【造物能量】傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.惡人和你一樣重要. (20200213)
《2》.平和對你來說意味著什麼? (20200219)
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月13日.
Dear Ones,
We wish to address your need to be right – and others wrong. Both of you are correct in your personal context. For just as you cannot be wrong, neither can anyone.
Of course, that concept seems inappropriate now for surely 3D activists are wrong.
ThreeD activists are only wrong for you. For their role of dismantling outdated 3D structures is as important as you creating new structures. Their rashness, meanness, uncomfortable comments, and activities are calling you and others to action.
What you are observing daily is the opposite of love. It is, in a sense, a declaration of war on humanity and the environment. A war that has become so obvious it is painful enough for you and those following to declare, “No more!”
But then, those 3D activists are as productive as you in building a new society of love and joy. For their antics are explosions of that which has been beneath the surface for eons.
Of course, 3D actions and statements are unpleasant. Actions and statements that call your new humane and environmental interests to the forefront.
Many of you proclaimed your love of humanity and the environment before this time of chaos. Yet, you did little to create new structures or avenues of compatibility. Instead, you pooh-poohed the nastiness, injustice, and pain created by you and others in your 3D world. Such was uncomfortable, perhaps even reprehensible, but certainly not something you changed your life to address.
So it is many of those now in power are taking those uncomfortable positions to the extreme, so you and others of the light finally address those positions instead of covering them with band-aids.
Until now, most of you proclaimed that political leaders, corporate executives, religious, social service, academic, and community leaders, were responsible for resolving your discomfort. Those “so-called” leaders were your moral compass. And, the injustices were not painful enough for you to do something about them.
Now you are angry at those designated leaders, those society doers who allowed you to live in 3D peace physically and emotionally.
Those designated leaders are becoming society punching bags with thoughts of, “All of this is their fault.” Yet you are as much to blame as any leader. For leaders can only be leaders if there are followers. It is time for you to do your internal reckoning. What is important to you, and why? And if something is important, what are you doing about it?
This is not the time of blame, it is the time of change.
Most of you in the past few years or months have lit the path for those following. Now your needs, directions, and actions are beginning to shift in ways you cannot yet fully understand. For you are either becoming or have been angry at specific leaders. Anger that fuels your current and future action steps.
What you do not yet fully acknowledge is that those leaders who seem mean or inappropriate for this new world are more friend than foe. For they are pushing you into your new being role.
Just as will be or is true for you, those leaders have claimed their new earth role. They are pushing and shoving you to see the entirety of global inhumanity and environmental blocks.
This new earth restructuring is not minor. It is more significant than any previous shift, including the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. And it is happening at warp speed.
So it is that the villains of this new earth play must be absolute villains, not allowing you wiggle room for deniability. The villains are playing as significant a role as you in transitioning earth from fear to love. They are merely playing an unpopular role. A role they accepted despite knowing they would be hunted and haunted for eons.
You get to swoop in and create love. Their role is to destroy and be vilified. Perhaps you cannot yet grasp the discomfort of their role. But know that they are doing as much to shift earth from fear to love as are you.
So do not waste time being angry with them unless you feel the need to create a new structure from the ashes of what was. And if you are to create new structures, realize that your precious skills were saved from the “dirty work” by the people you are now angry with.
They are destroyers. You are creators. And both of you are completing your roles admirably. The difference is that destruction must come before rebuilding. Those now destroying are doing so with flashing colors and laughing faces. For just as will be true for you, they are completing their tasks valiantly, ceaselessly, and carefully.
Future generations will glorify you and villainize those who promoted fear during this time.
Despite your beliefs to the contrary, the road of destruction is more arduous than that of rebuilding. Those destroying are now applauded by many. But, as time goes on and love, becomes more fully part of the earth, the destroyers will be villainized.
In contrast, even though your initial transition phases were difficult, the road is now smooth and straight. You only need is to recognize and follow your joy. And in future eons, you will be lauded and thanked.
So allow those you are now angry with to explore their paths of destruction. Just as you allow yourself to explore your path of rebuilding from fear to love. So be it. Amen.
傳導:Brenda Hoffman.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月19日.
