新紀元揚升之光 2018-09-16


Maitreya: AnUrgent Message to Earth Humanity




Greetings Earth Humanity. This is Maitreya. I am transmittingthis message to Elizabeth Trutwin, who many of you know as a medium for Sanandamessages as well as others such as Ashtar and Mother Sekhmet. We are beginninga new set of messages through me, Maitreya. All who are reading this messagehave come in contact with me in some form at Earth or perhaps your Home Planetsome time in the past and likely the super ancient past. Thetime has come to transcend all science and religion by integrating Space Law.We have in past explored messages from other Star Masters who are all AscendedMasters who have perfected The Way of the Buddha; Sananda, Ashtar, St Germain,Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Vishnu and Shiva, Mother Sekhmet, Lincor,Salvington,Soltec, Lady Athena, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and so many others. The Way of theBuddha is Universal Law throughout space amongst intellectual Life Formsfriendly with one another. The Ascended Masters are all a part of the GalacticFederation and Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Where they are, everyBeing associated with them, human, non human and otherwise are all Enlightenedand are working on or have attained the level of Buddhahood also known as beingChristed Beings. The names are different and they mean the same thing. It is aknowledge higher than science or religion. Every Human living on Earth now wasrequired to have attained Christ Consciousness/Buddhahood before coming toEarth for the beginning of the New Era, The Golden Age. Not all who appearhuman on Earth are human. There are many who are nonhuman. These ones includethe few trying to control the many and are the root cause of evil we seeattacking commerce, the environment, religions and every sector of life onEarth. This is an urgent message to help each one of you make it through theturbulence which is on the horizon for Earth.


問候地球上的人們。我是梅翠亞。我把這個信息傳遞給Elizabeth Trutwin,你們很多人都知道她是薩南達的信息的靈媒,還有其他人如阿斯塔和母神賽科麥特。我們正在通過我,梅翠亞開始轉遞一系列新的信息。所有讀過這條信息的人都是在地球上或是在你的母星在過去某個時候以某種形式聯繫過我,這也很可能是在遠古的過去。通過整合太空法則來超越所有的科學和宗教的時代已經到來。我們過去曾探究過其他的星際大師的信息,他們都是揚升大師,他們完善了佛陀之路;薩南達,阿斯塔,聖哲曼,大天使麥達昶,大天使麥可,毗濕奴和濕婆,母神賽科麥特,Lincor,薩爾文頓,Soltec,雅典娜女士,娜達女士,聖母瑪利亞和許多其他人。在友好的智慧生命形式中,佛陀之路是遍及整個太空的宇宙法則。揚升大師們都是銀河聯邦和星際聯盟的一部分。在他們所在的地方,每一個與他們有聯繫的存有,人類,非人類,或者其他的,都是被啟迪的,他們正在努力達到或已達到了佛陀的層級,也被稱為基督本質的存有。名字是不同的,它們的意思是一樣的。這是一種比科學或宗教更高的知識。在新紀元黃金時代開始呈現的地球之前,現在地球上的每一個人都被要求要達到基督意識/佛性。地球上呈現的人類形式並非都是人類。有很多是非人類的。這些人包括少數試圖控制大多數人的人,他們是邪惡根源,我們看到商業、環境、宗教和地球上的每一個生命領域正受到攻擊。這是一個緊急信息,以幫助你們每個人度過出現在地球上的動盪。




Thereare two issues facing Earth now which outweigh all other issues involving thesurvival of the Planet. This new series of messages will provide informationregarding the severity of the problems as well as exploring extremely vitalguidance on surviving.




Thereare an untold number of off-Planet or otherwise known as friendlyExtraterrestrials and Angels assisting Earth mitigate the issues at hand,within the setting of worldwide war and environmental impact as an ongoingmission. In order for Earth to survive the coming cataclysmic changes EarthHumankind is completely responsible for saving themselves. That is UniversalLaw. Some call it the Prime Directive which states that each PlanetaryCivilization cannot have interference from those not living on their Planetexcept where there is mass psychological attack, such as was the case on 09/11or nuclear war. This transmission is to alert those reading to the fact thatEarth needs the help of a Human Network who are Enlightened to act as nodesforming a network over Earth, as if holding hands transmitting the highestenergies of love and thanksgiving to Mother Earth and all sentient beingsliving on and within her.





InEarth’s very beginning she was a water world. This was the time of the firstAtlantis period. At that time Earth had only begun forming an outer crystallinecrust which would become many millions of years later, a solid shell of surfaceEarth as we know today. In the first period of Atlantis those who lived herealso were not living in the material Human form that we have today, theirbodies were transparent.






Duringthat period the Atlanteans were very pure and were fooled into the GrandExperiment through naivete where malevolent Beings interfered and took overEarth from almost the beginning. A bubble was formed around Earth whichscientists have discovered today and have no explanation for. Any who incarnateat Earth become stuck within the anomoly bubble where the Soul cannot see pastentering a new life on Earth through reincarnation. There have been ongoingconflicts due to this which resulted in the rise and fall of Atlantis twice aswell as Lemuria having two cataclysmic endings in two different periods.Earth’s history goes much further back than is acknowledged by your worldcivilization today. This is part of the perpetual forgetting which happens inthe suffering of cyclical birth and death as is experienced in the enslavementof reincarnation to keep Souls bound to continue to never be free of theshackles holding them to Earth.




