《1》.你是最優秀的. (20200304)
《2》.專注於美好的事物. (20200317)
傳導:Sharon Stewart.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月04日.
I posted: Lightworkers are here as representatives from the galaxy, not victims of earth’s ignorance.
This is Archangel Michael with a message for the lightworkers, those of you who have descended to earth in this now are the Bearers of Truth, not victims of your circumstances.
Soul connection is required for you to switch over to this new enlightened way of being. Without soul connection you remain what you have learned, a role or roles you are playing. Authenticity is what you seek in yourself – your own truth, your own inner Light.
This is a journey of courage. The courage to change everything you have learned, everything you thought you knew, everything you believed you were, to stand on new ground, the new ground of truth, the new reality that is coming to your planet now.
We stand behind you as you take steps to change. Change is difficult for those who have been indoctrinated into lies but they are nonetheless important. The energies of renewal support your journey, pushing you on while your soul pulls you towards them. You are the leaders of humanity now, not your presidents, not your social figures – it is you that hold this responsibility to your people – it is you that have chosen to do this so long ago.
You have studied, you have prepared and you have incarnated on earth during other lifetimes in order to help to change the course of humanity during those eras. You got a feel for how lower dimensional bodies and minds think and feel, you got practise at feeling the lower energies and acclimating to them. Then you left. You went back to the higher realms, other worlds and other dimensions, where you worked and studied more to prepare for your ultimate challenge – life on earth at a time of near death of a species.
Yes, your people are demoted to double stranded DNA beings. This is near death for a human as the human body can enact 12 strands of DNA with no difficulty, in fact, blissful joy. You prepared to come here, you prepared to understand what you were to fight, you prepared to be here at this crucial time in the history of the galaxy.
You came to be truth holders. You came to fight the dark. You are powerful beings, moreso than you ever would understand coming from your low frequency perspective, but you are. You are the darlings of the universe right now as you have taken on the fight that so few wanted to. You knew it was important for this planet and for all of humanity – because we are all One. Humans are one family, one body in a larger body called God. When part of the body is destroyed, then the rest suffers.
It is decreed that you rise from the slumber that others live under. It is decreed.
Change your minds. Question everything you encounter and ask, “Is this loving?” You’ve been given the wrong impression of what love is by your fearful minds, but love is pure, love is forgiving, love does not attack, love is happiness and acceptance of all.
Your minds have been dominated by evil for so long you don’t remember love. So you don’t remember yourselves. These next few years will be a huge awakening for all of you as you soldier forth into the Light. It is coming. The epiphany is coming. The cleansing of all to a more pure form. When you all remember yourselves again.
We support you in your work to remember yourselves and to change your minds to higher Light. We are all One. We work together as a strong unit against evil, against the dark.
You are our leaders. We sent earth our best.
傳導:Asara Adams.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月17日.
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...
Dear One, when you look around in nature, you will notice that the trees, plants, flowers and so on are constantly growing...
When you look at animal and human babies, they are growing.
Besides the physical things, such as food and water that are part of the growth process, there is the unseen life force that causes the growth of all life:
It is the substance of Source/God that is the life force that is flowing through every human, animal and plant.
它是源頭/神的實質,生命力,在流經 每個人、動物和植物
The baby, animal or the plant doesn't have to say consciously "Please make me grow!"
They all simply do.
It is the Source/God substance that is continuously growing all life.
It is effortless...
This Source/God substance is helping you to grow beyond just your physical form.
It is helping you to grow your reality, depending on what you are focusing on and engaging with.
With your thoughts, beliefs and focus you are qualifying (well being) or mis-qualifying (negative experiences) the substance of Source.
You have free will to choose how you are using the substance of Source that creates your world and reality.
You can choose to open the faucet to all good things in your life, as long as your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and actions don't disagree with the well being of Source/God.
As you go throughout your day, begin to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.
Do they agree or disagree with the flow of well being of Source/God?
You might say "But, what if I see unpleasant things in my world?"
To this we say:
"Stop focusing and engaging with it and bring your full attention to the well being of your inner world.
Connect with the Source within you.
Then, look for and find things of well being in your world.
This will open the faucet to the pure substance of Source and wellbeing again and will create more of it in your reality.
Your world and reality is responding to your focus and attention."
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.