Dear Ones,
While it is true you have shifted far beyond your expectations before entering the earth in this lifetime, you want to know more. Yet when we provide you with answers, you do not fully understand the meaning. A bit like playing peek-a-boo with young toddlers. Most often, toddlers do not understand you are behind a blanket. They believe you have disappeared. Such fun for you and such a tease for the toddler. You giggle. They question.
We, of the Universes, are not giggling or playing peek-a-boo with you. Instead, we are providing information that fits within the context of your knowledge base.
You have heard the phrase, climate change. With your knowledge, that phrase does not sound good. But since you have not experienced a similar catastrophe in this lifetime, you can only imagine what it might be like. Such imagining does not necessarily mean you will move away from the coast or that you will build a survival shelter, it merely means you are aware something terrible might happen.
So it is for living in a world of love and peace. That phrase likely produces images of white flowing gowns and fluffy clouds. For you have not taken a great deal of time to conjure up your perfect, or more to the point for this example, peaceful life. For a peaceful life for some might be riding a motorcycle in the desert. While for others, it might be sleeping on a hammock in the backyard or designing an office building.
What does peace mean to you? Not what should peace mean, but what does peace mean to you personally? That is now the image you need to project on your personal screens morning, noon, and night. Such is how you build a new world, one life at a time.
Indeed, some might wish to build a large hospital that cares for all, while others might want hospital care to be nonexistent.
How can those wishing for a new hospital and those wishing to end the need for hospitals live in peace in the same community? Easily if you allow yourself to shift away from the current power structures built from the top down. Just as everyone does not learn concepts the same way, so is it that not everyone heals the same way. You have accepted group thought for so many eons you likely cannot yet conceptualize that group thought is no longer valid.
Let us use the hospital example. Those who need technology to feel better will live a more peaceful life, knowing that such is available. While those who disdain technology will live a more peaceful life without it. So it is both treatment methods will be appropriate instead of the either/or you have lived for eons.
The same will be true for education and every other structure that limits your choices through social dictates. Once you allow yourself to dream beyond social dictates, you will discover a new world of possibilities.
You cannot envision a world that is open to all. Just as you cannot envision a world in which all religions and no religion co-exist peacefully. A concept we, of the Universes, have tried to describe in so many ways from the phrase, “You’re all one.” to “Love thy neighbor.” Inclusive phrases. Yet humans, until this point, have used those phrases to declare those within their belief systems are good and true. But those out there, whether a different religion, race, gender, political or sexual preference, age, and on and on, are not part of the chosen group.
Your new world is not about right and wrong. It is about right and right within the context of who you are.
You allow yourself to move from community to community, knowing some communities feel more right for you than others. Perhaps it is climate, economics, racial or gender-mix, academic levels, or all or none of those characteristics. But you do have the freedom to choose, and no one thinks such a choice is odd. So it will be for your life and the lives of all. No longer will you determine that only your group is right. Your new world is about all is right. It is just that some aspects are more right for you than others.
There will not be a need to feel better or worse than others for each is discovering what a peaceful life means. For some, work will be important. For others, reading, attending classes, producing a movie, or painting. It does not matter. For instead of needing to declare you are right and others wrong, your new being will understand that all are earth angels exploring that which gives them joy.
So it is no option is wrong. And any choice is only right for those who find joy with that option.
Those of you reading this material will breathe a sigh of relief intellectually, understanding how you are one. But emotionally, it is likely you will continue to believe such acceptance is not possible in this lifetime. So we return you to the game of peek-a-boo. For we of the Universes know what is available, what is true. And you forerunners are just beginning to realize that we, of the Universes, are not disappearing, that “You’re one” is not only possible, it is the only direction probable the next few months or years.
“You’re one” is not a phrase to be taken lightly, any more than was, “You’re your own guru.” The difference is, “You’re one” will not require a generation to achieve. Such is your goal and your dream. It is now time to make it your reality. So you will, as you have every step throughout this amazing transition.
“You’re one” is primed and ready to implement. So change your focus and your dream from what is possible in 3D to what seems almost improbable now. When has the impossible stopped you? Know that creating such is no longer a miracle, but a given. A new understanding of peek-a-boo. You are now mature enough to know we are not disappearing, and neither is your dream of peace and joy. So be it. Amen.