傳導:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.
I am Ashtar. I have given you a small sample of what you can expect (Note: this message followed a guided meditation led by Ashtar), first within your next Advance, but then beyond this. And when that Solar Flash, the Event, the Changeover occurs, what you can expect as an expansion of consciousness in those moments and well beyond what your expectations are at this point.

Take what you may have experienced here in this session, this meditation, and multiply it a thousand times. You will not even then begin to understand, or have a glimpse, of what it will actually be like.

But also know that even though you do these experiences, these meditations, they are focused somewhat on a future event happening. That future event is also in the present event. Even though your three-dimensional physical body and mind are focused on what is coming, know that it is already here.

Your expanded consciousness will allow you to understand this concept, how all is ONE within the NOW moment. When you understand that, when you feel that, when you experience that,, then you will not wonder any longer when is it going to happen, because you will already know that it is already happening.

There are many projects at work within the galactic councils at this time. Many that are being operated by the Pleiadians, many by the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Antarians, all the galactic councils working together to bring about this ascension process.

Not only here on the earth, not only here with mankind, but out in the solar system, and even in the galaxy, ascension is happening across the entire galaxy.

You, those of you, are in the forefront. You are the Way-showers to bring this event about. Without you, you the Lightworking Community, without you it would take much, much longer for this process to occur. But because you have come here to bring this into being, to be the catalysts for this grand event, and I use purposefully that term ‘catalyst,’ because you are the spark that flames the ember, that flames the fire. You are that spark. Without the spark, there would be no fire. Think on that.

Know of your importance. Yes, it is said that one individual, one higher consciousness individual in any given moment can make miraculous change across the entire planet to all of the collective consciousness of man. Just as the one, Yeshua, as the Christ, was able to do. Or the Buddha. Or the many that have come to bring about the various changeovers to the evolution of man. You, those of you, are now here to be that catalyst to bring the Changeover to the collective consciousness of man at this time.

You spoke earlier in your discussion of a discovery that has been made of an A.I. influence. That is correct. There are many facets of this program. Many that you could not even begin to imagine if you are considering it from a three-dimensional standpoint of your computer systems. You cannot begin to fathom the depth of this artificial program that has been slated for a long time to continue to operate here on this planet, to continue to hold the programming here, to hold you within the programming here.
Know that this artificial system was not always utilized by the dark forces. It was not intended to be so. But it was co-opted by those same forces to be able to hold you within the programming of fear, within the programming of despair, to keep you ensconced within the third dimensional matrix. But now that that has been discovered by those of the Andromedan forces, they are operating swiftly to dismantle this program.

What this means to you, to the collective you here on the planet, means a release of all of that programming. Imagine for a moment, if you awoke from your sleep one day and there was no sense of duality within you, no sense of anything of a dark nature within you: no despair, no fear, no sadness. That is what awaits you, my friends.

That is what this is all about: what you came here for, what we came here for, to bring you to that next stage of evolution. But in order to reach that next stage of evolution, you need to go through a sense of revolution, which is what you are moving through right now. Revolution within your planet. Not in a sense of fear or in a sense of hurting one another—those times are nearly passed. But it is in a sense of revolutionizing the system that has been here for a long time, many thousands of years. Because of this revolution, and this evolutionary process, you are now moving closer and closer to that Changeover, to that stage that will take you through this evolution of man to the next glorious Golden Age of Man. And I say purposefully ‘the next,’ because you have been within golden ages previously. This one is about to overtake you.

I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and sharing with each other, sharing the Light with each other whenever and wherever possible.

I will be with you at your next Advance with an important message, as well as a dramatic experience for all of you.

Peace and love be with all of you.


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    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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