傳導:Michael Love.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2019年9月3日.
great ones,
2 earth days ago, a powerful high-frequency, plasma wave, originating from the great central sun penetrated the inner atmosphere of planet earth and a shock-wave of cosmic light is still reverberating around the planet!
2 天前,一個強大的高頻等離子波浪,來自大中央太陽,穿透地球的內部大氣,一個宇宙之光衝擊波依舊圍繞著地球迴蕩
as a starseed, we know you can testify about the impact of this incredible light blast and the effect it had on the formation your light body!
the earth's magnetosphere took a hard beating yesterday and was ruptured for the second time in the last 60 days by this powerful light coming from the galactic core!
地球的磁氣圈昨天遭受了一個重擊,在過去的 60 天裡第二次發生斷裂,經由這個來自銀河核心的強大的光
in addition to the massive wave of central sun plasma that arrived this weekend, a powerful solar storm has also been battering the earth and the human body auric field for the last 24 hours!
除了本週末到來的這個巨大的中央太陽等離子波浪,一股強大的太陽風暴在過去的 24 消失也在衝擊地球和人類身體的金場
inside earth alliance intel reports the level of these storms are now g-3 and above and their strength is being totally under-reported by space weather agencies!
內部地球聯盟的資訊報告說,這些風暴的水平現在是G-3 以及以上,它們的強度遠超空間氣息機構所報導的
the intense electromagnetic field now created around the earth is forcing the poles to completely shift (magnetically) and is propelling all upper-4d starseeds directly into the 5th dimension!
在地球周圍建立起的強力電磁場在迫使兩極完全轉換(磁性上的),在推動所有較高 4D 的星際種子直接進入五維
this super geo-magnetic disturbance is wreaking havoc on all 3d matter today as a large coronal hole in the sun's atmosphere has opened projecting this strong solar wind stream towards the planet.
這個超級地磁干擾正在所有 3D 物質 / 問題上大肆破壞,隨著太陽大氣中一個巨大的日冕洞打開將這個強烈的太陽風吹向地球
keep in mind that pleiadian light forces are engineering these waves of plasma being sent to earth intently and with advanced precision for the purpose of completely shattering the harmful low-vibe, 3d matrix illusion and to elevate the consciousness of the starseeds of planet earth to the 5th dimension!
謹記,昴宿星光之力量在管理這些被專門發送給地球的等離子波浪,伴隨著先進精密的目標 --- 完全粉碎有害的較低振動的 3D 矩陣幻象,提升星際種子的意識到達五維
on one side of the equation light beings are pushing against the 5d boundary and on the other side of the equation, unconscious humans are not evolving at all!
在等式的一邊,光之存有在推擠 5D 的邊界,在等式的另一邊,無意識的人類根本沒有在進化!
in mid september 2018, a decision was made by the council's of light to speed up the evolutionary process of planet earth and as you have noticed dear ones, record extremely high-vibrational energies have been impacting the planet and our auric fields for nearly 11 months straight now!
在 2018 年 9 月中旬,光之議會決定加速地球的進化進程,正如你已經注意到的,親愛的,極其高振動的能量一直在衝擊地球和我們的金場,差不多有 11 個月了!
all low-vibrational energies are being pulled up for transmutation by this magnetized white gamma photon light so if you or those around you experienced so strong emotions the last few days, know that this is the norm as many changes take place and know that you are not alone!
new lighter 5d earth energies are overlaying this entire realm, dear one and we are all being transported through an amazing 5d energy portal up to the next highest dimension!
新的更輕盈的 5D 地球能量在覆蓋這個領域,親愛的,我們都在通過一個驚人的 5D 能量門戶進入下一個最高的維度
the exotic mix of plasma light and magnetic solar winds blasting the earth this weekend are travelling at incredible speeds and are instantaneously re-coding the dna of all living organisms in their path!
在本週末轟擊地球的等離子之光和磁性太陽風的混合物在令人難以置信的速度中穿行,會瞬間重新編碼所經路線中所有生物的 DNA
the ions fired from both the central sun blast and the solar storm are literal nano-sized metal balls that strip right though the cells of the human body.
these powerful light waves are comprised of gamma-photon light originating from the central sun and is being bounced off earth's sun by advanced pleiadian light force craft!
the earth's sun is simply reacting to what is going on at the galactic core!
akashic central sun light data is being carried on solar rays to planet earth.
these cosmic light rays carry packets of super-intelligent cosmic data referred to as diamond light codes which are imprinted inside human body dna!
