【委員會】傳導:Ron Head 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.現實. (20200304)
《2》.你所選擇的道路 (20200305)
《3》.請容許我們提供幫助. (20200313)
《4》.幾個導致心煩和恐懼的問題. (20200314)
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月04日.
Have you been told that you need to face reality? Or that you need to see reality? Or that you have lost your grip on reality? Of course, the person who told you this assumed that they had a grip on reality and you did not. Let’s explore this reality that some think they have.
As one example, imagine that you are in a store shopping with a friend. When you walk out into the sunshine, you see a mother and son walking away from a pond in the park. The boy is wearing a beaming smile. When you were in the store, your reality included none of this. It is possible that your reality did not include the mother or the son at all. Even now, you have no idea what the boy has seen that has made him so excited. You do not know what is in the pond. You do not know how many cars drove past while you were shopping. You do not know how many squirrels are in the park or where each of them is. In short, of all that reality is, you have an extremely limited knowledge.
Let’s look at an even smaller reality. How many times in the last few moments have you caused your heart to beat or noticed its beating? How many breaths did you take in the last two minutes? Are you regulating your digestion of the last foods you have eaten? Are you sure about the health of the new cells you are creating right now? Which old cells have you chosen to replace?
Does the person that has recommended that you face reality know any of those things? Do they even have the slightest bit of knowledge of what is best for you, or are they urging you to buy into their assumptions because they need to have their beliefs reinforced? Because, you see, if you are right, then they must be wrong. That is not necessarily true, but it may seem so to them.
Even if you humans were the only conscious beings in the universe, which we assure you is not the case, all of the perceptions of your senses lumped into one ‘reality’ would not even begin to know your own world, let alone a solar system, a galaxy, a trillion galaxies.
So what might you wish to base your own beliefs on? Might we offer that your only truth, the truth that you can rely upon, is your own experience and what you can know in your own heart. Your brain can be misled. But, assuming that you are truly in touch with your own deepest self, your heart will not be. That is, admittedly, a rather large assumption.
But that inner knowing is exactly what this ‘great awakening’ is all about. Some think it is about a greater knowledge of political, societal, or financial facts. That is not so. All of those things have changed and will continue to change. If there is an unchanging reality, it is that change is happening. Everything around you will pass.
What does not pass? What does not pass? That is the important thing. Because you are a part of that.
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月04日.
You are in the midst of an energy wave that is going to be somewhat confusing for many of you. You will find yourselves with quite a lot of choosing to do. Which path is the ‘right’ path? We will say that the path you choose will be the right path. Let us give you our reasons for making such a statement.
First of all, there is the fact that there is no wrong path. There may be a long and a short path. There may be a high road and a low road. But, just as ‘all roads lead to Rome’, in your case, all paths will eventually lead to your only possible destination.
Some may be smooth. Some may be bumpy. Some may be straight. Some may be crooked. But you WILL learn what you need to learn.
So you see that, no matter what choices you make, you cannot get it ‘wrong’. This should help settle your minds.
Because of the realization of the huge changes that are coming, the number of choices that you personally begin to see will seem bewildering at first. Our advice is that you open a door, any door, look at what you see, and then decide whether to step through it or move on to see what else may be possible.
Do not lose sight of the fact that eternal beings will have the opportunity to revisit whatever they feel they may have missed. As we have said in other contexts, you can’t get it wrong.
You path will be your path and yours alone. The ONE has no need for billions upon billions of souls to tread the same path. Every experience is valuable in some way. Perhaps instead of trying so hard to do things right, you should just try to do things.
As has been said by some of you recently, slide home saying, “Wow! What a ride!”
Let your guides place choices in your path, their job, and then feel free to choose, your job. You won’t have to force your way into anything that will make you feel happy and fulfilled. Be amazed. Be amazing. But be amazing to yourselves. That, in the end, is all that matters.
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月13日.
Are you having symptoms? Meeting obstacles? Running into blockages? Confused? Worried? May we help?
This is an extraordinary, wondrous, almost instantaneous Event, dear friends. You, and everything around you are being transformed, just as you have always planned it. But, also as you have planned it, you experience change in sequential now moments. You call this time. Isn’t it fun? It gives you so many chances to explore the infinite possibilities.
On the subject of symptoms, we would point out to you that each person is passing through a sequence of changes that need to occur to prepare their body and their consciousness for the transit from their ‘current’ state to the state they have previously decided is their desired goal. As a side note, this goal is only another step up on an eternal journey. The frequencies that you are preparing for would be damaging without these intermediate improvements to your systems. But they need not be suffered through. They can just as easily be experienced with wonder and gratitude.
Some of you are feeling great vibrations in your bodies upon awakening in the mornings. The “what is wrong with me?” can as easily be “Oh, this is delicious. Thank you.”
