傳導:Michael Love.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2019年9月10日.
great ones,
the pleiadians are about to light up the planet!
on monday, september 9th 2019, a powerful multi-dimensional star-gate will open allowing incredible amounts of 5d crystal light energy to flow through the portal onto the surface of planet earth!
the high-vibrational, central sunlight coming through the 999 star-gate, will activate four of the nine ancient atlantean crystals present within our planet: the emerald crystal of healing which is located in arkansas, the “om”crystal of multi-dimensionality which is located at mount shasta in california, the golden crystal of healing and regeneration located in brazil and the sun-moon crystal of light at lake titicaca, bolivia.
this crystalline grid activation is going to greatly increase the vibration on the surface of the planet, triggering dna activations in all the starseeds of earth!
it is an important day as this powerful white magnetic light flows into earth's atmosphere filling every dark space of the matrix, further transforming it into the new earth crystalline grid of pure light!
dear one,
this 5d celestial light is changing everything it touches, not just on earth but everything in the cosmos!
this 999 gateway will be the most powerful one in history as record levels of cosmic light data pour into earth's atmosphere!
light forces have said they will use this huge galactic star-gate to remove tons of 3d toxic energetic debris and 4d astral debris out of this realm forever!
light forces are working from the sky to the ground to assist in humanity's grand ascension by continually raising the vibration around earth and by clearing all low-vibrational energies out of the way of your ascension!
at certain points in space and time, the energies are in alignment offering increased ascension opportunities and this gateway is one such event that is going to give the starseeds of earth a grand boost on their spiritual journey!
this super portal will be open for the next nine earth days, providing an energy that makes it much easier to clear un-useful energies so the pleiadians say this is the moment for you to make a quantum leap on your spiritual path!
this is the key moment dear one when you must, be brave, take a deep breath, and make a firm decision to clear all the old traumas, dramas, stresses, worries, confusions and all sorts of low-vibe 3d matrix energies out of your energetic space!
until one gets to a zero-point state of no stress, the higher realms cannot be experienced! the very moment you stop the usual, stressful 3d survival thinking, you begin to experience the 5th dimension and we tell you it is the most beautiful thing that can be felt!
you must figure out quickly how to reach and sustain this state of being while you are existing on this planet!
it is time now to cut the cords with anyone who is holding your ascension back!
it may have been quite difficult to do this in the past but as you will see if you try over the coming days, it will seem incredibly easy!
any ties that energetically bind you to people or situations that are detrimental or limiting in any way will easily be severed during this period and you will find the strength to walk away with peace, love, compassion and forgiveness in your heart.
during this time, you will feel the urge to remove yourself from the company of anyone that regularly provokes arguments, shows aggression, is controlling, manipulative, deceptive, judgmental, overly critical or generally abusive toward you.
no more fears and no more "what if's", dear one!
step forward as a warrior of light, having great faith in the goodness of the universe!
it is time to make your great move, and we assure you, that when you do, your spirit will become totally free for maybe the first time and, you will open up and expand like an exploding star!
999 is all about truth and clarity and to be true to ourselves and give ourselves the very best chance of receiving happiness, peace and love!
we must ensure that the people we closely connect to are not going to continuously be causing difficulties and destruction!
this portal offers a rare opportunity to clear anything toxic, particularly the relationships we attract or maintain, from our lives.
during the next 9 days we are going to go through a very intense phase that will cleanse any harmful toxins from our lives, which include unhealthy habits, extreme behaviors, outdated beliefs, irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that diminish our energy and leave us feeling fraught, anxious and burnt-out.
the pleiadians have said that starseeds who have been involved in any toxicity must clear as much of it as possible now, so they will be prepared for the grand shift underway now on this planet!
not only will we be ending all of the old 3d painful cycles that has felt especially challenging, we are about to experience new levels of freedom that we have not known on the earth for a long time!
9 is the number of finality, so its energy signifies conclusions, endings and closure, but it also ensures we are ready to burn bridges and kick start exciting new beginnings.
if we place our faith in this energy, we will be directed toward our destined path so that we can attune to our true soul connections, passions and soul missions here on earth.
remember, when the old doors of low-vibe 3d close you will notice that new beautiful and amazing, 5d doors will immediately open up for you!
have faith and trust and take the quantum leap into the 5th dimension , great one!
its time for you to fly now!
angelic forces are here supporting you in great power and love and they will not let you down, ever! this is what we know for sure!
standby for an amazing nine days!