【昴宿星高級議會的米拉】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.做出自己的選擇 (20200308)
《2》.小麥和穀殼正在分離 (20200329)
《3》.3D消失了 (20200425)
《1》.關於 做出自己的選擇.
傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月08日.
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with love in my heart and promises from the light. We know what you need and how you are being affected by the forces impacting the earth at this time. We are beholding to you, ground crew, for all that you are doing to hold the light in place and for the Ascension of the planet.
What you are doing is quite remarkable. Since we last spoke with you a tremendous amount of progress has been made. Even though you are not aware of all that we can see, we want you to know that your work and your dedication are making a profound difference for all of life.
Your DNA was programmed to be completely activated at this time and it is. You are stepping into your true empowerment and will not let anything prevent you from accomplishing what you came here to do. This is why I mentioned “dedication” for opportunities have come your way to do away with your life on the earth, yet you have weathered the storm.
So, what is happening now with the chaos, the communicable diseases of viruses and fear, along with the other violent attacks from the dark forces, will not to be a deterrent for you in any way. Your Ascension and the Ascension of the earth are a given!
We envelope you with love and a mighty force from the Light Alliance, including a magnificent Galactic presence. The dark forces already know that it is over for them. This is one reason they are stirring up their nastiness. None of their operations will be successful. Do not let them fool you and please do not believe some of the trolls that would attempt to mislead you. Read deeply between the lines when you garner information. Anything that brings in fear, horror, hopelessness, or depression, can be a sign that something is off. We understand your situation is not a pretty one, however, we will tell you that our Creator is in charge and this is changing.
The truth is the dark forces get great pleasure in seeing humanity respond to their fear-based tactics. You have little idea about how much they laugh at humanity and how well they know how they can manipulate you. We know our ground crew think more for themselves than most of humanity because you have been put to the test many times and have strength and wisdom that most humans lack. The dark ones do not favor this gift that you have.
Well we say this is another one of the main reasons that we need you here at this time. Please continue to think for yourselves. Rise above the multitudes and to make your own choices according to what you know and feel. Soon you will be free to fly the skies with the Angels and your Galactic family and friends. We are waiting for you and we will have much to celebrate!
I am Mira sending you love and admiration.
《2》.關於 小麥和穀殼正在分離.
傳導:Valerie Donner.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月29日.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and also a member of the Earth Council. I greet you today with love and the utmost respect for all of the brave ones going through the turmoil on the earth right now.
We are concerned that many of you are stretched at this time. Little did you know that you would be experiencing the crossroads of Ascension in such an extreme way. However, we have faith in you, ground crew, and know that you are up to the task. You are the most masterful Masters of creation and the most angelic ones with courageous hearts.
We on the Earth Council take your temperatures, measure your emotions and blood pressure, and are constantly assessing your well-being. We know what you are going through and we have compassion. We are intervening where you are stretched and have needs. Please understand that with this monitoring as long as you stay out of fear you will have everything you need. It is your job to spread the blessings of love, calm, peace, and joy in your daily life. You live in higher dimensions than most of those on the earth. You can do this and meet the requirements as further steps along your Ascension pathway.
The Gateway is open and there is a separating of the wheat and the chaff. Most of you have completed your souls’ desires in the third dimensional experience. As a result, your work is in the higher dimensions. We appreciate all that you are doing with us in the dream state as well as in the awakened.
Due to the rising consciousness, we will be able to show more of our presence. Please feel free to call upon me and your other Galactic friends to show themselves and to be of assistance. We are in this together. As this process continues, you may have your ups and downs. Please be assured that the downs be few compared to the ups.
We are pleased to see the healing that is occurring on the earth with out the trampling around. The earth needs to rest and so does humanity. You can take part of what is going on now with the confinement as healing for all. Even though there is fear and stress with much of humanity, you will get through it. The third dimensional lifestyle has taken its toll. It has only served those at the top although there has been a benefit for others, it has not served most of humanity.
Adjustments are necessary. For many they are being made begrudgingly. We understand your numerous disappointments and the necessity of finding new ways to meet your needs. Trust this will come to pass and the inconveniences that you are experiencing now will lessen so that you can thrive in the future.
I am Mira sending your, love, assistance, high level healing energies, truth and support. We are one.
《3》.關於 3D消失了.
傳導:Inger Noren.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月25日.
It is an honor to speak to you, Master, and I sit on the Great Council of the Pleiades where I have contact with many people on Earth. We usually inform people of what is to come in the near future and it is of great importance that people understand that this time when everything is at a standstill, there is an enormous amount of work behind the scenes to accelerate the ascent for GAIA and the people.
From now on, it is a new time for people to try to convey to everyone who has a desire to follow in the ascent that they must begin to take this time, which now advises to really start thinking about what world they want to come to.
The third dimension is gone. People have risen to the fourth and fifth dimensions in a very short time. Due to many changes that have taken place in the Universe and in the atmosphere, everything will raise the whole Universe at a higher frequency, which means that everything goes so much faster than we imagined.
Both the galactics that lie with their ships in the atmosphere and the humans have significantly increased their frequency with a new understanding of the significance and beauty of others. This means that there has been more love and compassion between all species in the Universe and also to humans. The light workers who have helped many galactics with guidance and advice have had a great impact on that intention. It bodes well for the time when the ships will go down to Earth to meet the humans.
It has been an exciting time for us from the Pleiades to have been able to channel with people about how they have come into their ascent and also that we have got to know you people.
We have been following you for a very long time and we have seen how much you have developed an understanding of each other in terms of gender, race and religion. It is of great importance for the continued development that as many people as possible come to the realization that a new reality and a new time have come. We love you all so much and we see with confidence and joy how much has happened in people’s hearts during this time in isolation.
This has really done something really good for everyone no matter how anxious and fearless it is. This isolation is soon over and many have been given a different perception and reflection on their lives.
We are glad to have talked to you
Mira from the Great Council of the Pleiades