【 #耶穌 】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.停止將自己與世隔絕 (20200407)
《2》.復活節與基督再臨的真義 (20200412)
關於 停止將自己與世隔絕.
傳導:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年4月07日.
With the COVID-19 pandemic very much on people’s minds I would like to offer some loving guidance to assist you in coming to accept what is occurring so that you do not become unduly fearful or anxious. As you know, the collective awakening of humanity is divinely assured, and your task is to continue to BE Love in every moment, because this greatly assists this magnificent divine event in its unfoldment precisely as divinely planned. You are Love, so all you have to do is to be yourselves. That means to let go of or release the personas or masks – your professional personal face that you present in the work-place, or the regular adult face that you present in other interactive situations, and also the 5-8 year old emotionally reactive child within that explodes occasionally without warning – that you normally present as yourselves when meeting with or in any way interacting with others.
伴隨著病毒在人們的腦海中佔據主導位置,我想要提供一些有愛的指引來協助你接受正在發生的,這樣你不會過度恐慌或焦慮。如你所知,人類的集體覺醒是被神聖確保的,你的任務是繼續在時時刻刻中成為愛,因為這會極大地協助這個宏偉的神聖事件按照神聖計畫般完美展開。你是愛,所以你所需要做的就是做自己。這意味著放下或釋放角色或面具 --- 你在工作場所戴上的專業面具,或者你在其它交互情況中戴上的成人面具,還有在沒有預警的突發情況中出現的 5-8 歲的孩童情感反應 --- 當你與他人會面或交互,呈現為自己
In other words, Be the You that you know yourselves to be – loving, caring individuals who truly delight in knowing that you are alive, and who also delight to see others alive and well. It takes no effort, just total self-acceptance without judgment of any kind, just as Mother/Father/God totally accepts you. When you do this you will truly meet and interact with real people, other beloved children of God, because others will respond to you in like manner revealing their true selves, instead of in the more regular and ‘cautious’ fashion that you all mostly experience from others in your normal daily lives.
換句話說,成為你知道你是誰的人 --- 有愛、關心人的個體,知道自己活著很開心,看到他人活著也很開心。這不需要費什麼力氣,只需完全的自我接納,而沒有任何的評判,就像母親 / 父親 / 神完全接納你那樣。當你這麼做,你會與真實的人相遇和交互,其他神摯愛的孩子,因為他人會在類似的方式中(揭示他們真實的自我,而不是在更平常和“謹慎”的方式中,你經常在日常生活中從他人那裡體驗到的)響應你
To be alive is to be in joy; but very many of you choose to focus on what you dislike or even abhor in your lives, and this leads immediately to dissatisfaction, often intense dissatisfaction, so that the true and ever-present joy of life is hidden from you by your engagement with thought processes that have absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Therefore, set the intent frequently throughout the day to be aware, to be conscious, and to observe and engage with the wondrous miracle that is your life in this ever-present now moment.
Life has a purpose, namely to know God. As humans in form, and being severely limited by that form, to know God seems to be beyond the bounds of possibility, especially when to “know God” means to be constantly aware of being at every moment in His Presence. A few have come very close to that knowing, and have shared their experiences as best they can within the limitations of language, so that others may understand what is readily available to them, and then also seek to share in that most wondrous experience. You all believe in God, and seek ways to commune with Him through prayer, meditation, and contemplation, and doing this regularly with unforced intent does strengthen your faith, while at the same time leading you to understand quite clearly that your life’s purpose is to know God. When that purpose is clear to you it becomes much easier to behave only lovingly whatever may arise, and when you do this you find yourselves meeting Love in many delightful and unexpected places, further strengthening your faith.
To awaken is to know God, and your awakening is drawing ever closer as you gently release your needy grasp on the unreality of the material world. The world that is constantly presenting you with myriad distractions, as the egoic freight train of thoughts runs almost continuously through your brains, dispersing worrisome thoughts about unlikely possibilities that might happen to you if you are not careful and, at the same time, adequately prepared. Your egos, building on the fears that have already been established within you – during growth from infancy to adulthood – encourage you to maintain a supply of products that you are firmly convinced are absolutely essential for your survival, further distracting you from living the miracle that is life in joy and gratitude. All this groundless fear needs to be seen, recognized, faced, and released, thus opening your hearts to allow Love to fill them. Hearts filled with Love are, of course, totally fearless, except when fear is momentarily required to bring your attention to an immediate threat that has to be dealt with in that precise moment, such as a vehicle bearing down upon you unseen as you cross the street.
