《1》.臨界質點的瞬間轉變 (20200210)
《2》.持續的提升 (20200515)
《1》.關於 臨界質點的瞬間轉變.
在過去你們就一直被告知這些轉變的類型,就在這些更高的振動頻率把你們越來越多的提升到愛與光中時,帶給你們必然也是充滿恩典的贈與。正是這樣,更低的振動頻率正在變化,並且在動物王國會頻繁體現出這類明顯的跡象,最不尋常且難以置信的是競爭對象間的和平共處。印證這個曾經的預言 - 獅子和羔羊一同入眠。
更高的振動頻率也將提升人類種族中的許多靈魂,那些已提升自身振動頻率的人。在人類種族中的證據已開始展現 - 你們作為人類文明正在對持續的戰爭和侵略說不。人們早已厭倦了與它相關的任何事情,並不僅僅只是無數生命的逝去。當然,可以理解的是,在一個充斥著戰爭的世界你需要保護自己,只是那些所謂的領導人真的有準備促進和平共處嗎?
不過,也不要絕望,正如 - 只要你們中更多的人送出正向積極的愛與和平的振動頻率,它就會帶來理想的改變。站在光中的人們與處於黑暗中的人之間振動的不同在持續增長,不過在你們塵世的條件下顯得法律和秩序在崩潰,慢慢跌落到混亂和無序。
在“沒有時間”的實相中,揚升是早已完成的事件。此外,預期的改變很肯定將從2018年開始向前不斷推進,而且這個日期也從三個不同的信息源予以證實,包括昴宿星人。事實上,你們已經處於“光子帶”,此刻正移動進入昴宿星團的中央大日 - Alcyone。而你也可以對可能發生的結果置入你自己的結論。許多處於線上的轉變對你們所有人都有著非常有益的提升,“食品複製機”就將是讓所有人都為振奮的新科技。聽起來它顯得太不真實,事實上它的確可以複製你需要的任何物品(譯者:請參看《星際迷航》系列劇中的內容)。
一些靈魂想知道為什麼造物主不親自幹預,請記得 - 你們被賦予的最大價值就是“自由意志”,不過也正因為你擁有選擇權,你也必定要承受任何後果。所以,你們通過體驗在學習,干擾任何其他人都是錯誤的。普遍說來,很多人還沒有能夠理解為何造物主允許了戰爭的發生,再次,這是人類自己的選擇,學習的方式,也因此讓任何能從中醒悟的人去改變這個結果。
你們都必然要為自己的行為負責,善意的行為提升你的振動頻率,反之負面的行為將拖累你的進程。慢慢的,偏離道路的人將寸步難行,讓你再度提升自己,不過這也是必然的說法 - 什麼時候你才能為自己的行為真正負責。如果需要幫助也都會被給予,讓你走上返回光的道路。最終的存在狀態便是 - 與萬物和諧,與所有人和平共處,處於普世的宇宙大愛中。
《2》.關於 持續的提升.
You are beginning to recover from the Coronavirus and most countries are experiencing an upward turn that will allow an easing up of the restrictions you have been experiencing.It has been a costly experience in many ways,not least of all the knock-on effect of so many businesses suffering near closure.
You have come face to face with the flaws that the business model reveals,and how it has been controlling the lives of so many people.Already they have realised how the world economy has largely been run and manipulated by the banks,revealing that your monetary system has been deliberately subjected to ups and downs to their benefit.
Without a doubt you will have a lot of soul searching to do,if you are to start anew with the assurance that paper money will disappear.The gold standard will return and be the measure of a new economy that is run with real money that has real value.
You will have ample time to make the necessary changes that will ensure that there is no return to the old defunct way of running your countries.Already there are moves taking place to ensure that there cannot be a return to the old ways that cannot take you forward any longer.
With the continuing uplifting of the vibrations and a gradual increase in your level of consciousness,you will have less and less to do with the negativity associated with the old Age.You are on the upward curve and moving into a new level that is gradually becoming free from negativity.
Ignore those who refuse to uplift themselves as they are creating their own pathway to the future.Bless them and move on as they have nothing useful to offer you,as their pathway is not yours.You are treading one that is of the Light and in the not too distant future will lead you to Ascension.
Do not concern yourself about the fate of those who persist in carrying out negative actions,as they too are following a carefully-arranged life plan that will give them the experiences they need to overcome their weaknesses.At such an important time in your evolution you should stay focused on your own goal.
Be assured that every soul has an equal opportunity to ascend,but clearly many of them are still caught up in the fight for individual supremacy.They have little or no concept of the Oneness of Humanity or Eternal Life.However,there will come a time when they awaken to the Light and become aware of their God selves.
You have a multitude of beings from all over the Universe who have come to Earth not just to witness Ascension,but to be ready to welcome you into the Galactic Society.Some are from the Pleiades and other areas in space to"claim their own"and help them to adjust to the new life ahead of them.The dimensional shift leaves your old world behind,so that you can take your place on a beautiful new Earth,free from any form of interference from the dark Ones.
However,there is still a long way to go before the higher vibrations are achieved but you are heading in the right direction,and help is on hand to ensure your success.Never falter as you are assured of Ascension providing you maintain your present vibrations and raise them up as the opportunities arise.
You have come such a long way to arrive at this point in your evolution,so make sure you do not drop back.With so many of you having cleared your karma the rest of your journey should be plain sailing.Yet there are distractions all around you,so care must be taken to firmly keep your goal in sight at all times.
The end times are opportunities for you to help others also travelling the path who may not be as advanced as yourselves.A kindly word or a helping hand can be most acceptable as your experience enables you to speak with authority.It is perfectly normal for those who have advanced in evolution to help others,and in the bigger scheme those who have set the path are responsible for ensuring that those who follow in their footsteps are guided to achieve success.
Understand that you are all One and the sooner you can accept it,the sooner you will advance and be able to treat others with the respect that you seek for yourself.This also applies where other life forms are concerned,because all have souls that continually change as they experience the different life forms.
Life is all about gaining experience and you go where you can best learn from it and expand your consciousness.Your Universe is full of different levels of vibration and it is only in the lower ones that you can experience matter and solid physical forms.Whatever you can imagine already exists somewhere in your Universe
In the not too distant future many of you will rise up into the higher vibrations and look back and realise that you spent many lives in the lower ones.Through it you gained a greater level of consciousness and learned to control your emotions.
It was necessary to overcome what can only be described as the lower emotions.These no longer exist in an evolved soul who has complete control over their feelings,and can remain at one where they are constantly able to remain unaffected by what goes on around them.It takes time to achieve that level of control,and eventually it will become second nature.
Words can hardly express what a wonderful future awaits you,one so different to your present existence that there is no comparison.It will be well deserved as you have plumbed the depths and experienced many horrors,wars and depravity,yet you have come through it and kept your dignity and composure to set a shining example of Light and Love.You are to be acknowledged as a shining example of one who has found their God Self.
I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.This message comes through my Higher Self,my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
IN love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.