And they know that, even though they attempt to strike out in various ways that they have understood that have worked in the past. And even this virus scare, this creating of fear around this, they even believe yet that they will succeed.



But they are finding out that the Light is more powerful than the darkness within them. And many of them are even beginning to turn to the Light. Many of them are coming out of their slumber. And I speak now not only of those that are within the darkness, but I speak of all of those that are yet asleep and not even knowing that they are asleep. And they are also coming into the Great Awakening.


So have faith. Have hope that everything is exactly as it needs to be right here NOW in this moment. And in this very NOW moment, create the exact life that you want to have, not only for yourselves and your future selves, but right now in this moment.


I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace and love, and continue to ask you to look up at the stars and see beyond the stars, and see what is really there that is shining back to you to let you know that we are here, and are here to assist in every way that we can.


Peace and love be with all of you.

    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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