傳導:Jennifer Crokaert 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.人類在宇宙中真正的角色. (20200301)
《2》.每個人都有一個無形的團隊在支持. (20200406)
《3》.祝福障礙,聚焦於喜悅. (20200416)
《1》.關於 人類在宇宙中真正的角色.
作者:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月01日.
A: Greetings, it is my great joy to be here with you again.
A: 問候,我很高興再次與你同在
J: And ours. It’s been a long time, but you seem to have some exciting updates, so let’s get straight into it!
J: 我們也是。已經過去了很長的時間,但你看似擁有了一些激動人心的升級,所以讓我們開門見山
A: Yes indeed! We wish to begin by explaining that disclosure is not just a project on Gaia, it is a project within the UFOG as well, and it has several different components to it. Yes, there are delegation meetings occurring right now, where Galactics are meeting with humans, to develop trust, familiarity and ease with each other.
A: 好的!我們想要先解釋,揭露不只是蓋亞上的一個項目,還是 UFOG 中的一個項目,它有著幾個不同的組成部分。是的,有著代表團的會面正在發生,銀河存有正在與人類會面,來發展對彼此的信任、熟悉和輕盈
But this is only one rung. There have also been sightings that date back decades, not just over nuclear bases, but throughout the planet. These too were designed to increase your familiarity with our existence in peaceful ways.
The channel remembers a pilot for a well-known commercial airline informing her, back in 1999, that most pilots have seen unidentified crafts, but don’t report them as they are ridiculed for this. But pilots are well respected in your communities, and when the time is right, they will come forward with many, many tales to tell.
管道想起了一個為著名的商業航空公司工作的飛行員告訴過她,在 1999 年的時候,大多數飛行員看到過不明飛行物,但沒有報告它們,因為他們會被嘲笑。但飛行員在你們的社區備受尊敬,當時機正確,他們會伴隨著許多的故事向前一步
There is also the current sightings programme. We are appearing with increasing frequency in your skies. Depending on the circumstances, we may be seen as distant dots of light that are clearly not planes or satellites, or we may appear much closer, as points of light, ships of light, disc shaped, or cigar-shaped, these are the most common, and we may flash in and out of your vision.
Such sightings will become increasingly common over the next couple of years, and we invite you to document them and share these sightings with others. This will increase curiosity about them, and as they become increasingly frequent, they will no longer be feared.
We will not approach you, unless this is a task undertaken in your soul contract, but we will reveal ourselves, so that you may experience the thrill of seeing us. We truly wish to provide you with the much needed reassurance that you are not mad: we do exist and we are here!
We are all around you, look for us. Ask to see us. Where it is safe and feasible, we will coordinate to show ourselves to you at the appropriate time.
This is a time of enormous change, which is occurring very rapidly. By the end of your earth year there will have been a great many revelations about human’s true role in space, both the good and the bad.
This will prompt, or open the doorway for, the release of a great many innovations that have been held back from you.
In five years’ time, the political, industrial, technological and physical landscape that you know now, will have shifted drastically. These changes are coming and are assured. Our visits are to prepare you to think outside the boxes you have been caged within; they are the best way we can reach out to you to share our love in this present moment.
Greater communication will come. You will all have the opportunity to meet with us, to share with us, and we will have the opportunity of assisting you, in the most luminous transformation this universe has ever witnessed.
It is with this love and these promises of our mutually joy-filled, fun-fuelled future, that I leave you.
J: Thank you Ashian, many blessings from us to you.
J: 謝謝你 Ashian ,送給你我們的諸多祝福
A: It is our pleasure and our joy.
A: 這是我們的榮幸和喜悅
《2》.關於 每個人都有一個無形的團隊在支持.
作者:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月06日.
ennifer: Ashian, what do you have to say at these times?
Jennifer:Ashian ,你有什麼話想說?
Ashian: My dearest Jennifer and those who read these words and sense this energy instreaming, I offer you first my thanks, the thanks of the millions of unseen who are in awe of the remarkable fortitude that all of you of the light are showing in this situation.
Ashian: 我摯愛的 Jennifer 和所有閱讀這些話語以及感到這個能量湧入的人,我先提供你我的感謝,成千上萬不可見之人的感謝,我們都敬畏你們所有從屬於光的人在這個情況中展現出的非凡毅力
As you know, the worst is soon to explode. It will be the darkest hour, but you will not be alone. We are with you, we are shadowing you in every step of the way.
Consider it like this, each being who achieves a specific frequency of light is provided with a ‘team’, this unseen team works energetically with you as you go through your day, amplifying your energy.
