《1》.一切都在改變. (20200205)
《2》.繼續還是放棄. (20200227)
《3》.今年會是很有趣的一年. (20200228)

傳導:James McConnell.
譯者: Nick Chan.於2020年02月05日.

I am KaRa. It is also wonderful to be here with you, and to be able to share. And to help you to understand from the point of view that we look now upon your Earth, as we look down upon all of you. Not ‘down’ as in looking at you as something lower than us, but down from our vantage point. And we can see so many things that you are not able to see with your physical eyes. But when you open your third eye, fully open it, then you see as we see. And we see tremendous momentum gathering.  Everything is moving forward exactly as it needs to.  Even though at times you feel you are standing still, or the world is standing still and nothing is changing.

Everything is changing.  Everything is in motion now.  You hear many times that all is being orchestrated, and it is indeed so.  Everything is being orchestrated.

We, those of us in our ships, are preparing.  We are preparing for disclosure.  It is coming.  The many projects that we have been working on, and those of you on the surface have been working on as well, and even those below the surface have been working on.  All of these are coming to fruition, almost all at once.  So you will begin to see so much more that has been kept in the background, that has been kept hidden from you.

I speak now of the disclosure, that you are not alone in the universe.  The full disclosure.  Not a partial disclosure.  That has been requested by many to have a partial disclosure, but that is not to be.  Because the collective consciousness of all of you have risen up and said, “No more!  No more covertness, no more secrets.  Everything must come out into the open.  Everything must be revealed.  The truth must come forth.”  And because of that, you are changing the course of history, or the course of the timelines that you have been traveling on, and creating your own timelines.  As of yet, you do not fully understand this idea of timelines, but you will.

Because you are on the timeline of your own creation now, not the timeline of those who attempted to turn the time to their advantage.  They were able to do so for a very long time, thousands of years.  But no more.  For the source of all of creation in this universe has said, “No more!”  And everything followed from that, as if that was the one big domino that needed to fall.  And each domino fell from that, all the way down.

And you will begin to see soon that one large domino that you have been waiting for.  It has not yet fallen, but it is about to, and it will shake the very core of the beings, many here on this planet all at once.  It will be both Earth and mind shattering.

But I do speak of certain happenings that are coming forward.  For we can see the precursors of this now.  And yes, it does have to do with your political situation as a big part of it.  For all is going to be revealed.  And once this occurs, then we, those of us that have been waiting in the wings to show ourselves to you will be able to begin to do so more and more, just as we have begun doing.  But it will become more and more profound, as so many more of you, both those that are awakened, and those that are yet still asleep, will become awakened by these very events that will come forth.

I am KaRa, and I appreciate this time that I can be with you in these moments to be able to further help your understanding.

But again, always know that it does not matter how much you understand, but just that you know in the moment.  And when you are in that very moment, then understanding is no longer necessary.

Peace and love be with all of you.

傳導:James McConnell.
譯者: Nick Chan.於2020年02月27日.

I am KaRa.  I appreciate this time that I can come and be with you, and share with you, and continue to help you associate all that is changing in your lives.

All that is in the moment, right now, shifting and changing because of these energies.  these waves of energies that have been coming in for some time now.  As you have been acclimating to these energies, becoming accustomed to them, connecting with them, becoming one with these energies.

And these energies, these waves of energy, these waves of light, of gamma light, have been lifting you up, raising the consciousness in your bodies, reconnecting the DNA within your bodies.  Raising you up into a higher octave of yourself.

Because it is time now, my Brothers and Sisters of the Light, of this Family of Light.  It is time for all of you to realize that you have arrived!  Not that you are going to arrive, but that you have arrived.  You are in the moment NOW.  And in this moment right now, you have arrived!  You are there!  You are there in the fifth dimension right now.  Whether you stay there or not is up to you.  Each and every one of you have that choice to remain or to drop back.

Now, your life callings tend to draw you back, and that is understandable.  Because you still must live in the life that you have created for yourselves.  And that life that you have created for yourselves is still somewhat immersed within the 3-D realm, within the illusion of this 3-D consciousness.

But the more and more you become aware of higher vibrations, of higher frequency, of higher consciousness, and that you can find yourselves in that higher consciousness any time that you want in any moment, you can be there and, in many moments, you are there.  And when you fully realize that, then the blissful feelings, the expansive feelings that you have, even the expanse of your mind to begin to understand so much more in those moments, that begins to last longer and longer.

And you will find one of these days that you will lift into this higher vibration, into that higher dimensional frequency in the bliss that you are feeling and the expansiveness of mind that you are feeling, and you will begin in that moment to understand life.  You will begin to understand consciousness.  You will begin to understand the unification of all of life of the universe.  The connectedness of all life.  In that moment, you will understand it.

And as many times happens, as you fall back again, you forget.  You let go of that remembrance.

But I tell you now, my friends, that those remembrances that you have had from so many thousands of years ago, so many lifetimes past, will come back.

You will forget the negative times, the downtrodden times that you have had in this 3-D illusion.  You will forget all of that because it will no longer be necessary to remember.  Because the programming that those memories continue to hold you to will be gone forever.  Then you will be ensconced within the higher vibrations of the fourth and fifth dimension, and even higher than that.  Because even in your mind at that time, you will have arrived.  For it is still your mind, the programming within your mind, that continues to hold you back, continues to hold you down to this illusion, that continues to keep you within the matrix of your own making of this illusion.

But just as Neo was able to escape the matrix and finally realized who he was as The ONE, so too are you coming to that point where you will remember, when you will realize ‘I am the ONE.’

All of my peace and love be with each and every one of you, as you continue to move through these many changes that are ahead of you, many shift through this transition now that is taking you fast into your own personal ascension.

傳導:Erena Velazquez.
譯者: Nick Chan.於2020年02月28日.

I am KaRa Pleiadian Emissary,

I am representing Ashtar. Ashtar is my Commander and I belong to his fleet.

I am happy to be here. I was looking forward to be able to speak. I am the one who overlooks and helps some groups with their Ascension.

Today is my individual message, I am representing the Light Forces just like Ashtar does. I am sending this transmission to tell that I am happy to assist and help humanity to lift their consciousness and move to the next stage of their Evolution. I am pleased to be part of this amazing experience, for the first time in the galaxy to be able to ascend a whole planet with people on it. We are doing a lot of work behind the scenes, we are removing all of the obstacles that come to Earth. The obstacles created by the Dark Forces who don’t want for this planet to ascend. Please don’t be alarmed or be fearful, everything is going by the plan, don’t worry, just do your part.

I just want to be here and I am grateful that I can be here. I will continue to be part of this process and I will send some messages. I am pleased to see all the progress humanity is doing, especially some of the light worker communities, who are working so hard to bring and shine the light to the rest of humanity. We are proud and grateful for their dedication. We also are happy to assist humanity and help them with their process.

This year is going to be an interesting year. We are expecting for a lot of information to come out. The information that was hidden from humanity for thousand of years. Humanity was lied to about everything, including their origin. This is going to be the year of the truth, the truth will surface. We know humanity is hungry for the truth, they have been lied to, used, and they have been mistreated for a long time. Light is coming and we are grateful to see that. All of these energies that are coming to Earth and all of the things that have been done, make me happy to be part of this process. It’s an amazing process, some days it doesn’t feel like it is, because we know that humanity is still suffering, a lot people are going through hardships in different ways. We know that humanity is going through all of these diseases, which were created for them by the Dark Forces, but this is coming to end, you just need to be a little bit more patient.

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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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