【光之議會】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.全世界就是一個舞台 (20200426)
《2》.尋找巨大改變的跡象 (20200427)



傳導:Rebecca Couch.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月26日.


Beloved Ones,


Now it has become evident that you are the ones that you had been waiting for! Congratulations on adopting your mission to free yourselves and the world from its long slumber and confusion! You have the great priviledge of witnessing your Earth siblings wake up to the depth of their true identity and power. You eked your way to your own awakening through the mass fog, but now you await your loved ones as they appear on the shore. It is joy and relief and reunion that surpasses your conscious dreams, for the mire even kept you from the full cognizance of this possibility. Isn’t your heart rejoicing in the grand magnificence of it? If it is not, allow yourself to trust that is it coming…be neutrally aware of, but do not let yourself get caught in the outplay of the old, the fall of the miscreations. Witness, do not judge and have deep compassion for those recalcitrant souls who played their part. For they too are parts of this Divine play as opponents to be faced with honour – all the while you are holding a deep knowing of the true victor. Humility ensures you are radiating your truth from deep within; grace implores its execution with Divine intent and forgiveness cleans up the mess. And then all can be reset to original perfection.


From this humble, neutral vantage point…witness the miraculous unfoldment and inspired power plays as they come in waves. Keeping mentally informed is a just a small part of it; use your higher frequency receptors the most now to hear beyond the words, allow, identify and trust your feelings, listen to the still small voice within, trust your instincts, follow inner promptings, pay attention to your dream messages, move your morphing body, see with your inner sight, listen to the guidance of your soul. You are evolving ever closer, step by step, into a more magnificent expression of your Divinity. It is the perfect storm and the unfoldment of it is why you are here at this time. You have front row seats to the greatest show on Mother Earth. Witness it from that profound, awe-inspiring perspective…for you are the source, the player, the witness and the victor all at the same time! With a compassionate heart, you are also the opponent. Ensure that you do not miss a thing, for this Divinely-guided miracle of a million miracles is the exponential explosion required for the task! Enjoy your real and metaphoric popcorn and enjoy being all players in the play. Shakespeare was right to a point: all the world is a stage but we are way more than just a player!
從這個謙卑、中立的視角...見證不可思議的展開和啟發人心的力量上演,隨著它們一波波到來。保持消息的靈通只是一小部分;使用你更高頻率的接收器去聆聽言外之意,允許、識別、相信你的感受,聆聽內在寂靜微小的聲音,相信你的直覺,跟隨內在的敦促,關注夢境的消息,移動你蛻變中的身體,伴隨著內在的眼睛去看,聆聽靈魂的指引。一步一步地,你在越來越多地進化成自身神性更加宏偉的表達。這個完美的風暴和它的展開正是你此刻處於這裡的原因。你有著地球母親之上最大表演的前排座位。從那個深刻、令人敬畏的角度見證它...因為你在同一時間既是源頭也是玩家、見證者和贏家。伴隨著一顆富有同情心的心,你也是對手。確保自己不要錯過任何東西,因為這個神聖引導的萬中無一的奇蹟是任務所需的指數爆發(exponential explosion)!享受你真正的隱喻的爆米花,享受成為戲劇中所有的角色!莎士比亞在某種程度上是對的:整個世界都是一個舞台,但我們不只是一個角色!



Above all, be loving with yourself and others. Witness that you have been where they are and, like an Earth Angel, love them unconditionally as they find their way through the tangled forest to the light. They have free will choice as you have, a sacred covenant of life on Earth. Let them have the right to choose. Do not judge their choices. Witness them with compassion. There are no winners and losers there, no right or wrong, good or bad. Let free will continue to guide them, especially at this sacred time. But for those who see you, return your gaze that they may know they have found an oasis of comfort, nourishment and encouragement that they are on course. Offer them unconditional love and provide for them – your fellow pilgrim – what is reasonable upon request. And then reassure them on their way. We all begin and end in the same place; the journey is the course why which we arrive. Envelope yourself in the same nourishment, peace and assurance, that whenever implored, there is plenty to tithe. Be the generator of whatever it is you require, for there is no force outside of you. You are an expression of the original free energy! Use it with confidence, power and grace.


Just like your long, arduous journey to this point, remember the alchemic power of patience. Divine timing is only a frustration when you are not aligned with it. Blind trust no longer requires strength and effort when you know who you are and you stay attuned to your own perfect love frequency. Get on about your business and you will find it becomes Divine business.


The time for wavering is over. As you can feel, everything is speeding up towards a Divine inevitability. Now is not the time to get frustrated and spin out. Stay the course. Generate your light and share it with the world. Show up with love and act with love. Pray for others to find their way. Do not get caught in the tales of the story that is unfolding, for it is far greater, far more spectacular, more miraculous and way more magnificent than any mere aspect.


And you, beloved, play a vital part in the whole. Ever in your service, we are,The Council of Light Within.


傳導:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月27日.



We are here now.


We love you.


We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.


As the Earth's frequencies are rapidly increasing, so is your vibrational energy field.


You might feel moments of deep peace and love.


When you are feeling them, make sure to acknowledge them.


This is how you are going to feel more deep peace and love each day.


If you don't feel these moments yet, begin to set your focus on your feeling of deep peace and love in your meditations.


Place your hand on your heart center and say in your mind "I AM feeling deep peace and love."


Your focus allows for the energies to move towards these feelings.


These feelings are a powerful engine to give you access to the experience of the higher dimensions.


As you begin to access the higher dimensions, you are still in the process of shedding layers of the old reality, which might reflect in your dream time.


This will eventually subside, when it is complete.


Begin to move through your day in mindfulness, moment to moment...


There is so much happening behind the scenes, as all Realms of Light are coordinating the efforts to assist your planet.


Know that massive shifts are continuing to happen and that there will be major positive changes in your world.


It will happen almost in the blink of an eye.



The planet is slowly recovering...


As old systems of your way of life are crumbling, new space is created for new eco friendly technologies.


All industries are forced to rethink the way they were doing things and this is assisting your planet to get better.


Only a massive change in direction is able to turn your ship called "Planet Earth" around and together with the mass awakening of humanity, we are now very hopeful for your future.


Simply remain in a peaceful state for as much as you can and look for the signs of this massive change.


We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.


We are with you, every step of the way.


You are loved beyond measure.


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