這些宇宙光線攜帶著超級智能的宇宙數據包,被稱為鑽石光之代碼,被烙印在人類身體的 DNA 中
when these ionized gamma particles strip through your cells, your genome is re-coded to a higher order at once!
this magnetic energy coming into the planet is forcing all lower-vibrational, trapped energy in the human vessel to surface so if you see humans and even some starseeds going a bit berserk, it's ok as the energy is released and transmuted! dear one, its all part of the plan, and we assure you that everything has a beautiful positive ending, regardless of the changes occurring on earth at this time!
in the latest pleiadian light forces transmission received by key members of the earth alliance, the data contained a cache of information that gave a clear understanding of how the incoming cosmic light works at the cellular atomic level and a simple understanding of dimensions!
在最新的昴宿星光之力量傳輸中,由關鍵的地球聯盟成員接收,數據包含一個會給予清晰理解的信息緩存 --- 關於正在進入的宇宙之光如何在細胞原子層面運作以及對維度的一個簡單的理解
we will present this data to you now in a down-to-earth way!
pleiadian dimensional primer:
question: what is all this gamma light, the event, the grand solar flash, schumann resonance, dimensions, 40-hertz frequency, states of consciousness, extra terrestrials, plasma ships, love and light, 5d and dna upgrade talk all about any way?
問題:這些伽瑪之光、事件、宏偉的太陽閃耀、舒曼共振、維度、 40 赫茲頻率、意識狀態、外星生物、等離子飛船、愛與光、 5D 和 DNA 升級都是在說些什麼?
answer: first of all, the labels- 5d, heaven, gamma state of consciousness, 40-100 hertz schumann resonance, bliss and love all mean the same exact thing!
答:首先, 5D 、天堂、伽瑪意識狀態、 40-100 赫茲舒曼共振、極樂和愛這些標籤都意味著同樣的東西!
there are 12 dimensional boundaries in this universe, each one resonating at a faster frequency as you move up the scale.
這個宇宙中有著 12 個維度界限,每一個在更快的頻率中共振,隨著你向上
we often say 'move up' to make a point, but a more clear description you are moving faster and not necessarily 'up'!
also when we say 'you are moving faster' we mean your cells begin to vibrate faster and faster as more gamma-photon light enters the body!
if we move down to smaller scales, human vessel cells are made of proteins and proteins are made of dna an extremely complicated molecule!
如果我們從較小的規模看,人類器具的細胞是由蛋白質組成的,蛋白質是由 DNA 組成的,一個非常複雜的分子
molecules are collections of atoms so ultimately we mean that the atomic spin of your atoms speeds up to incredible speeds when activated by gamma light!
your body has 12 primary strands of dna which work like nano-sized fiber-optic cables and 12 multidimensional chakra portals that allows askashic light-data to flow in and out of the body.
你的身體擁有 12 個主要的 DNA 鏈,像納米級的光纜一樣在運作,以及 12 個多維度脈輪,讓阿卡西光之數據進入你的身體
this atomic/chakra spin increase happens when the chakras are unblocked from toxic energies!
這個原子 / 脈輪的旋轉加速會在脈輪排除有毒能量之後
they open outwardly as their spin increases like a funnel on one end to allow gamma light to enter the layered bodies!
it's important here to say, when we say 'body' we mean your layered bodies and not just the physical bodies!
the layered bodies are simply versions of your body that exist in each dimension each one is lighter and and resonates faster!
keep in mind that dna is multidimensional and so are the chakras of the layered body system!
謹記, DNA 是多維度的,所以多層面身體的脈輪系統也是
so where does the large amounts of light go after it enters the layered bodies?
a small percentage of the light that comes in to your physical body vessel flows directly through you and straight down into the crystal core of gaia to build the crystalline energy grid on the planet's surface.
you store the rest of this advanced light data in your crystal-cellular database and transmit it back out again by virtue of your frequency!
this light-data-transmission broadcasts out of you etherically to the ends of the universe of which there is no end!
your light-data broadcast changes the energy of everything it touches and molds the matter of the entire universe into solid energetic form!
we hope this gives you a clue about who and what you truly are and shows you just what a powerful creator you are!
10 of these body dna strands were deactivated eons ago (by nefarious beings) for most humans and this is still the current state for humanity as a collective.