Your team is composed of angelic beings, as you consider angels, wise elders and galactics. These personal teams are now in place and supporting all of you, our light workers. We are amplifying your light, we are extending your healing energies, we are intensifying the potency of the healing, compassion and forgiveness that you express, both consciously and unconsciously.
Not one of you are alone. Not a single one of you.
Those who are about to go through the greatest and most unbelievable of shocks, they too are accompanied, they are offered comfort and healing. Rather like those who are in the intensive care unit in a hospital they will be nurtured ad loved back to health.
We have never been more ‘with you’ than we are now. We have all planned meticulously for this moment, for all that transpires, and although the outcome is certain, the various trajectories are several, and will only condense as the situation plays itself out.
Remember to call on us, your team, whenever you feel that you are flagging. We will lift you up.
You are our physical conduits, our boots on the ground, so your high frequency is our priority, and we ask that you make it your priority too.
When you feel yourself flag, retreat, and self-nurture; let us nurture you, and then, when you feel whole again, you are ready to resume what you were doing.
We love you and we are so intently with you all now; the teams have been formed, the work is beginning, and together, we will manifest the prophecy of heaven on earth.
《3》.關於 祝福障礙,聚焦於喜悅.
作者:Jennifer Crokaert.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年04月16日.
This is the moment of the great rising. The flame that has been smouldering for so long is now about to explode into what will seem like a raging fire to all who have not been aware of, or prepared for, this moment consciously.
Yet, remember this, that everyone who is here now chose to be here now. There are no mistakes and such overwhelming care has been taken to do everything in the very highest possible manner, to adhere to the divine principals. This moment could not have played out otherwise, all things considered.
However, and this is the crucial piece, how you respond determines the future trajectory. As in all things, if you are optimistic of a good outcome, the outcome is better than if you are scared, apprehensive and angry.
In one scenario, the energy flows freely, it is of a high vibration, so the outcomes it attracts are free flowing, high vibration outcomes. In the other scenario, blockages are created, energy stagnates until the pressure builds so much that it explodes.
Focus on your energy and your joy, blessing the obstacles as they arise.
We do not ask you to be happy when you are not, we ask you to hope when you feel overwhelmed, to trust that this is the last painful segment of life on earth as you know it.
Ask for help when the burden feels too much. Our comfort and love is always by your side, awaiting your blessing, your invitation to swap around you, when your energy dips too low for it to freely vibrate within you. That is self-mastery.
When you are high, you are a resonant match for our energy, so your energy and ours flow together uninhibited. When your energy dips, we are no longer resonant with you and have to wait your permission, your invitation, to share energy with you. That is your free will, deeply honoured throughout the galaxies.
Right now, all is in readiness. There is much happening behind the scenes about to be revealed. Consider that this is a cinema showing; everyone is in their seats, the lights are dimming and the curtain is about to be drawn on The Play of The Ages.
However, and this is the caveat, not everyone knows what play they have chosen to see. For some the play will be exactly what they imagined, but that is for very few indeed; for most, they will wish they had never decided to come to the cinema to see this film.
This is the lancing of the boil, the ripping off of the veneer that separated life from reality.
It will overwhelm their emotional, mental and nervous systems. But it will not overwhelm them spiritually. They were born knowing that this was the culmination of hundreds of lifetimes of work.
You who read these words are lighworkers, you have returned to hold the light of the divine and to provide comfort for the emotionally homeless in the wake of this seeming purge.
You, brave ones, you are our dearest and our best, you are here to spread comfort, to listen, to listen and to listen some more; to spread forgiveness and compassion. You are asked to share the understanding that in the 3D drama, there has to be ‘good’ and ‘bad’; and the ‘bad’ have played their role, just as the good have.
Compassion and forgiveness will be the mark of light workers in these challenging times ahead.
And now a word on self-care… self-care is crucial.
You cannot help anyone – much less help yourself and loved ones – if you are depleted and exhausted either emotionally or physically. Just as in an airplane, put on your mask first.
Make sure you schedule time to be alone, to recharge in whatever way uplifts you; make time for peace and make time for joy, because these emotions are dispersing the collective shock and horror more effectively than you can imagine. These emotions of light are magnified, we use them as foundation stones which we can amplify and expand.
Now is the time of the light. Now is the moment when all that is good and pure and true will be seen for what it is and will be celebrated; now is the time when society will appear to be turned on its head, when all that is not of the light will been seen and will – ultimately – dissolve, and what is left, will be purity, will be the new path.