【 #索爾 #Saul】傳導:#JohnSmallman 譯者:#NickChan
《1》.人類的覺醒刻不容緩 (20200504)
《2》.擁有重大意義的改變 (20200512)
《1》.關於 人類的覺醒刻不容緩 .
傳導: John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年5月4日.
To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time. You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion. You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation. Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine. Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.
先打個比方:人類正在衝浪,一個巨大的浪潮接近,因此 ... 放鬆,但做好準備,讓這個宏偉的浪潮帶你踏上一個激動人心的旅程,進入你們都辛勤地致力於很長時間的新時代。你不會無法駕馭它,因為你擁有偉大的專業知識,你一直在伴隨著強烈的意圖去為這個確切的時刻做好準備,你已經做好了準備,你將能應付自如。你會充滿喜悅和神奇,隨著你終於認識自己,真正的你,與神的所有造物合一的你。你的甦醒會是非常壯觀的,超出任何你可以想像的東西,事實上遠超經歷過瀕死體驗之人能夠想像的最激動人心和啟發人心的東西。你神聖的遺產 --- 無限的喜悅 --- 等待著你的甦醒
To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose. You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe. At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford to waste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of. They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor. They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose. Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you do have a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of your conscious awareness. Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.
Now the nudges that all are constantly receiving are intensifying and can no longer be ignored or denied, because it is apparent to all that something untoward is going on, is occurring right now that demands your urgent attention. And it is, of course, humanity’s collective awakening process. This process has been ongoing for eons, and it has been, and is, leading to a precise moment in time when your awakening will occur whether or not you are ready for it. Humanity’s collective awakening is inevitable! It cannot be delayed, and it will not be delayed, and so the nudges for your attention are becoming ever more insistent in their demands for your attention, for your undivided attention.
現在,所有人不斷收到的敦促在不斷增強,無法再被忽視或否認,因為對所有人來說顯而易見 ---“ 麻煩”的事情正在發生,需要你們的緊急關注。當然,那就是人類的覺醒。這個進程進行了恆久,正在領向一個精確的時刻 --- 你們的覺醒會發生,無論你有沒有準備好。人類的覺醒是不可避免的!它無法被拖延,它不會被延遲,所以需要你關注的敦促變得更加迫切,要求著你的全神貫注
The major nudges that all are receiving and experiencing are the realization, the growing awareness of the need for major changes in the way that humans interact with each other and with the Earth, Gaia, whose ongoing support is absolutely essential for your survival in human form. It is the growing awareness that attitudes and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love are, in truth, and without doubt, completely insane. To awaken is to come to full awareness that there is only the ONE, Mother/Father/God, Source from which there is no separation. All sentient beings are, by their nature, divine and One with Source. And even in their experience of individuality there is still no separation. What one individual thinks, says, or does affects all the countless others . . . instantly. How could that not be the case when all are One?
所有人在接收和體驗的主要敦促就是領悟到、更多地意識到人類與彼此以及地球(她不間斷的支持對你在人類形態中的生存來說絕對至關重要)的交互方式需要巨大的改變。人們越來越多地意識到並不與愛對齊的態度和行為,事實上,毫無疑問,是完全瘋狂的。覺醒就是完全意識到只有一,母親 / 父親 / 神,源頭,沒有分離。所有有情眾生,就其本質而言,都是神聖的,與源頭合一。即使在他們個體性的體驗中,依舊沒有分離。一個人所思、所說、所做的影響著無數的其他人 ... 立即。當一切都是一,當然會是這樣的情況!
To realize this divine truth, and to know it is to awaken. Many millions are aware of this truth intellectually, and this is a major step forward on the path to awakening. Knowing it is so, and feeling the truth of it in one’s heart without any doubt whatsoever is to be awakened. Some have arrived at this state, and, in so doing they are powerfully– even though they are not consciously aware of this – assisting others to join them in that magnificent state, a state of Grace, leaving conflict and disagreement behind in the illusion, the unreal environment that seems so real to those who have not yet awoken.
意識到這個神聖的真理,知曉它,就是覺醒。數以百萬計的人智力上知道這個真理,這是通往覺醒的道路上一個重大的前進步伐。知曉它就是如此,在心中絲毫不懷疑地感受它的真理,就是覺醒。一些人已經到達這個狀態,如此他們在強力地 --- 即使他們沒有意識到這一點 --- 協助他人加入這個輝煌的狀態,一個優雅的狀態,拋下幻象中的衝突與分歧,對那些還未甦醒的人來說看似如此真實的幻象
To think with the Mind of God and have individual thoughts and ideas that are never in disagreement with the thoughts and ideas of others, but that only add to them, making them greater and more beautiful, is a wondrous state to experience. It is to be fully awake, fully conscious, fully aware, and fully alive! That is LOVE, It encompasses ALL, because It is All. There is nothing else, in fact there is NO nothing!
If you are having difficulty believing in the truth of this, in believing that Reality is a state of being in which there are no needs, no disappointments, no suffering, and no catastrophes, it means that you are listening to and believing in the unreal but fear-filled ideas that your egos offer to you as you take note of the intense pain and suffering that many are experiencing because they believe the illusion is real. But pain and suffering, although it often seems interminable while it is being experienced, is temporary and does pass. Reality, on the other hand, is eternal!
To relieve and dissolve your doubts, anxieties, and fears, go within at least once daily and surrender to Love by opening your hearts. Yes, the pain and suffering will still be there because you are still choosing to experience the illusory state of separation from Source, but the Love within you will comfort and reassure you, reminding you that you are divine beings who are awakening into the magnificence of Reality, into awareness of your eternal state at One with Source. Eternal joy awaits your awakening, and the wonder of it will fill you with delight.