身體的 10 股 DNA 鏈在恆久前就被邪惡的存在“無效化”,人類集體目前的狀態依舊如此
most starseeds on earth now have 4-5 strands active!
地球上大多數星際種子已經激活了 4-5 股
there are approx 4.5 billion starseeds of the angelic species, stationed on earth now here on a great intentful, benevolent mission to wake up humanity!
大約有 45 億天使般的星際種子,處於一個偉大的仁慈的使命來喚醒人類
5d is not a place, it is a state of being or a state of consciousness known as the gamma state. it is a blissful state of being where both brain hemispheres (male-female) are fully merged into one coherent mode of operation.
5D 不是一個地方,它是一個存在狀態或意識狀態,被稱為伽瑪狀態。它是一個極樂的存在狀態,兩個大腦半球(男女)完全合併為一個凝聚性的運作方式
the psycho-physiological principle states:
any experience that you have, you have only while you are having a specific brain wave pattern.
if your brain wave patterns change then your experience will change!
this is as simple as it gets!
when you begin to resonate at the 40-hertz, gamma-level in a sustained manner, you will experience bliss-heaven on earth and you will have transcended all the lower planes and all human suffering!
當你開始在 40 赫茲,伽瑪水平(在連續不斷的方式中)共振,你會體驗極樂的人間天堂,你會超越所有較低的平面和人類苦難
if you resonate lower than this, you will experience a 4d reality or even down lower to 3d level, things will certainly not be so pleasant!
如果你在較低的水平振動,你會體驗一個 4D 現實或下降到 3D 水平,情況肯定不會太令人愉快
the old, low-vibrating, 3d earth-matrix is one state of consciousness and new 5d earth-heaven is a faster vibrating state of consciousness.
舊的、較低振動的 3D 地球矩陣是一個意識狀態,新的5D 人間天堂是一個更快振動的意識狀態
the outward physical experience of each of these 2 worlds, realities or planes is an outward physical manifestation that simply matches the frequency of that state of being or dimension!
so again, a dimension is a simply a state of being or consciousness that is manifested into the physical realm and perceived by the 5 senses!
所以,一個維度只是一個存在或意識狀態,顯化到物理領域並被 5 種感官感知到
it is important to note here that it is possible to be in the physical realm while operating at the 5d leve, having only the 5d sensory experience!
很重要需要明白,在處於物理領域的同時在 5D 水平運作,只擁有 5D 感官體驗是可能的
in exact alignment with the 12 dimensions of this universe, are the 12 main states of consciousness you can experience in this universe!
在與這個宇宙的 12 個維度的對齊中,有著 12 個主要的意識狀態你可以去體驗
at the moment, we are focused on the 5th state of being called the 5th dimension, heaven, nirvana, bliss, ecstasy etc...
this state is also referred to as oneness, stillness, zero-point, and the zero-field! at this consciousness level it is possible to do incredible things with near zero energy output on your part!
the states of being or dimensions we are discussing here are simply measured in hertz frequency!
the schumann resonance chart reflects the global average collective state of being or that dimension!
current earth-based schumann resonance technology can only measure up to the 5th dimension and earth psychology has only officially mapped up to the gamma state of consciousness!
dimensional frequency ranges correspond exactly to the frequency ranges of psychology-mapped brain wave states of consciousness!
note: we want to make it clear here that the word "brain wave" is the wrong phrase!
註:我們想要澄清,“腦電波 / 腦波( brain wave )”這個詞是錯誤的
a more better descriptive phrase would be, body-wave or cell-wave!"
internal frequency means, "brain-wave, body-wave and better yet, cell-wave , and even better, dna wave!"
內在頻率意味著“腦波,身體波動,更好的,細胞波動,最好的, DNA 波動”
dna works exactly like a tuning fork and resonates to exactly match the energy transduced into it!
DNA 的運作方式就像音叉,共振來完全匹配傳導給它的能量
even at a smaller level, dna is composed of cells which are composed of molecules which are composed of atoms, which are composed of quantum particles called electrons and protons!
即使在較小的層面, DNA 是由細胞組成的,細胞是由分子組成的,分子是由原子組成的,原子是由量子粒子組成的,被稱為電子和質子
so at the smallest level, your internal vibration or brain waves are how fast the particles are spinning in your cells!quantum laws kick in at this nano-level and you know the magic of quantum, no space or time and no limits!
your internal vibration is the exact speed in hertz frequency that your cells are resonating at!
the 6d state of consciousness is called lambda and resonates at 100-200 hertz and is yet to be officially recognized as a state of consciousness on earth!