Eversince the second demise of Atlantis, which today we know as Egypt, advancedtechnology has been taken off Planet to allow Earth Humanity a chance to healthe wounds it heaved on Mother Earth with nuclear attack which sank a greatpart of a continent. This happened when two factions on Earth bombed each otherwith nuclear missiles. One faction was in China and the other, the Americas.All who have reincarnated to Earth in the years since hold the memory of thatcataclysmic event within the code of their individual Human Genome. No one canescape responsibility to help heal Earth now before it is too late. The firstunescapable large issue Earth faces now is the very real magnetic pole reversalwhich is now underway. This is not the same thing as a pole shift. Magneticpole reversal on Earth is a natural phenomena which occurs, as scientists haveproven, about every quarter of a million years. Often it results in an ice age.It has been over 3 times longer since there has been a magnetic pole reversalso scientists are saying Earth is overdue. The Sun works in harmony with thePlanets in the Solar System. There is a phenomena called the Solar Cycle wherethe Sun naturally reverses it’s magnetic poles every 11 years. Since the lastreversal which happened in 2012, the Sun has been building up plasma and itcontinues to build without being sloughed off in the natural way. This ishaving an impact on Earth as well as the entire Solar System. It is preparingEarth for her magnetic pole reversal due to a build up of energy beingtransmitted to Earth each day. What can trigger a reversal is an Earthquake ora Volcanic Eruption or other large event. The most likely candidate for now is thegeiser in Yellowstone Park in the United States as well as Mt Fujiin Japan.







Inthe event of a magnetic pole shift which is imment the surging energy will takeout the electric power grids which supply energy to the large cities, yourhome, our military facilities, food supply, ability to pump water for drinking.In other words unless there is a river or well within walking distance of yourhome, it undoubtedly will become very intense very quickly. Besides losing thepower grids there also will be no computers in these areas which we rely on forhealth and safety as in hospitals, pumping gas into cars and airplanes or inhighrise buildings, the potential loss of computers and phones is a major issuein this case. Science museums have displays of the ice age showing few peoplesurvive and dinosaurs and birds survive without interruption. It does not meanthe magnetic pole shift will be that intense this time, there is no way to knowuntil it happens. Getting off grid and self sufficient for those who can is avery good plan.




Theother major problem we must address is removing all remaining nuclear powerplants. Nuclear power plants must be closed. The nuclear energy must becontained and rendered harmless in the proper way. We have already seen whathappened at Fukushima after a large Earthquake and resulting Tsunami. All ofthe nuclear power plants are a danger due to Earthquakes. The results of theleaking of nuclear material from Fukushima has been a significant poisoning ofour oceans Planetwide along with killing off unknown numbers of species ofwildlife including plants, minerals and animals of all kinds. Our oceans areMother Earth’s lifeblood and their viability effects every single person livingon her. It is time now Earth Humanity organize a Human Network with theintension of praying we resolve these issues quickly and safely. The return ofadvanced technologies to the Planet is more important now than it has everbeen. This Human Network of those working on their Enlightenment and theEnlightened Beings here now can join forces to transmit love and thanksgivingto Earth both through prayer and personal practices. There will be a shift inworld civilization practices and it will happen very quickly. How bad thecataclysmic event is all depends on what preparations we take today. Pleasecontemplate these two issues and think about what changes you may make in yourdaily practice for yourself, your family and friends. We will continue todiscuss these issues in great detail in future messages. We will keep theconversation going.






Thatis a lot of new information to take in so let’s end this with a prayer. Firstplease connect to all who are reading this now or in future. Take a moment toclose your eyes and slow your breath thinking about connecting with thebeautiful Human hearts solidly on this mission with you. Your Earth Soul family.Now the next part is best done during the day and outside if possible. It canbe done once in the morning and once near sunset. It can be done inside and atnight as well. Please stand to allow your feet to point towards the center ofMother Earth’s heart. Clasp your hands together, palms together and hands infront of your heart as the Namaste mudra. Now focus your attention on the giverof life, your Sun, the Father. Imagine the stillness inside the center of yourheart. Then, focusing on the Sun connect with the stillness in the center ofthe Sun, the heart of the Sun. Realize that Source energy constantly andinstantly beams down from the end of your Universe, into your Sun and thenright into your heart. Allow yourself to focus and perceive this energy goingfirst into your heart and next out your feet into the ground and combining yourlove and thanksgiving transmitting the energy right into the heart of Earth.Focus and continue to stand doing this meditation prayer for five minutes ormore as you are comfortable. This is an action you can do everyday, twice a dayis best, to begin and end the time you spend taking actions each day which willmitigate the effects including the loss of life of all forms. We will beginthrough these transmissions to form our Human Network of love and thanksgivingfor Mother Earth and laser focus our attention on problem solving andcooperation. Please take time to research what has been said here regardingEarth changes and see the issues at hand. Also, you may form a Planetwidenetwork by sharing the concerns you have with your family and your friends.Peace to all on Earth. This is Maitreya.













    創作者 痞客 (謝謝訂閱) 的頭像
    痞客 (謝謝訂閱)


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