Ringing in the ears? This is an electric universe. Everything vibrates and communicates. Every cell, molecule, and atom is communicating with every other in frequency. Hear it? Relax. Soon it will make sense.
Obstacles? What can you learn from them? They really are opportunities, you know. There may be a lesson. They may even be there to give you the chance to release them to spirit so that you don’t need to keep lugging them around.
Worry and confusion and every other fear – yes, they are symptoms of fear – are a result of not accepting your own divinity, dearest ones. You think you are separate. You are not. You think you are blameworthy. You are not. You think you are beyond forgiveness. You are not. You think you are missing the boat. You are not. You think everything in the universe is divine and blessed… except you. Impossible!
Nothing that you have ever – and we mean ever – done, or said, or thought could make you less than what you truly are and have always been, a divine creation. Much of what you beat yourselves up over is the natural functioning of a human that you have accepted as being wrong. That was carefully taught to you so that you would depend upon others to save you or keep you ‘in line’. What was once celebrated in gratitude and joy was made anathema. There is enough remembrance of the deep past to see this if you look. It does not take a great deal of imagination to see the why of it.
So, here we have a planet holding billions of divine beings that are in the process of advancing to an amazing level of consciousness and capability but are letting themselves be worried and confused about it. We have said this before, but you would be much better served by throwing your arms open wide, twirling around, and singing “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
We also hear all of the “what about my children, my kitty, my family” thoughts. We will repeat something that we have said many times before. This is a universal evolutionary rise in consciousness. Nothing, nothing is unaffected. Kitties will be more kitty. Everyone has the chance to be lifted. Everyone. Even you, dearest. And you will fulfill your purpose in being here now. You can come worrying if you wish. Or you can slide in yelling “Wheeee!!” Your choice. But it is happening – for you, not to you.
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月14日.
We have been asked to address several issues that are causing upset and fear for a great many of you at this time. We have been speaking of this for some time now.
Now that the chaotic energy that we have warned of is beginning to manifest in earnest, it is, as we said, causing so much fear that some are almost going into panic. We will address the underlying issue. There is only one.
We have said that your world is going through a lifting, a shifting to a higher octave that you term a dimension. The term does not matter. This was not very noticeable at first, but it certainly is becoming more obvious now to those who are threatened by it. It would, we stated, cause a great deal of change in your societies. There will be resistance.
Now the problem, as we have stated it, is that fear feeds many, and fear cannot exist in the octaves above the one you have occupied in the past. Fear will not turn you loose without a struggle. It will tell you that if you only listen, it will keep you safe. This is a lie. So what are you to do?
Fear is being pumped into your media circus, yes we called it a media circus, daily… even hourly. This will keep you under control… until it doesn’t. That time will come. The only question is when.
Now let us restate some basic principles regarding energy and power. It is said that this will kill you. That will harm you. This will crash and that will ruin your life. The truth of life is that YOU are the power that lives. Period. Sorry, but the way out is up.
Weak persons are affected by illnesses. This is not blameworthy. It simply is. Weak energy systems can be disrupted by stronger energy systems such as certain technologies. This is not blameworthy. It simply is. Those will be and have been developed that are able to overwhelm weaker vibrations – everything that is, is in vibration. Fear lowers and weakens vibrations. Fear is an idea. It is an idea.
So you are being fed ideas that are meant to weaken you, confuse you, and keep you under control or passive.
This will very likely not make some happy, but we will say once again that your purpose on the planet at this time is to lift humanity over this obstacle. Raise your energy. Change your beliefs. Change your knowing. Change your ideas. Change your world.
Truth is that your world is made up of the manifestation of your collective ideas. It always has been. It always will be. Being afraid of every idea that comes out of your media will delay THE change and YOUR change. You must come to know that almost all of that content, at least is some parts of your world, is at best half truths. You have lifted yourselves past the marker. It cannot stop the changes.
Now a great many of you haven’t a clue what we are talking about. But that is exactly why those who do read this sort of message have taken on this lifetime. You are the “way showers”. Allowing yourselves to be bamboozled by fear is not way showing. (We do love some of your words.) So the solution for you is simply to recognize what is being done and keep changing your thought until you, at least, are no longer in that lower vibration.
Nothing is in vibration that cannot be overcome by you. Mark those words. You are a divine being. Nothing is in vibration that cannot be overcome by you. In addition we will say that finding those of like mind will vastly strengthen your vibration. And your ‘group’ might be scattered geographically, but that is no matter. It is still a group if you remain in contact. That is one of the main purposes of the technology that you have manifested.
Consider all of this a ‘pep talk’. We would wish you to know that you are actually doing well. You are, as you would say, on track.