《1》.一切都會過去. (20200221)
《2》.你們是彩虹色的光. (20200226)

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月21日.

Duality in all its aspects is now playing out before your eyes. There is a greater picture of what is at stake here. It is a battle between the Light and the dark, it is the age old battle that is now coming to completion. Those who follow an agenda that is not for the highest good of all are taking their last stand and they are being revealed in all their tactics and every step that they take to try to regain control.

Those who follow our messages and those who have the eyes to see have been filled with sadness by the polarity energies that are being expressed by those who purport to carry the Light. We ask you to remember our words to have tolerance, patience and the understanding that these times that are now manifesting upon your world are a necessary part of the cleansing and purging that is occurring in the higher picture of the events upon your planet and within human systems and society’s structures.

It is not as dire as it seems, it merely requires acceptance, the noting of the energies that are at work and a re-centering within self. All is perfect, Dear Ones, please remember this and hold steady your Light. The sky is not falling - the world continues to spin and continues on its journey. Know that adjustments are taking place within each human person who has been expressing great angst very stridently. This too, shall pass, and life will continue.

These times that you are now observing and experiencing, are awakening times, to allow each individual to consciously choose love; the way of love, higher energy and unity consciousness. This is a necessary and desirable quality to embody in a spiritually mature individual who can accept that all they are experiencing is in a state of flux and that they have chosen sides, if you will, of where they wish to focus their energy.

If you become overwhelmed by all that you are experiencing in social media and the news media reports each day, then know that it is time for you to re-center and ground yourself back to the reality of your own consciousness and that for which you have been standing. You will understand that there is nothing that you need to change, that you need to do. It is what it is, let the energies play out and you will see great transformation begin to take place upon your planet.

The shift has begun in earnest, being made manifest in the world around you and it is about time! Each individual has the right to express and act on their own inner convictions of what they feel is the right thing to do and it behooves everyone to begin to respect each other no matter what the diversity of their opinions and convictions are. Everyone has the right of free will choice because you live on a free will planet and that is what it means to live on a free will planet!

It is the right of each individual to access their internal sovereignty and use their Divine wisdom and knowledge to make free will choices in that which they feel is the right and good thing to do. Because opinions differ does not mean that those you oppose are less than you - all it means is that they walk to a different beat, all that means is that they have taken the time to go within and choose that which they believe is the right choice to make.

These current times are all about choosing to follow your own star, to walk in joy, to do those things that bring you joy, that bring you happiness. It is not required that you need the outer world to dictate to you what can bring that joy to you, it is all within you and it has always been within you - for that is where the Divine lives – within you! That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not  have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

Know that you are listening to your own hearts counsel and this is always good. We say to you, Beloved Ones, this too, shall pass. It is the nature of the affairs of the world to continue on, it is the nature of humanity to adapt, adjust and accept. Soon there will be a new perspective, a greater and deeper comprehension and understanding of all that is occurring during these times. Have patience; express your kindness and goodwill to each other. Nothing has changed in regards to the goodness within people, nothing is different. All are equal and always have been equal - there is no division in unity consciousness.

We ask you to continue to stand in your Light, to observe and reflect your inner Light, your inner goodness, the peace and goodwill that you hold towards everyone. This is what you then add to the collective consciousness in peace, tranquility and serenity; this is the energy that YOU add to the collective consciousness and this is what is most important during these changing times. Watch, observe and learn, there is much that is unfolding that is amazing and miraculous, look for those, Dear Ones!

I AM Hilarion.

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff.

你們中的許多人正感受到一種 “ 轉變 ” 帶來的影響。在你的心中你明白 - 你就處在轉變的過程。在你的心中你懂得 -  某件意義深遠的事情已經發生,而這是一次值得慶祝的盛事!由於你們在與這次的轉變整合,你們將體驗到一些無法抗拒睡意纏繞的時刻,那麼我們也請你跟隨身體的信號,盡力休息,因為對於你來說這很重要,讓你能吸納並整合正在你身體之內作用和影響的能量。如果你醒來的時候發現自己的脊椎疼痛,這表示你已接收了大量能量的下載,它們正在激活你的 DNA 螺旋,並且當這種情形發生的時候,也會帶來另一種跡象 -  便是你需要好好照顧自己的時刻,允許自己休息並獲得恢復與重建。
請走入內在並去尋找心的寂靜,因為這會很有幫助。當這種情形發生的時候,一種很好的辦法便是飲用更多的水。敬重你自己,也總是善待自己,就像是你期待你最好的朋友那樣誠摯的對待你。你非常值得這份努力與這份尊重。你們中的許多人正尋找到能量和精神上的焦點去完成那些一直被擱置與很長時間還未完成的計畫。你發現這些此刻正以創紀錄的速度在發生著。當這樣的情形出現的時候請你明白,親愛的人們,對於你進入這個世界終將完成的一切,時機正恰到好處。請對於任何週遭的發生保持 “ 內心的平靜與祥和 ” 。懂得,不論在你的周圍發生什麼都無關緊要,你總是被深愛著,被支持著,被保護著。你也總是被那些不可見的天使存有守候身旁。
在這顆星球的表面存在著大量喧鬧的能量貫穿一切。這些能量來自集體意識,混亂,恐懼,掙扎,擔憂的能量,它們來自於那些迷失的人,來自那些在經驗到突然的極端氣候改變之後奪走他們深愛之人的人。也有許多人生活在戰局激烈的國家,祈禱著和平的到來,能降臨他們的生活,進入他們的國家。有一股來自宇宙的能量正注入這種混沌的局面,於是,此世界的光之工作者們被要求,如往常一樣,持有他們的 “ 光 ” ,在暴風之中維持自身的平靜。 請懂得,你在這顆星球上的位置已是早已注定的,如此你能夠在需要你的地區以你內在的光芒矗立其中,為的是給那片區域帶來穩定。
你們每個人都像是一把 “ 鑰匙 ” - 一個關鍵,我們能夠看見並激活,同時連接你們彼此,為的是在這顆星球內部和表面建立穩定。所以你們瞧,親愛的朋友們,你們服務著一份更偉大的目標,超出你任何可能的想像。你就是我們的門柱 - 你是我們在黑暗中的燈塔,把它的方位指向空中。請明白正在釋放的是數個世紀以來被累積的黑暗與恐懼能量,正以一種加速化且令人震驚的速度被淨化,而最終,這必定是利益每一個人。所以,請懂得當前只是一種臨時的局面,為了讓這些陳舊的能量浮現表面這是必要的過程,如此它們才能被轉化並轉變到偉大的神性之光中,被用於利益所有眾生的最高利益。
在每個人的自身內部也有著大量的療愈在發生。許多事情正聚合起來,你們存在的許多方面此刻也正被統一,而這就在你們的內心中帶來更深度的和平。當和平體現在你的心中,療愈便能夠在你存在的所有層面發生。這就是此刻你們每個人正經歷的過程。當需要幫助的時候請祈請我們的協助,注入焦點。有許多的天使存有和療愈團隊正圍繞在你們每個人的身旁,在你們生活的所有方面幫助你,物質,精神,情緒和靈性層面,是的,還有經濟上。事情的走向正在扭轉 -  請明白,永遠不會失去希望。
謝謝收聽!感恩祝福! 大師希拉里昂.

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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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