覺醒就是認識神,隨著你溫柔地釋放對虛假的物質世界的抓取,你的覺醒更加接近。世界不斷地呈現給你無數的干擾,隨著小我的思想列車幾乎總是在你的大腦中運行,散播令人不安的思想,關於不太可能會發生在你身上的事情,如果你不夠小心,與此同時,做好充分的準備。你的小我,基於已經在你之內建立的恐懼 --- 從嬰兒到成人 --- 鼓勵你去維持一定量的供應,你堅信對你的生存來說絕對必需的,進一步地讓你分心於生活於喜悅和感恩中的奇蹟。所有無根據的恐懼需要被看到、認識到、面對和釋放,從而敞開你的心讓愛充滿它。充滿愛的心,當然,是完全無畏的,除了當恐懼被短暫地需要來讓你注意到即刻的威脅以便去處理,比如當你過馬路一輛汽車就要撞到你
The current pandemic is demonstrating very potently that, in spite of the present very temporary need for ‘social distancing,’ that there is no such state as ‘independence,’ that there is only ‘interdependence,’ on one another and, of course, on the Earth without which there would be no possibility of life in human form. But this is not a co-dependent relationship, it’s a relationship of sharing, caring, and engaging with life through one another, and with the Earth that so lovingly supports you all in full acknowledgment of the Oneness of all in God.
Therefore, in these unsettling times, it is essential that you focus regularly every day on your unbreakable relationship with Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – the divine field of energy in which all that is created has its eternal existence in joy-filled bliss. You are One. God delights in You. And without You, and you, God would be incomplete, but God, who is absolute perfection, is always complete. So, to reiterate very firmly, Be the Love that you are, and judge no one! Judgment is always self-judgment no matter what form it may appear to take, so why would you attempt to be in conflict with God who loves all and judges none?
因此,在這些令人不安的時期,很重要每天都去專注於你與母親 / 父親 / 神 / 源頭 / 愛(被創造的一切永恆處於充滿喜悅的極樂狀態的神聖能量場)牢不可破的關係。你們是一。神在你之中歡喜。沒有你,你,神就是不完整的,但神,絕對的完美,總是完整。所以,再次非常堅定地重申,成為你所是的愛,不要評判任何人!評判總是自我評判,無論它以什麼形式,所以為什麼你要試圖與愛著一切,並不評判任何人的神衝突?
Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality through negative judgments of self or others, and instead, claim your Love, the love of self that is an absolutely essential aspect of our all-inclusive One divine nature, and then, in doing so, experience the joy and bliss, that is God’s eternal gift to all of creation, by offering It constantly to self and to all others.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
關於 復活節與基督再臨的真義.
傳導:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年4月12日.
Dear brothers and sisters, you are one with me in all ways… This weekend brings the culmination of much work on many sides of the veil.
You personally have worked tirelessly to come to this moment. You have looked deep within to find all that needs to be healed and transformed, in the knowing that by doing this work within, you create change on the outside.
There are many worries and rumours of what this weekend will bring, as well as fear does not enhance any dimension or paradigm. Rest assured that the greatest clearout is happening and you will be all informed of this in a very short time.
關於這個週末會帶來什麼有著許多的擔憂和傳聞,恐懼不再增強任何的維度或範式(enhance any dimension or paradigm)。放心,最大的清除正在發生,在很短的時間內你們都會被告知這一點
A word to those, or about those, who are new to this ascension project. When I came, it was to show you the light that burns radiantly within YOU. This was and is your divine fire, your divine essence. Initially, people saw that they are the divine, a message that was widely embraced in my lifetime and thereafter.
Later it was corrupted, you were told that you had to go a ‘Father’ and this had to be done ‘through me’. This was never my message.
You are as radiant as I, you are as radiant as the Divine. It is all within you, waiting for the shift of the ages, for you to come full circle and understand truly that the ‘Second Coming’ is not of a brother to his brothers and sisters, or a ‘God’ to ‘his people’. It is the awakening of the fullest knowing that You are the Divine. You are the one you have waiting for, the one you have been practicing to meet, seeking to know.
This weekend, as at every Easter, that divine spark is amplified within you, so that you are closer to this knowingness than you have ever been.
This Easter, great changes will be revealed, but none of them can compare to the exceptional luminance that now radiates from the souls of the light and from Gaia herself.
Your tipping point is past. You are manifesting, actively manifesting, Heaven on Earth, Living Divinity, in this now moment, in this new period.
Feel into what resonates as truth for you; allow the knowingness to enfold you and enwrap you. Allow for the deepest merging of energies that you have yet experienced to free the sweetness of your divine essence into your full awareness.
Consider the conscious creation of your new Now moment. Time is changing, it is melting. Timelessness is emerging. Miracles are more possible; intend for them, seek them, notice them.
You are in the ‘between times’, learning to use new skills and opening up to ever greater expansion and divine expression. Have fun! Be creative! Let your joy be your goal, your trusty guide.
When you are in joy, you are in me, we are united in conscious divinity. How wonderful! We are coming together more rapidly and with greater awareness… savour this return journey and allow your peace, your love, your forgiveness to expand outwards to all; that is living the message of Easter and rebirth.
This is not my rebirth, this is Our Rebirth. Together.