【委員會】傳導: Ron Head 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.創造/進化的衝突. (20200218)
《2》.搖晃、陷入、漂泊. (20200219)
《3》.推繩子 (20200303)
傳導: Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月18日.
We have some things for those who are in the creation/evolution seeming conflict of ideas. We hope not to stir up the proverbial hornets’ nest, but to offer what may be some resolution.
First, we would say that being able to accept that when one can accept that things have been created and then have evolved as they needed to would solve some seeming conflict for many. But that really isn’t what we wish to be considered either, even though it is, in most cases, absolutely true.
The real point of our speaking to you today is a point that many have not reached yet, even though unity, oneness, etc. are often mentioned today. For too long you have been given a personification of Divinity. You call it this. You call it that. And woe be to those who call it anything else. Because it is he, or it is a she. And then when someone dares to say it is neither, you can agree… for a moment or so.
If we say IT is everywhere, you will agree. If we say everything is made of IT, you can agree. But you do not seem to carry these thoughts to their logical conclusions.
Well, we will approach it another way. We’ll make some statements. It is consciousness. It is intelligence. It is loving. It is infinite potential. There is nothing made that is not made of IT. Can we agree so far?
But what does that mean? One of the most important things that it means is that there is nothing, no thing, that you can point to, or look at, that is not of it. There is no one that is not of it. Because there is nothing that can be NOT of it. That is what oneness means.
You are of it. He is of it. That is of it. And every person on this planet is of it, whether they know it and act like it or not.
So there really is no creation/evolution conflict. Because IT is all that is. Period. And it is all Divine. Period. All that seems to contradict that is mistaken ideas and beliefs. And that is what humans are resolving.
That is a huge part of what this ascension thing you love to speak of is. It is your evolving past those mistaken beliefs to Oneness. It is realizing your own worth and unity. It is realizing the unity of that, of him, and of her… and of you.
This has been short and to the point. There is not much else that needs to be said on the subject if one can grasp these concepts. It Will, however, change your entire life if you can learn to see it. May you be blessed with that ability.
傳導: Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月19日.
There are a great many of those who have been following these messages who could pick one of the words in this title. shaken, stuck, and adrift, to describe the way they are feeling now. We will address each of these in turn in order to bring you an understanding and move you back into what has become familiar energy to you. First, give yourselves a great deal of credit for making grounded, joyful, and appreciative energy feel familiar. That is exactly what is remaking the world you live in.
To those of you who feel that the word shaken best describes your feeling, we first say – and we know you have already thought this – that we told you many times that your world would first need to fall apart. We know you did your best to prepare. We know that you felt prepared. But looking at hot soup and sticking one’s finger into it are quite different experiences. Nevertheless, understanding that nothing will be changed until change becomes truly necessary will help while you become acclimated to this new, but temporary, reality.
Be sure you understand and are ready to participate in building the new loving, compassionate, and sustainable world you have dreamed of. Those who kick over all the old apple carts may not be lovable, but they certainly provide a valuable service in the long run. It is what is done in the aftermath that will count the most.
Now, we have addressed the feeling of being stuck several times before. But we will expand on what we have said a little bit.
First of all, you are not stuck. It is important for you to know this. The feeling of being stuck is just a feeling. It is produced by not being able to relate what you see around you to your expectations. The expectations are the real problem. You are expecting things to look a certain way and they do not. Now, we are not trying to make you look wrong. But please allow us to point out something to you.
Your expectation is created by your imagination from the tools that your mind has at its disposal. And those are mostly, in your current state, either from a history you remember or one that you have been taught. They may seem wonderful, but they are still history.
You have asked for, and you have been promised, a world that you have never seen, a world that no one can teach you about. Does it surprise you that you do not know what getting there will look like? Not only is that true for your outside world, but for your inner world, as well.
As for actually being stuck, nothing in the universe is stuck. It is an impossibility. Energy never rests. Protons, electrons, atoms, etc. hardly could be said to slow down, much less be stuck. The one constant in the universe is change. So you are hardly stuck, you are perhaps a bit impatient.
It is easy for us to be patient. Your future is a probability that we already see as accomplished. Please notice that we did not use the word possibility. If you can understand that effects are unavoidable aspects of causes, then you will know that you are making the new world that you desire unavoidable with every breath you take, every thought, every prayer, and every loving and compassionate act. This will raise your feeling. You will not feel stuck.
