【聖母瑪利亞】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.讓我來幫你緩解壓力. (20200415)
《2》.世界正在覺醒! (20200418)



傳導:Victoria Cochrane.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月15日.


In these troubled times, it is easy to feel weighed down with worry and despair. There seems no end to the crisis as more people become infected and many have died. It is so hard to stay positive but, dear hearts, that is exactly what you must work hard to do, because the more positivity there is in the world, the higher the vibration. This is important because energy creates more of the same energy, so the more people that extract themselves from the gloom of society the easier it will be to bring in love and light to transform your reality.


Let me lead you in a little meditation to relieve you of stress and to help you to relax. Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable. Firstly, see, feel or imagine my energy around you as a warm and soft cloak made of the finest silk. The colour is pink turning to lilac and, as it wraps gently around your shoulders it makes you feel completely safe and you immediately begin to relax. See, feel or imagine yourself sitting on soft grass on the bank of a beautiful lake, which is surrounded by reeds and wildflowers. You feel a soft breeze on your face and the sun warm on your skin. The lazy buzz of insects makes you feel drowsy as you watch ducks swim and see the odd frog hopping on lily pads.


The water is still and calm. The lake is deep and the water is beautifully clear. As you watch the water, its calmness gives you an inner peach that you have not felt for a long time. In your mind’s eye, you lay back and absorb the stillness into your being, wrapped in my cloak and surrounded by the simplicity of nature.


When your mind begins to wander, bring your focus back to my energy which is wrapped around you like a cloak. I am now sending healing to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. As my energy soaks into your being, you feel a rush of release from your chakras, aura and physical body, allowing negative energies to be replaced by love, light and the higher vibration of joy. As my cloak is lifted from your shoulders, you feel a strong grounding sensation and you gently come back to the room feeling peaceful, centred and very loved.



I AM Mother Mary


《2》.關於 世界正在覺醒!
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月18日.


I come on the wings of love to speak this day about the great cleansing that is continuing upon the Earth plane and within each and everyone of you. Each of you is digging ever deeper into your selves and clearing all of the old energies, thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you. This is creating a time of confusion and doubt in some of you. This is a time to remember that you are dedicated not only to serving the Light of God that never fails but also to your own fully integrated ascension. We realize that it is tough going for you and we understand how alone you sometimes feel and how you question whether you are on your right path. If you are reading this, Dear One, you ARE on the right path.


You are a member of the Family of Light and have elected to come to Earth at this time to serve in the capacity of anchors of the energy of the higher dimensions. You were cognizant of the great challenge this would present to you, as you would be required to detach yourself from the pool of consciousness known as the collective consciousness and in its place, create a change in that consciousness through your effort and will. Your efforts are bearing fruit, Dear Ones! There is a decided increase in the level of Light that now permeates the collective consciousness and humanity is beginning to become aware that there is much that they can do to change their personal circumstances and their world.


Upon every highway and byway, each person is realizing there has been much that has been given to them throughout their lifetime that is information based on an illusion. This is a very painful time for these people as they are having to admit to these truths within themselves and to some, it is quite shocking to have these revelations about the true state of the world they have been living on. These beautiful ones are now in the process of the evaluation of their dearly held belief systems and are beginning to stir themselves and are taking their newly found enlightenments out into the world. They are asking serious questions of those whom they trusted as being authorities working for their highest good and are also not taking being ignored as an accepted answer.



The world is waking up! Look about you and see how much it has changed from even yesterday! The chains of illusion are breaking away from the minds of humanity and they are beginning to see the true state of affairs upon the Earth. They are beginning to realize the potential power that they possess as a people united in a great common cause. You will be seeing more of this and many of you will also join and support in these endeavors in some capacity in order to facilitate the great changes that you have all been working towards. This is all to the good, for there are many more people in your world to join in this endeavor and give it great weight and power. The time of the Great Awakening is now occurring all about you and the current event bears witness to this and as this continues, many changes will come upon your land and your world.


You are a part of this awakening evolution, for you are the ones who dedicated your life to bringing this forth. This is a time of transition for all and great strides will be made in the consciousness level of all humankind. All that remains is to remain steadfast and true upon your path of service to the Divine Plan for the Earth, all the inhabitants upon the Earth. It is all coming together in alignment, past, present and future.


You are each dearly loved and immensely supported. Do not forget this in your daily life.


I Am Lady Mother Mary


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