【委員會】傳導:Ron Head. 譯者:Nick Chan.
《1》.正在發生什麼. (20200209)
《2》.你的期望. (20200211)
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月09日.
We will continue speaking today of what is going on now, but we will bring the discussion a little closer to home for a great many of you. If we do not speak specifically about a situation in which you find yourself, do not feel left out. No one is left out. These are universal changes. Just expand the concepts into the situation you are in.
You know that you are approaching massive change. You know that you are, in fact, actually moving into the leading edges of it. You know this because you follow this and other sources. And yet some of you are experiencing things that are upsetting to you. They upset you because no one has told you that you should expect them and what they might mean.
Now there are many lists available to you of what you call ascension symptoms. And we recommend that you find and read or listen to some of them. You may find your own experience listed, but even with as many lists as there are, all of the possible changes you may be undergoing are not in those lists. Why? Because each of you is unique.
Think of it this way; each of you is being enabled to contribute your greatest gifts to those who may need you. Not only have you signed up for the assignment, but you have spent many lifetimes learning what you know. But you have hidden it from others, even from yourselves in many cases. Some of you came in remembering, but you thought you should bury those memories at some point in your lives.
Crunch time is here, however. You don’t want to miss this. So allow these changes in you to happen. Allow your hands to get hot or to tingle or throb at times. Allow yourself to see what you have never seen, and do not dismiss it. Allow yourself to hear us, and do not think you are losing your mind. Mark well the times when synchronicities occur. Take note of the times, however fleeting, when you feel an overwhelming oneness with everything around you. And the list could get a great deal longer.
We know that you are very reluctant to speak of these things. Your history accounts for this. You will not be racked or burned this time. Now, some of those you might tell will not understand. But telling them will at least plant a seed. There will be many times, though, when you mention something to another and are amazed at the flood of gratitude you receive when they discover that they can confide in you. Those like-minded souls are truly all around you. They just are as reluctant to expose themselves as you are.
Allow. Allow yourselves to be. Allow yourselves to expand. Allow yourselves to find out who you truly, truly are. The self that you are has nothing to fear. That fear has been carefully taught to you. Stop dancing with it.
When you decide to do this, ask for help if you feel the need to do so. It is not weakness. We stand ready.
傳導:Ron Head.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年02月11日.
You often have expectations regarding where you want to go, where you want your path to lead to. You want to experience this. You want to develop that. Is this the right path for me? Is this the best thing for me to be doing? Why am I ‘stuck’? I’m not going anywhere. Frustrated. Frustrated. Frustrated.
First, let us say that if you have agreed to be on a journey of a spiritual nature, and you have not made the decision to end that journey, then you are on the journey. Your soul, oversoul, higher self (take your choice) is not about to let you out of that agreement so easily. It is why you are there, after all. You are not stuck. So. Why are you frustrated?
You have certain expectations, don’t you? And those expectations are based upon what? Experience? Or do you just expect to be like someone else? Do you expect it to be as you were led to believe it would be? “I want to have all those cool abilities that the yogis have.” “I want to see this.” “I want to hear that.”
Now, in the past, a very few people were able to make such personal change over many lifetimes. They did not go to a certain guru for a month and become enlightened. There is no spiritual shopping mall. Many, many of you have made far more progress than you even imagine. But such progress is not measurable in such ways.
Relieving such frustration as we mentioned above can be easily explained in a few words. Notice that we did not say that the doing of it will be quite so easy. It will take the determination to apply the simple concept. But, it will be worth any such effort.
You can actually have no idea what your life will be like when you have moved into a new way of being. Why? Because you have never been there and anything you have been told is hearsay. You are now, and you will continue to be, unique.
You are basing your expectations on observations of others. You can only see the surface, not the reality. You are expecting things that you have decided that you want, without any true idea of what you need. And you are expecting instant gratification. Is this not so? Not to mention that you feel uncomfortable… because you have never been here before.
Your Self – notice the capital – is going to provide you with what you need for your Self’s purpose. And it will see that you have all that is needed first, if there is anything. But even that knowledge will not eliminate your frustration. There is, however, a magic formula.
But first, let us describe to you what your frustration is doing. It is causing the body that you live in no end of trouble. It is making chemical soup for your cells that you would not wish to have, and that is making you ill, one drop at a time.
So, what would cause your body to make chemical ambrosia for your cells to live in? What would make you stronger, healthier, and younger?
What if you spent all of the time that you are expecting a certain outcome – and feeling frustrated – celebrating the progress you are making? What if you were giving thanks for where you are compared to where you were? This would produce entirely different feelings and emotions, and those feelings and emotions would produce entirely different body chemistry. And we promise you that your ‘progress’ would accelerate immensely. But you would probably be so happy that you wouldn’t care.
Try it. You’ll like it