《1》.破除貪慾與自私. (20200116)
《2》.一切的存在. (20200301)











傳導:Natalie Glasson.
譯者: Nick Chan.於2020年03月01日.

I, Archangel Raphael, in loving radiant presence, greet you. May my healing energies awaken your belief in your own healing powers, creating a beautiful dawning of spiritual strength and the creative forces within you. Now is the time to recognise your own radiance, realising what is present for you within your inner radiance. I simply act as a mirror for you to recognise the Creator residing within your physical body; an eternal presence. Everything you see, sense and acknowledge within me, is present within yourself as well.

The Creator begins within each of us

Such a profound statement when you accept its truth, explore it deeply and live from this understanding. When you are unwilling to recognise the Creator within, you are believing that the Creator is initiated through others, whether inner plane light beings or physical people. The Creator is your origin. All openings and awakenings of any form are born from the Creator. The Creator arises from your essence and creates through you. In every form and dimension of your being, the Creator begins within you and all begins. This means you hold all that is the Creator within you. From the birth of the Creator to all creations, from the eternal nature of the Creator to the nothingness of the Creator. The entire journey of the Creator resides within you, whether you are in existence in a physical or light body. Within this realisation you seek the Creator within you rather than outside of yourself. You recognise the power, truth, and radiance you hold within you.

Allow yourself to affirm out loud a few times and then in your mind, ‘The Creator begins within me.’ Allow yourself to acknowledge how this feels for you. What emotions, thoughts or sensations arise from within you? Do you believe the statement to be true or does it feel unreal to you? Exploring this statement supports you in deepening your understanding of the presence of the Creator within you.

Creation is your truth and embodiment

Creation is the formation of energy and light into thought, emotion, physical or anything that can be experienced and embodied. Creation is the awakening of a journey of exploring the Creator’s essence. You could say it is the beginning of an expression of the Creator. If the Creator takes form within you and shapes manifestations/ creations, then the divine mind and divine plan of the Creator are present within you. As well as every journey of creation that you have ever experienced and which every soul has manifested. This is your truth, it is the vibration that pulsates throughout your being, flows through your life and intertwines into everything you create. You are an embodiment of truth and creation, whether you believe it wholeheartedly or not. In fact, you are an embodiment of all truth and creation of the entire universe of the Creator.
創造是能量和光形成思想、情感、身體或任何可以被體驗和體現的東西。創造是一個探索造物主本質的旅程。你可以說它是造物主一個表達的開始。如果造物主在你之內拾起一個形態,形狀顯化 / 創造,然後造物主神聖的頭腦和計畫就存在於你之內。以及你體驗過和每個靈魂顯化的每一個創造之旅。這是你的真理,它是貫穿你存在、流經你生活、編織你創造的一切的振動。你是真理和創造的一個體現,無論你是否真的相信。事實上,你是造物主整體宇宙中的所有真理和造物的一個體現

If you choose to, you can recognise the entire cosmos in your being

The Creator resides within nature, the universe, the world, life, and the cosmos. All of these are a creation of the Creator. Nothing is separate, everything is existing in oneness and harmony, even when chaos is present. You currently recognise yourself as separate from everything that is the Creator and yet everything resides within you.

There is first a need to recognise that everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator. You may judge something as being negative or positive, even that it is impossible for certain things or experiences to hold the energy of the Creator, however, judgment causes separation and misunderstanding. When you recognise that the energy of the Creator is in constant creation, constant motion, and manifestation, you realise that there is only movement within the energy of the Creator, so nothing stays the same. Transformation and change are a constant in the presence of the Creator.

Secondly, it is powerful to recognise that if everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator then you do too. If everything holds the energy and essence of the Creator, then everything is the Creator and resides within the Creator. Thus, the presence of everything exists within you.

As a being in existence upon the Earth, it can be challenging with the limitations of the mind to recognise the presence of everything. The Creator is eternal, and it can be demanding to contemplate everything simultaneously. It is possible to gain a sense of the presence of everything within you, connecting with the energy, vibrations, and frequency. Thus, you embody the presence of everything and are able to access all you need and require to be of service to yourself and others.

What does it mean to you to embody and align with the presence of everything?

What would it change in your reality and life experiences to embody and align with the presence of everything?

What would you consciously create and be guided to create from the space of embodying and aligning with the presence of everything?

It is important to take some time to contemplate and meditate upon the realisation and acceptance of the presence of everything residing within you. To achieve this, I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to repeat the statement, ‘I Am the Presence of Everything.’ You are stating that the Creator who resides within you and all beings is the presence of everything, all that is the Creator. As you recite the statement either out loud or silently, you allow the energy being created to direct your focus deeper and deeper within, aligning you with the energy, vibration, and frequency of the presence of everything. Thus, your entire being pulsates as the presence of everything, with infinite opportunities to create infinite possibilities.

Everything has already been created and yet it is experienced as if it is fresh and new. This is because of your willingness to be present in that moment with whatever is forming or manifesting. Each time you allow yourself to be present you transform, grow and are different. Thus, each moment is approached and experienced differently. Each moment is unique.

While it can be testing to imagine that all that is the Creator exists within you, it can be challenging to come to terms with the understanding that everything you agree with and disagree with is also present within you. It is powerful to realise your perspective creates your understanding of agreeing and disagreeing. Your thoughts and the thoughts of others can create that which you disagree with. I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to accept that everything is present within you; focus on the truth and inspirational nature of the Creator. If anything, not aligned with the inspirational nature of the Creator arises then simply let it go through your intention. You will be releasing it on behalf of the world and the entire universe of the Creator, which is an amazing service. Let the healing begin.

You may wish to take time to realise and meditate on the embodiment that you have access to everything you need and require; it is all present within you.

To be present in the moment and conscious of what is occurring is a powerful skill.

To be present with all you recognise yourself to be is inspirational.

To be present with everything is your truth.

I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to contemplate, seek and explore the power of everything within you.

In love, healing, and harmony,

Archangel Raphael

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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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