關於 新黎明開始降臨.
傳導: James McConnell.
譯者: Nick Chan.於2020年04月08日.
I am Ashtar. I speak to you now from high above you, from those many ships that you peer up into the night and you think you see.
And many times you look at stars and you think, just as many have over many thousands of years, that they are stars. But many times they are much more than that. They are ships. Very large ships. Beyond your imagination as far as what ships can be.
And I tell you now, and I spoke to you of being of the stars, all of you. Because “you came from the ethers and you journeyed to the stars. And now you move from the stars into the innermost planes of consciousness”.
That is what you are in the process of doing now. You are coming back. You have been on a long journey, and you are now returning. You are returning to the Light, as you have left the Light at times during your many lifetimes here on this planet.
You have left the Light and, at times, even have joined the darkness. For you must have done that, because of the need to experience duality. And to bring about the experience of what duality brings as you moved away from the One Consciousness within you, and you allowed for what you would call the ‘lower consciousness’ to take over within you, that ego center within you.
But you are all now rising above that, as it is evident, and was evident, in your experience this past evening, as a huge gateway was opened up through the Galactic Central Sun. There has always been a gateway there, but it was able to be opened extremely much, much more to allow the energies to come through now.
And what you are going to experience in the days and weeks ahead is going to be quite profound as far as the energies go, these waves of energy that have been coming in, that have been curtailed back, diminished as much as needed. Because the central nervous systems of the human being was not able to handle this. But that is all changing now. Because your consciousness has been raised mightily in these last few days, and certainly last evening as you experienced the highest high that you could have, and the highest high that you have yet on this planet since the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, those ancient times. But you have weathered through all of this, all of the many thousands of lifetimes that many of you have experienced here on this planet to bring you to these moments now, these moments that you are experiencing and that you are getting ready to experience. Because everything is about to shift beyond what you even have thought that it could shift to. The Light has returned, and the Light is coming in.
As we look at it from our point of view, Light is streaming into the planet now. And where ever there is darkness, and there is still some of that, it is being illuminated greatly by the Light. And there is nothing, and no thing, that these ones of the darkness can do to escape it.
It is everywhere, and they are running frightened hither and to, wherever they think they can find salvation or find refuge. It is not to be. It is not for them to ever be able to find again. They have gone deeply into their bases, their deep underground bases. But they are not finding refuge there or will not for very long. And they cannot leave the planet as well. They must remain here. So all avenues of escape have been held off from them, and they realize that now.
They know that their time has come. But even yet, as they know this, they still strike back. It is as if an animal that has been brought into a corner and strikes back for its life, its very life, and claws and does everything that it can to hold off the adversary. Well, it cannot do that for long, although it will attempt to do so a few more times. But each time it does so, those of the Light are ready there to strike back, to hold off whatever they had planned, they are holding that off, and will continue to do so.
And I tell you now, as many have been telling you, to hold yourself in the Light. Hold yourself in that calmness within the middle of the storm, the ‘eye of the storm,’ as you have heard. And know that even as this storm continues to rage around you, everything is being taken care of. Even though there are people dying, people becoming sick everywhere, it is going to pass. This too shall pass.
And know that as it is passing, you are being catapulted into a New Golden Age, something that cannot be held off ever again. And the New Golden Age of the Aquarian Age is here now. It is just beginning to show itself. If you were to visualize this, you would see the very peak of the sun rising just above the horizon, and just coming into the New Dawn. This is where you are now at this point. It hasn’t fully risen, but it is just beginning to peak upon the horizon. And that is what you are seeing as the Light begins to stream forth from that sun. But it is not only this sun, it is the new sun as well that is also beginning to show itself.
So allow for the process to continue. Allow for the ascension process to continue to move you all on as individuals and as a group consciousness. And know that when all of this has passed (and again, it shall pass), know that you are on the verge of something miraculous, something that has been foretold for thousands and thousands of years, and even before that, that all of this would come and the ascension of the Earth and ascension of all of the people here on the planet is going forth exactly as it was meant to.
So be at peace and calm, my Brothers and Sisters of the Stars, because we are all here with you. We have been with you, and we will be here right until you move into that New Dawn. And at that time, the celebrations shall begin.
Peace and love be with all of you. I am Ashtar.