With so very much love, Saul.
《2》.關於 擁有重大意義的改變 .
傳導: John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年05月12日.
As the global pandemic lock-down continues, be aware that changes of great importance for humanity are also occurring that are not being reported on the mainstream media. What is happening is all part of humanity’s collective choice to awaken, a choice that has been made by vast numbers of you, mostly below the level of your conscious awareness, and which will permanently alter the way you live your human lives as you each come to know who you really are – divine beings temporarily in human form in order to experience separation from Source as apparently real – and to learn some essential and inspiring lessons in the process, before you awaken from that illusory state.
There is only Love, God, Source, in which all of creation has its eternal existence in every moment and without interruption. However, large numbers of sentient beings chose to exchange that perfect environment or state for one that was unreal i.e. not permanent – but continuously increasing in entropy – by arriving there in different shapes and forms which seemed completely real.
To do that they had to invent and construct a game, an unreal environment in which to do so, and because God gave you all the power/energy that She has, without in any way diminishing Herself, you were able to do so. Once you entered into that unreal state, your memories of Reality were cloaked or hidden from you – one of the rules of the game.
Separation from Love, from Source, from God, is completely impossible because, if that were to occur, the one who became separated would become non-existent, and the possibility of that happening is utterly unrealizable because you are eternal beings, living in a state of constant joy, just as you were created. And the reason for this is that Love, Source, God, wills only perfect, infinite, and eternal joy for all that is created. The divine Will is the only will, and is always in a state of becoming, without change or interruption.
Nothing that Source creates can ever cease to exist, for Source creates in endless joy, which is the only purpose for existence. The illusory world of form, that appears to be so utterly real while it is being experienced, will be gone when the choice to experience it is completely released. Its existence has been but momentary, even though it appears to have been in existence for eons. But because all sentient life forms have free will, then so as long as even one chooses to remain within it to continue the experience, it will seem to exist.
Because you were created for eternal joy, always present in the divine Presence, there is nothing to fear, EVER! Fear is an aspect of being in form, solely to remind and encourage you to take care of your physical form which is easily damaged if not properly and lovingly cared for. Frequently humans take great care of others who are sick or injured, while neglecting their own bodies.
In order to take care of others you need to be in good health yourselves – physically, mentally, and emotionally – but it is common practice for caregivers to expend all their energy looking after others, only to become burned out themselves and with a diminished immune system.
You need to care of yourselves at least as comprehensively as you take care of small children or of the elderly and infirm. When you do this your ability to care for others is far more effective.
Of course, as there always seems to be a shortage of caregivers, most are overworked, making it even more important to take care of self first. This is not self-centered or egotistical behavior, it’s practical common sense, but many feel that they cannot afford to take the time to care for themselves.
This is an attitude that needs urgent change. As it changes, and it will because it is part of your awakening process, the percentage of people suffering with ill-health, sickness, or physical injury will decrease dramatically.
Truly, by caring properly for yourselves, you improve the health of all with whom you interact in any way at all. And as you are all presently incarnate to heal yourselves and others, because it is an essential part of the awakening process, all your health issues – whether physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – are presenting themselves in your conscious awareness for recognition, healing, and release.
Do not hold onto them as though they were an essential aspect of who you are – my poor health – just recognize them, thank them for bringing to your attention “stuff” that you need to release, and then, with loving-kindness, invite them to leave because they have served their purpose most beautifully. With a loving invitation like that from your heart center, they will dissolve, and, because they were in fact unreal, you will then very likely find yourselves more at peace with yourselves than you have ever been.
As so many wise ones, saints, mystics, and those in the spiritual realms who have been sending you a plethora of messages through myriad channels over the years, have frequently told you, the divine Will for all sentient beings, whether they are experiencing themselves as physical or non-physical, is that they live in joy.
However, the game in which you engaged, by choosing to incarnate as humans, offers you myriad forms of suffering, and your news channels are constantly offering you the “dramatic news” of other people’s pain and suffering, furthering your sense of fear and lack of safety.
This is unreal and unnecessary because, by setting the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises, and renewing it throughout the day whenever it occurs to you to do so, you can and will establish within yourselves a place of peace and joy that will most beautifully alter your perception of your life in human form.
When you do this others will be drawn to you by the intense light and love that empowers your energy fields, and which is extended out to all with whom you interact, even for the briefest of moments.
This is why you incarnated at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution, at this moment in humanity’s awakening process. You were divinely guided to incarnate at this time to assist in the process by extending love to all in form, and the path that each one of you is following as a human in form is absolutely perfect for this divine task.
Your loving intentions affect the whole of humanity, because all those seemingly individual energy fields in which each of you are enfolded as humans are One with Source, as are each of you. And the divine Will is for you all to awaken into the Reality from which you have never been separated, even for an instant, the divine Reality of eternal Joy which the veils or cloaks, that are major aspects of the illusion have, most intentionally because they are the rules of the game, hidden from you for so long.
You are all aware that enormous changes are occurring right now on Planet Earth, because the authoritarian lock-down that the powers that be have imposed worldwide on the global population are giving you a much needed time-out in which to come to know yourselves once more as you truly are – divine beings, eternally beloved children of Mother/Father/God.
And this knowing is an ENORMOUS change. This knowing is always present within you, and it is now rising into your conscious awareness so that you can recognize and delight in the totally unconditional loving acceptance in which you are embraced by God in every eternal moment of now.
With so very much love, Saul.