6D 的意識狀態被稱為拉姆達(譯註:希臘字母的第 11個,符號:λ),在 100-200 赫茲中共振,在地球上還未被正式地承認為一種意識狀態
supernatural abilities only begin to operate at the gamma (5d) level and are fully functional in the lambda (6d) state of being!
超自然能力只會在伽瑪層面上開始運作( 5D ),在拉姆達( 6D )存在狀態是完全開放的
these god-like abilities become more expansive as you move into the faster states of being at the high end of this universe, from 7d-12d!
這些神一般的能力會變得愈加廣闊,隨著你進入更快的存在狀態,在這個宇宙的頂端, 7 到 12 維度
in the gamma (5d) state of consciousness you begin manifesting things with much more power and speed than 3d and you begin experimenting with your new creator-god power more at this level!
在伽瑪( 5D )意識狀態,你會伴隨著更大的力量和速度(比起 3D )顯化事物,你開始嘗試你新的創造者神一般的力量
in the lambda (6d) state of consciousness you can instantaneously collapse the quantum wave function and manifest anything you can imagine!
在拉姆達( 6D )意識狀態,你可以瞬間瓦解量子波動的運作並顯化任何你可以想像的東西!
the highest spiritual beings that have ever walked this planet including jesus, buddah and, khrishna, were able to attain the lambda (6d) state of consciousness and beyond!
曾經行走過地球的最高精神存在,包括耶穌、佛·陀、克里希納,都能夠到達拉姆達( 6D )意識狀態以及之上!
this was mostly achieved by mediation!
its important to note here that at the 5d level you cease needing to do normal mediation and your entire life becomes a meditation!
很重要去注意到,在 5D 層面,你不再需要進行普通的冥想,你的整體生活 / 生命變成了一個冥想
the word 'prayer' in the christian bible simply means meditation'. you are instructed there to, "pray (meditate) without ceasing!"
while prayer is a form of asking, it means to ask for something by matching its vibration by meditating on it and it certainly doesn't mean to beg some being you think is higher than you for a thing!
there is no being higher than you in this universe, so who would you be asking anyway?
dear one,
this weekend we received the largest influx of strong ascension symptom reports from starseeds all across the planet!
starseeds are still reeling from these powerful ascension symptoms due to an abrupt shift in frequency around the earth!
here is some quick guidance to ease the effect of these strong ascension symptoms:
eat only natural energy foods and drink lots of pure water!
crystal salt baths are critical to stabilize the magnetic field of the body!
change your eating habits at once because the body cant process the large amounts of light we are taking in now!.
you may have to rest/sleep more than normal now to integrate this light! its normal to need more sleep!
你可能會比之前需要更多的休息 / 睡眠來整合這個光!需要更多的睡眠是正常的
remove yourself from all toxic people, situations and things in your life and spend some time alone. you are changing and healing so you need to be left alone!
do your inner trauma healing to clear trapped negative and toxic emotional energy from the body!
seek knowledge outside of the matrix system so you can understand what is happening!
ask master teachers and healers for help if you need assistance!
crystals help channel energy through the layered bodies so learn how this all works and buy some basic crystals and place them around your sacred space!
love and pamper on yourself more than ever now and re-create your life to be only what you want!
learn to ignore the opinion of others!
connect to your higher self and move into your-space! this is where you will find comfort and joy!
you have to come first to get through this!
the good news is the ascension is moving ahead faster than for so long!
the current powerful stream of solar wind aimed directly at earth will subside over the next 12 hours but be assured you will emerge from this magnetic barrage as much stronger and more advanced being of light!
當前強大的太陽風直朝地球,會在接下來的 12 個消失平息,但放心,你會作為更加強大和先進的光之存有從這個磁性轟炸中浮現
your auric merkaba body is being reformed into a stronger, brighter diamond crystalline matrix!
final layers of old energies are being dissolved and your multi-dimensional body chakras are being opened and aligned so this divine light can flow through you!
hang on, don't forget to breathe and practice not reacting to things that would normally upset you!
the master has learned that, not reacting is his way of creating heaven!
great one, know that you are the great light of this world!
standby for more super 5-dna upgrades!
為更多超級 5-DNA 的升級做好準備
enjoy the ride!