Now, the feeling of being adrift is a different case. There are actually some of you that are changing direction in your lives. Imagine how that would feel if you were on a ship somewhere. The waves and currents were all there, but you knew your direction and were not wavering from it. Then, suddenly, you were given a new destination, a new direction. There would be a short period when the waves and currents tossed you about. But once you established a new momentum, you would not feel adrift anymore.
You may wonder what that new destination might be. But don’t try to fabricate it out of what you know. Remember, this will be a new world. Let your guides and teachers reveal it to you as they can. You may actually be creating something that has not existed before. Give your permission and live each moment with gratitude and allowance. Be the best tool in the toolbox. Creator did not create a toolbox full of useless objects. And there are no hammers in places where hammers are not needed.
What can you learn today? How can you improve today? Who can you help today? With those purposes in mind, you will never be adrift. And your new destination will reveal itself as a desire you did not know you had or abilities that delight you.
Know that you are living in the greatest moment of change your world has known. And further, know that the reason for this is that it is reflecting the greatest change humanity has ever made within herself.
傳導: Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年03月03日.
Pushing a rope is an apt metaphor for what many of you are trying to do. Stopping a stream by holding your hands against it would be another. These would be impossible tasks, agreed?
Now imagine pulling the rope downhill. Imagine – this is one of your favorites – ‘going with the flow’ of the stream. Not only would that be easier, but at times you might need to step it up to keep up.
現在想像往下拉繩子。想像 --- 這是你的愛好之一 --- 和水流一起流動。不僅這會是更加輕鬆的,而是有時候你可能需要加快步伐來跟上
So, the obvious question then becomes, which do you want to do?
We have addressed this several times in the past, but in this time, at this turning point, it needs to be covered again. We see you asking for help in coping. And we see most of you heeding only the answers that come from your own places of struggle. The true answer is that it need not be a struggle. Pushing a rope is a struggle, an unnecessary struggle.
What are you struggling against? That is key. There is a tidal wave of incoming energies engulfing your planet, actually your solar system. Energy is consciousness. This is orders of magnitude above the energetic environment of your past millennia. When higher consciousness meets lower consciousness, the lower will always be raised. Always.
Now the make-up of your physical being needs to be upgraded in order to hold the higher frequencies that you will be raised to. Everything we have said to this point will be agreed to by most of you. Yes? And this leads to what you love to call ascension symptoms. You have adjustments to be made by the very cells of your physical bodies. And the incoming energies are causing you to ‘catch up’, as it were.
So why is this a struggle? It is a struggle because you want to be changed, but you don’t want to change. You are afraid to change. You want a new world. You are afraid of what it might be like. What about my dog? What about my cat? My husband? My children? What about this? What about that? Oh, lordy! Don’t let the rope slide back down here! Why can’t I get the water to stop?
We will ask you to consider that the unconditionally loving Source of your being, your Creator, your God, if that makes you more comfortable, is not about to cause you to suffer. “But look at the past!” you say. And we say, “Yes, it has been made a mess of, hasn’t it?” And we ask you, are you blaming all of that on some vengeful, wrath filled being? Or are you finally willing to admit that just perhaps this is a world of your creation?
The upshot of this is that what should be your enjoyment of having your deepest wishes fulfilled becomes aches, pains, confusion, and fear. Your energies will need to be realigned. There will be adjustments to your energy bodies. Your cells will change. Your very consciousness will change. These things will happen. It will happen because you decided that you would be here to experience it. As has been said, it is not happening to you, it is happening for you. There may be some temporary discomfort. There need not be suffering.
Now, see yourself as hunkering down, arms wrapped around yourself, trying to avoid the inevitable. See yourself as standing in a beautiful field, watching the sunrise, with your arms open wide, singing as you welcome a new day. And we don’t ask you to see the difference, we ask you to feel the difference. You see, the hunkering, the suffering, is like keeping your foot on the brake pedal. Accepting, allowing, understanding and rejoicing are like hitting the after-burners. There we go, mixing our metaphors again.
Your highest divine self is seeking to live as you. Please welcome her. She comes to you with unconditional love. You are a part of her. She is the all of you.
Still you say why? Here’s the why. There will be a new world. The old one was created by your desires, your beliefs, and your imaginings. Guess who is going to create your new one? But this time, you are going to be far and away more capable than before. THAT is what you have decided. That is what humanity intends. And that is what will be.
One more note: You are further along than most of you have any inkling of. Just look at the numbers of you. Just look! It IS happening.